Democratic Voter Base just Shrunk

>President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Sunday released a seven-page letter he sent to US President Donald Trump detailing how he plans to improve Mexico's economy and security when he takes office in December so that Mexicans do not feel the need to migrate.

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>after mid terms :(

>trusting a spic

looks like the floodgates are about to be opened

Can't embargo the amlo. The future is bright lads.

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inb4 he gets called a fascist and a xenophobe for wanting to make his country good enough to want to stay in

Illegal democrat voters are like budget deficits. All we can ever seem to so is reduce the growth rate. We can never stop the growth or, heaven forbid, reverse it.

He already said this:

''Mr. Trump and Me, Both of us know how to fulfill what we say and we have successfully faced adversity, we managed to put our voters and citizens in the middle and take the establishment out of the way''

I'm waiting for the establishcucks reaction.

>We can never stop the growth or, heaven forbid, reverse it.
Well...there's at least one way to do that.

Now take back all the wetbacks who came here after 1990.

>after 1990
Try after Eisenhower deported them all the 50s

The Germans reversed a demographic

>7 pages
Lmao Trump didn't read that

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trump's attention span is even shorter than his trumplet

>a workaholic who sleeps 4 hours a night is too lazy to read

Actually based

Make Mexico Great Again

Stop your making Senor Fox more triggered then he is.

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>top top bun

fucking criminal scum like you deserves to swing from the gallows, potato monger.

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The way I see it if he makes things better for Mexicans they'll want to stay in Mexico, so I really hope it works out for you.

Wtf is this guy? During the election wasnt he saying he wanted mass illegal immigration to the US. Did he swindle his voters?

Let's hope he keeps his word. No country should PROMOTE their own citizens to swarm into another country like the past and past-past president of Mexico did, that's next level cuckoldry.

> I am Vincente Fox, president of all mehico.
> read in the voice of Speedy Gonzalez

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he'll keep his word when a 30 foot fence is built.

i all for the great white hope

oh nvm he plans on forcing us to keep nafta by using immigration as blackmail

oh fuck you I did!

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You know what? I am open to see how he runs Mexico or attempts to. If he can make it so that illegals are slowed and have more incentive to stay in their country rather than flee, that's a win.

He'll be dead, the cartel's want the migrates because it's easy for them to run drugs over the border. They will assassinate this guy that wan'ts to make Mexico great again

Just KYS

Watch Trump and LMAO form a left-leaning nationalist alliance against the globalist establishment and BTFO everyone

Haha stupid Drumpf can't read! *wins election*

A strong mexico is good for us, good luck.

Also, please build a wall on your southern border so we don't have to build one on ours.