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Brit/pol/- Britain first edition
Cameron Ward
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Brody Thomas
Give me a (you) if you think eddie should fuck off.
Cameron Harris
She’s a wee hottie, not so much from the side tho
Joshua Torres
stop giving him attention and hell get bored like the paki did
Brandon Anderson
Do not watch BBC or Sky News.
Josiah Harris
I'd rather see Preusse fuck off to be honest with you.
Elijah Clark
He’s too far gone to stop now.
Daniel Diaz
which fractured anonymong are you?
Daniel Morgan
I wish I could procure some form of substance that would either allow me to reduce my stress level or numb me to the weight of the world.
Henry Cox
Adam Watson
All Jews, Muslims, sodomites, atheists and degenerates are going to hell!
Juan Rodriguez
You used Luther as the touchstone of protestantism first
Hudson Reyes
I think we all know that feeling.
Jack Adams
Forgot those cunts were in jail lmao
Jose Scott
how's your hangover?
Camden Phillips
Eli Bailey
Parker Davis
The question is: what is Eddie's favourite brand of deenz?
William Richardson
She’s a Brit.
Eli Sanchez
stop giving him attention
Tyler Diaz
they are out
Levi King
oi m8 wheres yer permit for starting new threads??
Hudson Nelson
So protestants who aren't Lutherian aren't protestant?
Lucas Anderson
shes jewish
Hunter Powell
whore white trash LOL get that ugly nazi bitch out of my face
Wyatt Gray
I've not said anything remotely similar to this
Tyler Carter
Who /melting/ here?
Joseph Davis
What's wrong with jews?
Their faces are so slope-y and their stomachs are all fucked up and grandma looking before they're 25
William Johnson
why did you take a picture of your mums beer?
James Carter
lol you sound proper mad
Chase Anderson
Beans on toast
Jeremiah Campbell
No, 22C.
Josiah Peterson
Weak counterargument. Why didn't you say novo ordo catholics aren't catholic by the same logic? You're too boring to debate.
Josiah Miller
Samuel Nguyen
Sweaty to say the least.
Lucas Ortiz
You used Luther as the touchstone of Protestantism I just followed you
Parker Bell
Now the dust has setlled what really happened to her?
Sebastian Rogers
Jayda Fransen was built for BBC
Christopher Thompson
Beans on cheese on toast.
Ryan Wright
Get yourself a dyson fan mate, best £300 I ever spent and supports a proper British brexit company
Bentley Ramirez
>forecast to be 32 on Thursday
Christian King
Aye. Its the end the road.
Daniel Kelly
Blake Perry
fucking hell lads even my once picturesque town in the south west is turning into multi kulti hell, fucking black people everywhere shouting shit at everyone they don't even know try to get donations for some shit charity, fucking hate them. Why are blacks so loud, obnoxious, witless, dumb and completely obsessed by clothes and image?
Carson Martin
why did you lie about the co-op
Camden Carter
Just let it end. Please winter come home
Nathan Anderson
shutup bruv
shutup bruv
Jack Nguyen
>i never said that i was just following you btw i'm never going to argue any points just talk about who said what and when while tripping over every semantic and legalist point
Reminder this is the "church" you're defending.
Jaxon Nelson
Lincoln Ortiz
how underage do you have to be to think 3 desperados will get tough drunk?
Matthew Rogers
Isaac Miller
So are you faggots leaving the EU or not? Will Rees-Mogg become PM and will May step down?
Isaiah Jenkins
Didn't lie about the co-op
Jeremiah Robinson
Too easy mate. I once collected trolleys at a supermarket for 8 hours on a 37 degree day. I drank 12 litres of water throughout my shift.
Honestly kinda wished i fainted at some point as i could probably have sued.
Robert Lee
>So are you faggots leaving the EU or not?
In name yes, but the deal may will end up will be basicly brexit in name only
>Will Rees-Mogg become PM and will May step down?
Mogg is a meme
Christopher Young
Do you see the irony of this post
Justin Mitchell
The absolute state, its 110 here in freedomland today
Xavier Cooper
Jack Morris
Thats not all i had
Colton Ross
Then don't live in the desert.
Eli Brown
yes you did, you said they served you alcohol after 10 in Scotland, you then posted a pic of a 3 pack of beer that clearly belongs to your mum because you were too scared to open them
Grayson Phillips
fuck off mutt
Xavier Diaz
Yeah, because you're incapable of addressing even a basic argument we're just going to talk about you instead. This is why you're a tripfag, after all.
Also, the idea that it's hypocritical to abandon the moral highground in a debate when your opponent is deliberately not engaging on that level is fake and gay.
