Trump is King Boomer?

When did you realize that Trump is a generic old geezer who gets all his opinions from Fox News? All of this Iran hating is textbook boomerism.
It's already confirmed that he watches 8 hours of TV a day and Fox is always blaring in his office.


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>when did you realize x
>x = an opinion, not a fact
These are good threads. Could you flood the catalog with them, please?

Most political discussion isn't just listing off facts user. Trump watching fox news non stop is a fact though so it stands to reason that he's getting his extremely predictable views from that.

If you don’t hate sand niggers, you aren’t white.

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>Fox News follows Trumps opinion on whatever he says
>Trump gets his opinions from Fox News.

Its a neverending ciricle lmao

>If you're not a neocon you're not white
I guess George W. Bush was our guy too, making America tough on the world stage I tell you what!

Fox News hasn't taken any opinions from Trump, they've got their neoconservative agenda and Trump is a follower of it, not the other way around. Listen to Hannity from during the Bush years and it's the same exact thing with a different name.

Bush invaded a country that sounded like Iran, therefore trump is a neocon.

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A problem? Fuck CNN

iranians are white

no we're not bitch