Hey France and Germany...

Hey France and Germany, how does it feel being so irrelevant that even American bakeries don't care about your countries so much that they fuck your flags up?

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based. i bet the baker is a redpilled trump supporter!!


>Americans doubling down on their ignorance and painting it in a favourable light

Based bakery.

low effort. sage

Even our own military forces don't care about our flag.
>14 july 2018, french bastille day

Attached: 7794119528_le-petit-couac-de-la-patrouille-de-france-lors-du-defile-du-14-juillet-2018.jpg (880x586, 130K)

>german flag fucked up
I don't see it

Now that's just embarrassing.

the joke is that the OP can't tell if it's the correct order of color or not. the bakery knows it tho

It's hard to tell from the photo, but the bottom stripe is a dark orange

Americans are ignorant morons?

Colour me surprised

quite sad

Attached: dfhdhrfjn.jpg (2691x2081, 1.18M)

How does it feel to be genetically irrelevant as the mutt nation you are Ramirez? Tell us.

happens often with bad light or low quality photos
it's pretty sure that it's yellow

ahah seriously i miss that

>some baker across the planet doesn't care about you

Oh wow that really hurts

The problem is more that Americans think the world evolve around them. History class is only about the american civil war. While the rest of the world don't give a fuck about that

No, it's dark orange. I've seen it in person

>being so irrelevant that you have to butt into a thread not about you and act like it's about you

Oh yeah, I'm sure you have tons of time in American schools to give a qualified opinion on them, and not basing it off some bullshit Jow Forums or r*ddit posts

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What's not to like, Hawaii?

Nah i know how it goes. When i went to America people asked if hitler was still alive. Never ever met people so worldstrange


It supposed to be golden by the law, so you can put any yellowy colour there if you want to.

Based and redpilled. I bet he can draw the israeli flag perfectly.

Nice anecdotal evidence

And just like that a friendly anti-French and German banter thread is derailed by smaller non-countries being butthurt. Imagine my shock.

Netherlands and Denmark sitting in a tree. C A P I T U L A T I N G

Wow, where are all the people for this parade?

No feels, because that's not our flag. This is. And there are very few people who could get this one wrong.

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_the_German_Reich_(1935–1945).png (800x480, 13K)

You'd be surprised

Attached: 728[1].png (680x453, 19K)

No, this is

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_the_German_Empire.svg.png (2000x1333, 3K)

I like that flag on Hearts of Iron games. It strikes me as strong. The one you got now reminds me of a blackened hotdog with mustard and ketchup on it.

>The one you got now reminds me of a blackened hotdog with mustard and ketchup on it.
Americans never change

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American education

Should have been nine white ones.

just american "education"


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Netherlands with the bantz