The Benalla scandal in France. More and more, not only on social media...

The Benalla scandal in France. More and more, not only on social media, people are less and less subtle about the underlying truth. How else would you explain all the benefits (cop car, salary, weapons, universal access badge, police scanner and badge, military promotion,...). They are lovers. He probably even fuck both. Really makes you think?

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Other urls found in this thread:[Echobox]é-manifestant-possede-port-darme

Down with the kike!

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Nobody gives a shit, bro.
Leftist scum and Front National stooges are trying hard to paint this as the biggest scandal of the century but it’s just boring now.

You don't get it. It's a great meme. Everytime someone has to debate with Macron or his minions, he just has to say "benala".

>no link
>no vid
>not keyword

They try to shit it to LREM amateurism regarding homeland security. See link between Jawad Bendaoud, who helped the Bataclan terrorist and the bodyguard Makao hired by Benalla. LREM bypassed the DGSI and Police to appoint these guys without any background check. Whether it was nepotism or clever con artist making their way to the top, this is extremly freightening.

You don't see it as one ? I mean, seriously.

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It's crazy. Their world is so small. Macron bodyguard knew the bataclan terrorists.

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Aren't French presidents supposed to have mistresses though? I thought it was the norm in France.

Macron must be the exception.

is this common knowledge??
iv never heard this

Sorry for links in french, you can translate with google.
this is what we got so far..

>he's a Freemason.

>He had Defense secret clarifications.[Echobox]

>Police Prefect says it's "friendly arrangements"

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It's more about who will speak about it than who heard of it.

> Benalla carries in his scooter a weapon without having the authorization in 2016.é-manifestant-possede-port-darme

> His real name is Lahcene Benahlia.

> Macron and Collomb have erased video tapes from the city of Paris to protect Benalla. Benalla /

> Macron tried to make him pass sub-prefect

> It is probably a Sephardic Jew who has links with the LDJ, and who was present at the last dinner of the CRIF.

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>>he's a Freemason

Imagine my surprise.

this cant be fixed without civil war can it?

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his name sums up to 888 in genglish gematria


No, maybe we need a real Trump like politician who isn't afraid of saying things. That's for the "wake up the masses" part.

As for the white genocide, nothing can be done much. The most partisan of a race war are denied any action by the race traitors who are too powerful
The plan has been established by Jean Raspail and I don't see any reason to deviate from it :
1) regroup and isolate
2) wait for collapse
3) reclaim our continent
All we can do is live on our life the best we can, pass our values and wait.

>wait for collapse
At this point, we should start looking into accelerationism. The sooner the economic collapse arrives, the sooner mass migration will stop.

Benalla is Macron's lover.

They can have my country (temporarly), but not my soul.

The norm is more a second, hidden, family, wife and kids.
Miterrand and Chirac did.
Then Sarkozy tried, but his first wife left him so he had to settle for divorce first.
Hollande never married (he had 2 or 3 women in his life at the same time when President though)

Things have gone to shit since the official family + hidden family days.

>1) regroup and isolate
Where is the regrouping area, if I may ask?

>2) wait for collapse
>3) reclaim our continent

Fingers crossed it crashs before 200million africas flood into europe or we lose .

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What are mostly white areas in France ?

I don't know this story. Macron is a gay?

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So, Bretagne it is? I must confess I don't like the rain much.
Will wearing a round hat, eating crepes and playing the biniou mandatory?

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don't you have a link to the actual book? because, you know, some of us know how to read.

Ah that's not really the most important part of whats happening
Don't worry , I will babysit you when civil war comes to Europe ,well that is if yr coming

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I was talking about the preface in the 2011 edition of the book, it is atext called "Big Other" and Jean Raspail delivers a new personnal analysis of the situation regarding his fiction.

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So, the Blacks will holocaust the Jews, again, then the Whites will defeat the Blackzis (only this time, they'll wait until the holocaut is done), and everything will be swell again with the Whites ruling, the Blacks working, and the Jews resting in peace?

Could someone explain what's going on?

It's the summer holidays in France plus it's exceptionally hot at the moment so nothing happens, the newspapers have run out of World Cup stories so they are trying to invent a political crisis from minor facts.

sorry, just listen to it like us thickos

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Nah, won't do, but thanks, you're nice, if dim-witted.

Thank you :)

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Macron is a jew's puppet, financed and payed American's bankster like Goldman Sachs and Financials globalist, his aim consists in sell France's last ressources like gold to them....

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Am I interpreting this right, even Bretagne has at least 9,1% non-whites?

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No, wait, this only concerns metropolitan areas, r-right?

It's the LDJM not the LDJ, the LDJM is to protect muslims.
The link you provided don't prove he was a jew, on the contrary, the article says "Benalla was sensible to the muslim cause"


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