Trump 2020

Trump's approval hits 45%, an all time high!!!!

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why is his partisan support higher than obama's!

I can't wait until the libs lose the will be like a mini 2016 election all over again.

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probably worse, but only because a bunch of them will recognize the implications.

>mfw people on Jow Forums are so fucking smart and are obviously betting on the right horse

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i dont know about that,,, i hope so though.
if the Trade wars dont hurt the economy too much by Oct. and more people wake up to the illegal emigration problem then i think Nov will be great for Reps.

It is funny that his approval is actually higher than Obama's was at the same time

He's going to win 2020 in a landslide

taking on china
collapsing irans terrorist regime
russia refuses to sell arms to iran
north koreans are cooling
economy growing at 4%

whats not to like?

Trump is a pathetic Hyper-Boomer posting his impotent threats in ALL CAPZ.

Wow! Not even 1 in 2 people like Trump! You really do have low standards!

Uh um sweetie, he hasn't even cried once as president. #notmypresident

Higher than Obama's approval rate

Keep in mind that Trump got elected with 33% approval rate

It's going to be an absolute blowout in 2020

>Only president to have a higher rating in their second year is Bush post-9/11

>whats not to like?
He had sex with playboy models.

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I'm not well versed in this sort of thing, is 45% a lot?

Yes, you really only need about 30% of the populations vote as long as they're from the right states electorally. .

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Millenials, Nigs and spics don't vote unless you drag them out to the polls, so a 45% approval rating is good. Trump supporters are far more incentivized to show up.

nigs only vote when its another nig

To be fair how many white males would vote for a conservative female? I'd say less than normal...

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>all time high
>still not even half the country supports him
How did this orangutan win again?

> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.

It probably helps when his opponents are one step away from shitting into their hands and smearing it on the walls. I really really want the abolish ICE and no more borders movement to be pushed further by the media.

post guns or shill off

He won with 33% approval, now think about what that means now

Yes fellow Trump voter, I too am disavowing Trump





trump blew a russian man on stage

>(((WE))) leaf
>links to his own thread
Shilliest shill I've ever seen shill

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Who else is hyped for war with Iran here? xD

Can't wait to defend our friends in Israel, the bastion of democracy in the middle east, and kick those filthy arabs out of their land!

Lmao this is old old pasta

It means 8 years of the God Emperor

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>it's another Democrats pretend they don't like war episode

The gig is up after Obama.

We're talking about Trump or Billy Clinton here?

this is a good point. it's not so much that i agree with everything trump does, but i'm continually appalled by the behavior the left seems so content to double down on

Its 52-43. Not bad but since at least one third are russian bots I think hes kinda bad.

FACT: My penis is bigger than you

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It isn't a lot per se, but when a lot of that support is hardened and with the democrats suffering a lot of infighting (and with no apparent leader for the dems meaning a weak neolib challenger) yeah 45% is pretty good. Especially since Trump faces opposition from the media on an untold level day in and out.

>b-b-but he is better than obongo!

wow, user. how desperate are you?

>an all time high!!!!
Were Russians doing the polling?

Not necessarily stupid idea, but American conservative female politicians look retarded - from Euro perspective.

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Wow its like the media is losing grips on reality.... but wait.. didnt that happen 8n 2016? I wonder what happened back then. Huh. Looks like an election

At least they can unite over wars of aggression.


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your penis is bigger than him?

Assuming user is like 5'9", I seriously doubt your penis is bigger than 5'9"

You can't make it as a cop unless you're too dumb to read the bill of rights anymore. They'll kick you out of the academy if you start thinking for yourself.

You're a Russian troll.

pol has been overrun with russian trolls shilling for trump.

Oh really faggot, 99.9% of Trump supporters are red blooded Americans. 74%of the US military also voted for Trump. I guess they are all just Russian bots too?

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Lol i love how there are retards who actually believe that "russian trolls" are a thing

The military voted for him because they dont want wars. Some volunteers they are lol. The standard GOP politician is usually much more warmongering. PMC's must hate his guts though.

that polls are inaccurate, especially when the people running the polls have a political agenda to sell?

Womp womp.

The left has a hard time understanding that people disagree with them. To them only "literally Hitler" would do such a thing.

Why are /ptg/ mods deleting relevant threads?

>irans terrorist regime
based goy

I just want to give a shout out and a thank you to all the hysterical liberal faggots who drive more people to the right everyday.

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Yes. It means the republicans will win in november by 10% at least and Trump himself will win in 2020 by at least 15%. I don't even have to register to vote at this rate.

Better do it anyway to be safe, don't to get too cocky like the Hilbots did.

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He can have 60% approval. Mueller will still destroy him.

Suuuuure bro...keep putting all your eggs in the "muh Russia" basket.

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do it regardless. im in a blue shithole state and will be voting anyway

I hope iran nukes israel.

lel it's 15 points higher than that

We never sleep on the job again. Never.
Our mission to vote out of office every single Democrat and every single Rino. We need to replace the elected officials in this country with real patriots.
We'll sleep when we're dead (and then we'll vote Democrat).
Until then, there's work to do. It starts with voting.

