Yankee go home!

You're not needed or wanted.

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excellent, leech.

Sounds good to me.


Well damn, I guess Ami should return home and let them handle it.

Burgers btfo

LUL. Time for us to pull out of NATO and for Germany and the rest of you fucking cunts to pay your fair share.

Sure, right after you pay us back for all those years of free protection. Until then, you're our colony bitches.


why does it keep happening, we will all end up slaves in commie europistan

good. Fuck you

Germans are gonna have to kick us out. Probably enough Muhammad’s to alah akbar though

Germany doesn't need American clowns it has the entire EU to draw recruits from. Germany has a large weapons manufacturing industry and the infrastructure to shift to shale processing anytime needed. Fuck America and Trump.


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Great! I'm sure you guys will be fine. Now let's get the fuck out of the Middle East and Europe. Except for Poland, Poland is alright.

it's about MONEY Muhammad, not manpower.

>germans working on destroying europe once again

Why are /ptg/ mods deleting relevant threads?

>Rape baby actually thinks the rest of Europe is going to defend him in a conflict

You're awfully confident considering the number of bridges you've burned in the last century, Hans.

see ya later motherfuckers

Sayonara murrimutts.

Good riddance.

Goodbye! Hopefully without us looking over your shoulder the German people will overthrow their shitty nu-Weimar government.


Please leave Romania as well while you’re at it. Canada needs to GTFO of Romania’s gold mines as well.

Being allied with the US means having to die in some fucking desert since they fight for israel only.
Fuck them, they're just an occuping force.

I think we should leave. Our empire is in decline and can't be sustained.

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USA wasting resources and time for these ungrateful snow monkeys

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>Destroyed one white country
>Now onto the next
Filthy dumb burger scum

Fuck outta here, mutts!

>Germany owns anything
You are so fucked, it's not even funny.

Nice. So when can we pull out? The sooner the better.


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(((Most Germans)))
The brown ones?

Why does decadence always come after intellect, do we rationalize our survival away?

>Trump: I'm gonna stop paying for NATO
>Germs: Waaaahh America isn't being the world Police and paying for everything
>Also Germs: We don't need Americas military or money

>Leafganistan is not a destroyed country

Literally everyone hates germans

Pay debts and take care of yourselves



Decadence is the final decline of a vain society, we've strayed far from the path and now we're a modern sodom and gomorrah just waiting to be put our of our misery. Sure we've lasted longer than Rome but we are due for a total societal collapse

lmao honestly.

>most germans are retarded
i thought everyone already knew this

>we've lasted longer than rome
lmao no...

Most Germans voted for Merkel, they don't know shit

Class of ivory tower elites running around telling everyone it’s okay to have 12 genders and fuck animals

>I've never read a history book
NA education

Basically yes. The intellectuals morally deconstruct the ages of conquest and commerce. The age of decadence is a consequence of this.

Attached: Fate of Empires Glubb.jpg (1000x976, 278K)

EU confirmed 4th reich

The scary thing is we’re the last empire in Daniel’s vision, so what comes next does the simulation just end or does the world fall into eternal niggerdom?

>Byzantium isn't Rome

It's great we can defend ourselves, now if only we could go outside without getting robbed, raped and stabbed.

Just gonna leave this here.

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fuck off fatman, the USA ASSUMED West Europe into its sphere of influence and decided to defend it from USSR. This was after killing Europes military response to the USSR. It was a straight up power grab which you expect PAYMENT for? Fuck off. German government already pays for US military bases 1.5 billion euro a year. Its YOU who should be paying us for hosting your forward operating bases, hospitals and spy installations on OUR soil.

Imagine believing something so untrue.

I assume after we collapse the world will just go back to Africa status, or revelations is true and believers go to christ while unbelievers are tested here on earth

nice source faggot.

That is the import/export ratio of food by the way

>Burger IQ


The rapture is gov propaganda. Most modern religious “doctrine” is.

Germans are still traitors to Europe: poll

They simply think Putin's little wars will not reach them and they could give a fuck about solidarity which their 1% defense spending clearly shows.

You're so cute when you throw a fit hanz, pay debts

There will be a great battle between the righteous and the sinners first. And many of the righteous will know unworldly horrors before the day of salvation.

>Yankee go home!
Damn, I'm from Georgia and I agree completely.

Honestly I'm at could care less because I'd rather see America fall than in the hands of liberals

please do


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Good, it's about fucking time Holy shit

Who are they afraid of exactly? Russia? The country that supplies 60% of their energy?

>Muh Confederacy!

but most countries in the eu hate germany

>They simply think Putin's little wars will not reach them
But they probably won't. We'll probably get stuck on Lithuania or something.

How's that big debt clock in China looking, Jose?

yes europeans can defend itself from outside threats easily. But remove yanks from Europe and yuropoors will start killing eachother again. That may be a good thing though, IF it sparks heavy nationalism so extra-europeans get ethnicly cleansed from Europe

>he got one thing right so his musings matter
Nostradamus level shittery.
You're almost as bad as the "muh cycles" people who think human history works as reliably as a clock

>Germany doesn't need American clowns it has the entire EU to draw recruits from.
How about for starters you start spending a little more than 1% to give those recruits something more than broomsticks to fight off Russian tanks with?

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one breath later

Yes, Poland and Lithuania are the top targets. They are in the way to Königsberg.

The German stock market will collapse just the same though. The consequences for all of Europe will be apocalyptic.

Vice works with the Council on Foreign Relations. They're the hip agents of the deep state.

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this, wouldn't lift a finger to help krautz.

Most Germans have no idea about how the world works too.

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Germany needs to have nukes to keep the balance of terror.

>fuck the USA
>USA people help!

Sounds good to me. I'm tired of America being the world's police man. Most Americans agree. Deal with your own problems. Enjoy your muslims.

Joking aside though the US should continue to work to help Germany and defend Europe. Whites got to stick together and we need to make sure our boomer siblings are okay

This is why having a permanent American military base in Poland is existentially important for Europe.

what the actual fuck do you think we're trying to do? the free rides over

Are they outsourcing Merkel's IDF duties to you now Achmed?

Auf Wiedersehen, Muhammad!

I agree. We need to stop protecting all of you weak, vulnerable nations so you finally learn to fend for yourselves. We've wasted too much money saving the world.

Meanwhile in sane European countries


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Pretty sure Europe doesn't want Germans (((defending))) them

>The country that supplies 60% of their energy?
>Believing in a single word Trump says
It´s about 25-29 %, Nigel.
>Most Germans have no idea about how the world works too.
That`s BIG, coming from a mutt. Have a (you), Sir.

Oh, yeah? Who's going to teach Hanz to put the bullets in zis broomstick.