What happened to philosophy...

What happened to philosophy? Seems like it has been at least 4 decades since any philosopher made any good points or divised an argument. Now all we get are people like pic related whose quotes are Instagram story-tier.

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> Seems like it has been at least 4 decades since any philosopher made any good points or divised an argument


Read Zizek

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Philosophy doesn't flourish in a culture drawing its final breaths.

philosophy is dead. science took its place

>t. Retard


This is one who has made interesting contributions.

Things take time to turn into classics. Once they are classics, the arguments are still as shitty as they were before, but that is ignored because they're classics now.

is dead, marxism took its place

Gib back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romanian clay.

There hasn't been any contributions to philosophy since Plato

kinda true unfortunately

>balkanigger shitposters in my thread

>Plato's philosophy
Read Archimedes

Chomsky as well

>What happened to philosophy?\

we moved to asian imageboards becouse there is just too many faggots whinning about hurting thoughts everywhere else


Wash your penis, bucko.

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4 decades is not very long in philosophy.

Philosophy should only get better as time goes on, no?

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>Read Zizek

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This unironically

democracy and schools/media full of retardation happened

Philosophy has never made any good points. Political Science, sometimes mislabeled political philosophy, at least has some validity. Theology at least believes its own story. But philosophy, the love of knowledge, is a vapid pursuit which ends up destroying what it desires, much like hunger consumes your food. Philosophy is man's first sin, his first curse, and a waste of time. The Athenians were right to kill Socrates, Aquinas was right to consider his writings like straw before God, Kant should have never been awakened from his dogmatic slumber, and Hegel should have been killed by Napoleon and his works burned.

So it hasn't been at least 4 decades since any philosopher has made good points or devised an argument. It's never happened. At least Nietzsche was honest when he said that philosophy is the confession of the philosopher, and proceeded to not make any logical arguments in his Beyond Good and Evil; in doing so he showed philosophy is simply the enjoyment of one's own thinking and of tearing down knowledge. It has nothing to do with truth, and everything to do with the pursuit of "truth."

Check out "The Foundation for Exploration" (2016) by Sean Goonan. It's a revolutionary philosophy unlike anything else I've read. Kind of similar to The Unabomber Manifesto. It's not your typical academic garbage.

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you should try reading some philosophy then.

it is alive and well - you have to work to understand it though.

There are no good philosophers alive today.

ITT people who have not read R M hare, F Waismann, AC Grayling, Dennet, Quine, Achenstein, Singer, any anglo american philosophy since 1950....

Philosophy never was good.

>Philosophy has never made any good points.

So this... this is the power of American education


You have over-reified a category of being, those who we know as great philosphers were little recognized in their times. I can name figures like nick land or zizek as thought provoking figures of the modern era but time will tell whether they will be enshrined in some over dignified cannon.

>marxism took its place
A bunch of retards thought/think philosophy is over because of marx and that he resolved the need for it. If nothing else the mastabatory justifcations the plethora of marxists offered as to why this isnt the case proves that the end isnt quite so near as they think. The problem is that what he wrote was all well and good but it does not resolve the fundemental dilemas of humans species being.

t. brainlet

Imagine freely giving over your own money to this millionaire for no reason

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KYS fagot leaf

N.N. Taleb is bretty gud, he explains the principle of antifragility that applies to every system, including why Jow Forums and Donald Trump are so successful. I can explain more if anyone is interested

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>"what happened to philosophy?" wonders user who doesn't read philosophy

Johnathan Bowden.

It's not a performance sport m8? That's like bitching modern science is complete shit because they haven't taken a step up from quantum mechanics, I mean, what are we fucking paying them all this money for, eh?

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>Seems like it has been at least 4 decades since any philosopher made any good points or divised an argument.
Arguments don't matter now that women can vote

You only think this because you don't read.

This book is based

At least tell what your books is about Sean if you want people to buy it. You are not getting my neetbux shilling for your books else.

Youre talking about a culture that willingly uses paper to wipe shit of their asses when running water is a thing. There is no room for philosophy in such a place.

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its made points, but "good" isnt really something useful to describe them

Nassim Taleb is one of the good men alive today. While he isn't the type of ''philosopher'' that Hegel, Kant or Nietzsche were, he is smart and wise as hell. I've read all his books. He's probably much more palatable to people who want Nietzsche-type of hammering read. I like the style at least.

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"duhh nothing is real" ok buddy then through what knowledge are you typing out these high-school level sophist gibberish

295 deadlift, ehh for an old guy thats not bad

That's a lot of lower back there.

It's the hardest part of the lift to get right but unless you have someone telling you to scrape up your shins and give that bar a good benis when you get close to the top you can put a lot of strain on your back.

What? We have many deep thinking philosophers these days:
>There are 73 genders
>If zhir is a woman, then it is a female penis. There's nothing weird about that.
>We need to teach toddlers about anal sex so they have all of the important information.

I don't know how old the picture is. Considering he had Rippletits to check his form, he probably does with perfect form nowadays.

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Kierkegaard already made the point VERY FUCKING CLEARLY that you can't do anything meaningful if you don't:

1. ground yourself as a relation between yourself (your consciousness) that relates to itself (your sensing/embodied self.

2. ground THAT relationship (or establish it) in the thing that establishes its legitimacy (God)

3. strive after faith, not in a "go to church on Christmas and Easter" way, but to realize what it means to look to Christ as a model of what it is to be the best man as well as what it means to tell a lie in order to tell the truth.

4. You have a struggle toward faith and a conception of your relation's relation to itself that is grounded in something that only has a semblance of truth in it evidenced by acting in the world. Act in the world, be good, recognize that while it may not exactly be the Christian God the bible still speaks precisely to what it means to be in the world where only faith can ground your existence.

Nietzsche was an undercover Christian. The "death of god" can be read as such, though the superman seems like a parody to me, fantasy of what it would be to walk the earth as a self-grounding individual.

I'd say since ~1850 no philosopher has done anything except gaze lovingly into their navel and chase undergrads.

Thanks anons.

I'm not him. He created a concept called "the duality of human nature" which says that when faced with powerlessness, people can act either destructively or in the "way of building". And he explains how to create a society that induces a lot less powerlessness than the one we're living in now, because excessive powerlessness breeds destructiveness. I liked the economics part the best, with his "Conscious Capitalism", which to try and summarize, is basically people working with each other for each others' best interests under the umbrella of capitalism. Also Section 3 in the book he rips on sexual degenerates and explains why sexual degeneracy is bad for society, better than any post I've seen on Jow Forums.


>philosophy is a waste of time
You can’t know nothing without philosophy you stupid goy!

Eh, he's a fun Marxist at least. Better than Chomsky.

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Heidegger completed German Idealism in 1927.

>not all faggots are OP, but all OPs are faggots
There's some philosophy for you.

Bump, I need more new philosophy. There has to be more fringe writers.

We hit moral relativism and the modernists turned the entire proffesion into a joke