Zachary White
Turn that frown upside down chum
Jaxson Gomez
>you said they served you alcohol after 10 in Scotland
this bit was a lie
Ian Reed
buy a/c you disgusting poorfags
Ian Jackson
Parents bumped her off and covered it up.
>when it's gone it's gone!
Gabriel Torres
Eli Butler
it was all a lie
you're underage and scared to drink your mum's 3 beers
Kevin Martinez
I fucking hate internet arguing like this
Hunter Roberts
Fraid not
Jonathan Robinson
Literally wearing a jumper
Oliver Hughes
this show is the ultimate blackpill
Michael Diaz
pajeet, pls
Robert Roberts
How fucked is our agriculture here going to be fucked after this summer with fuck all rain. Hopefully food prices surge up and deanos and niggers get pissed
Caleb Brooks
Stay strong Coelbren.
Brayden Lopez
same in cornwall, theyve been spawning here for a year now.
they will be evacuees from london as surprise surprise everyone just wants to live with white people no matter what, it just takes 1 family to move to a white town to bring the rest.
it follows this pattern.
>brown enclave ghetto in the city
>have 4 kids anyway, wage cucking is hard, gibs not enough, surrounded by wogs
>find white town with nice schools, achmed gonna be like white boy now
>omg its so clean, cheap and friendly here compared to city
>miss being around my own people
>brag to friends in ghetto about nice white town
>please come visit im so lonely, bring raheem and the kids
1 year later
>1 family is 12 families
2 years later
>12 families are 100 families
town gone.
Tyler Adams
you legitimately posted 3 beers as if it was a large amount of booze that was going to get you fucked up.
you then repeatedly refused to post evidence of you even opening one of them.
I hope you put them back exactly where they were in the fridge, seeing as you're so scared of your mum finding out you touched her beer
Charles Gonzalez
>he doesn't eat individual beans topped with a toast fragment and a grain of cheese whilst sitting in the dark chortling to avant garde world music
Gabriel Reed
All the water from the resovoirs and lakes gets sent to the Islamic towns and cities.
Juan Williams
All prots argue like that. If you go back and read Christian literature from the pilgrim fathers for instance it's the same style of commie/social justice/semantic/critical argument that we have today.
At this point the best way to argue with these people is to bullycide them as heretics.
Jeremiah Flores
You could just post the 3 empties Coelbren and this will all blow over.
Joshua Scott
dont >> me anonytrip
Eli Clark
>you legitimately posted 3 beers as if it was a large amount of booze that was going to get you fucked up.
>you then repeatedly refused to post evidence of you even opening one of them.
Because doing so would have meant pubes and you won and i considered them peers
Tyler Martin
Everyone hates losing.
Gabriel Martinez
yeah that's what i see here, niggers from london and muslims and that's in somerset. It's fucking tragic. jesus christ they make up like 2% of the town and are already a nuisance.
Robert Carter
You could prove us wrong, but that would mean we win? You're a bit thick aren't you lad? Is that the dundee air or all the beatings your mum gives you?
Jeremiah Davis
would unironically shag her tits off
shes got the crazy eyes and the typical slag look
fookin mint
Carter Reed
William Sullivan
because it would be immediately onto the next
HUHUHU you poured it down the sick
UR mum drank them and u posted them
I know because its what I'd do
Wyatt Evans
just admit it, you're under age and posted your mum's beers after lying about how cool you were because you bought 3 beers from a coop after 10pm
Jayden Fisher
Jayden Wilson
Dealt with a 'paki' at work today lads. I can say in all honesty he's one of the nicest, down to earth people I've ever met. Super interesting to speak to, no superiority complex that many people have who come into the shop and he was just really nice. I know demographics are different and I'll encounter more whites but as a whole, whites tend to be up themselves and very rude. Blacks can be insufferable and increadibly rude, strong sense of superiority complex from them too. But the based British Muslim dude was probably umongst the top encounters I've had with anyone. Contrast between him and then our regional white manager was huge. Storms in like he owns the place disrespecting everyone like he thinks he's a king.
I'm warming to British 'Paki's' tbqh lads. The whole rape and terrorism isn't ideal but one to one a lot of them are really nice. Love their sense of family and unity too which whites don't have. Whites would rather let their whole race burn than go to the trouble of trying to help. These dudes are very ambitious and driven.
Yes I just generalised a lot. You don't need to tell me. But why do we hate Muslims again?
Jaxson Morgan
I have reported you to the police, enjoy jail
Gabriel Hill
The absolute state of you. Just leave the kid alone for fuck's sake.
Christian Foster
fuck off mutt
Jackson Cooper
we all know the truth lad, the only person refusing to accept it is you. Just admit it, it'll be liberating
Jacob Myers
Jaxson Gonzalez
he's curled up in his car giggling to himself at each post
Eli Green
I'm in work your pot noodle eating virgin neet