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Don't get too cocky! That's how we lose! STAY VIGILANT!

The louder the left and MSM scream, the more popular he and his policies get.
>You'd think they'd have recognized the pattern by now.

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>Trump's approval hits 45%, an all time high!!!!

I'm happy, but also wondering what the fuck he was thinking this morning with that tweet.

Vote you fuck. Everyone needs to do their part. We need to fight as brothers and be able to depend on each other. This is the only way we win.

accept a non racist president and let the immigrants come in its not that hard to understand you racist

So it's actually like 65%?

>republican all-time high of 88%

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When you're only at 45% approval and the economy is doing amazingly, you know the guy has serious issues. Most people don't pay attention to anything and they just approve or diapprove of the president based on how the economy is. Trump's approval rating should be in the 60's but it's not because he's a moron.


Russia must have hacked the approval rating! kek

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ITT: People actually think Trump will get a second term, let alone make it there.

Fucking idiots I swear. This country is shit lmao

I know, don't those Drumphtards know that Hillary is 99% certain to win? Drumph BTFO!

Get out of my country you dumb fuck. Go lower the iq of a third world country.

Drumpftard supporters in the next couple of years:

"I never supported him. I was just trolling!"

Try harder.

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I wish I got paid to shit on you Drumpftard idiots


Wow, you're so low-info you do this nonsense for free. Well, if you're really a free agent in this discussion, and for some reason you genuinely can't understand how it is a positive thing for the USA to have a POTUS that puts the nation's interests first, I recommend you do a lot of reading.
Start with the Constitution. Not with an article about the Constitution, nor any left- (or right-) wing youtubes about it.
Just read the document, including Bill of Materials, from start to finish. It's not that long.
Then consider the actions of the last four administrations and juxtapose them with the actions of the Trump administration.
If you still can't understand why Trump is the greatest president since Andrew Jackson, and will win reelection in a landslide in 2020, there's nothing more I can do for you.
America is waking up. As we awaken, we reject the false song of globalism and the freedom-crushing lies and misdirection of the modern left and rino right.

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>HURR DURR space time continuum
why are leftists so retarded?
time is passing at the same rate, gravity works the same
So why use such an inappropriate term

>shit on
you're only shitting on yourself, retard. go back to your discord faggotry

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Never voted before and I am 48. I will now vote rep in every fucking election until I die!

Good user.

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Splitting hauirs.
W-well if he were really awesome, he would crush us x5 over, instead if just x2! Lol

You are going to hate the future...

unironically kill yourself. fuck you and your service, libshit

If the dumbocrats don't get their act together I'll vote for him again.

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imagine what the real numbers are

perception of the time is strictly related to the speed you are moving with. if you travel with a speed of light time passes slower for you than on the outside

That means 55% disapprove traitor Donny.


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>think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
and you wonder why everyone thinks you're a shill that's full of shit?

To be fair, we covered all this during the 2016 election. The polls were - and still are, for the most part - skewed. Just about every major poll that still shares their methodology (and many have wised up and hidden their methodologies) boils down to:
- more D's polled than are proportionally represented in the general population
- less R's polled than are proportionally represented in the general population
- less Independent's polled than are proportionally represented in the general population

The most egregious polling, pre-election, sometimes oversampled Dems by anywhere from 10% to 20%. Even just 5% is massive, because it's not just 5% more for Dems, it's 5% total less for R's + I's; a net 10% swing from reality.

Even when pollsters don't do this intentionally on a call-by-call basis, they still do it in aggregate by picking area codes that have a higher chance of having a D answer the phone.

This is why the left-leaning world was in such shock on Election Day 2016 (Nov. 8). The msm had fed the public a steady diet of pro-Hillary polls for months on end. In fact, they told us Hillary was so far ahead of Trump in the polls that she no longer even thought about him. Plus they had massive voter fraud to augment her numbers (miscounted ballot boxes, millions of illegals, et al.).

Trump not only won the electoral college, but he won the popular vote by as many as 10-20 million votes. This will one day be public accepted knowledge.

Likewise, for Trump to be polling at virtually the same numbers as Obama at same time in their respective first terms is truly amazing, because the msm/Hollywood/sjw SM platforms work 24/7/365 to besmirch him (93% of the time according to the latest Harvard poll) while they worked tirelessly -for- Obama at the same time 8 years ago.

Trump will win in 2020 by a landslide. It won't even be close.

See (pic related). The reality is about 30/30/40 (R/D/I) yet look at what ABC/WAPO chooses to go with.

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Why is it a good thing for America that Iran gives Israel a reason to demand America intervene in the middle east?

Ignoring that Iran is a multicultural shithole.

This. I won't be registering to vote either, the time I save will feel extra sweet when all those libtards realized they wasted their time again! HAHa

The reason it is relevant is because Trump's approval has been rising on average between March 2017 and now. It indicates that while Obama saw his approval ratings constantly going down on a long term trend resulting in midterm defeat, Trump will likely do well in the midterms.