Do you want a war with Iran, Jow Forums?

Yea or Nay?

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Fuck no. Impeach drumpf unironically before israel wins

Yay, death to Iran

No, but this is probably just the same hardline shit he did to get Korea to the table.

yes, time to own iran

As long as we get some shock and awe videos. I'd perfer if we pulled back after the 'message', but I'm going to youtube to relive some moments from early on in the Iraq invasion.

Q said Iran was next.

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There will war with as certainly as there was war with NK, you coward pussies

but only if the stupid goyim fight it, as usual

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Nope, can't afford it Israel

Zion Guardian truly our greatest ally

Wtf I love ww3 now

no no no no no
these are the persians
theyre not going anywhere
no more jew wars

If trump commands it then I am ready to die for my Jewish masters. All goyim should agree. MAGA.

I'm indifferent. Nuking Iran has an impact on my life roughly equivalent to the corner deli running out of habanero cheddar. I'll be ok either way.

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I predict that President Trump will at some point attack Iran in order to save face!

No, fuck dying in a desert for Israel.

Hell, I'd go blue if dems straight out said that they're searching for Israeli interference in the election over Russian.

I don't mind if we nuke them.

I thought this was a copypasta at first..
is this real?

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about time we bombed some more brown people

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No. Iran isn't that bad if it wasn't because the USA made them so. They also serve to piss of Israel as an added bonus.

War? No. Regime change? Hell motherfucking yeah!

It is what is. Ultimately it’s not my problem. I don’t like Christians, Jews, or Moslems. It’s the combination of American Christianity and Judaism that pushes this kind of shit forward. You’re not going to find enough non-Christian alt-rightists that can stop the immanentization of the eschaton.


the modern Iranian government was set up to stir shit in the middle east and fight Israel's proxy war with Iraq, as saddam and ayatollah khomeni rose to power around the same time. people seem to forget that Israel sold them weapons worth 70 million dollaroos during that time and the states' involvement in overthrowing the shah. however, now that Saudi's crown prince feels that they should have a better relationship with Israel (meaning Bahrain will also agree to that) Iran is no longer useful. if anything, it means the end of hezbullah, Bashar and the houthies (which Saudi will also benefit from).

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I unironically want Iran nuked so that we can stop talking about Iran.

>same people ITT sperging out when trump did this with syria

>no link

Iran, other middle Eastern countries and n Korea, used to shit talk America all the time. I think if you're going to shit talk America then they can shit talk to back.

Iran hasn't been useful for quite some time. Why now? Only reason I can think of is that the USA always needs to antagonize some third world nation, preferably one that won't piss off Russia/USSR. This will usually end up in instigated revolt+intervention which can go both ways. It's been harder to pick such a country recently though, since China is getting ICBMs the USA cannot target countries within their sphere of influence either. Some would argue that the USA has taken the strange option of starting to paint countries under their own protection as targets, because that's what's left to pick if you need an enemy that won't piss off the other power blocs.

>It's ok to attack people if they say things you don't like.
Who does this remind you of, my fellow current year sjws?

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Nay. But I want to see more bantz. Trump should have insulted them rather than reinterpreting Mr. Slaughter's impotent "backtrace" monologue. I give president Trump one womp for that shamefur dispray.

I dont want anymore refugees. So no. No war.

>Do you want a war with Iran, Jow Forums? Yea or Nay?

Is OP a neokike for asking this question? Yea or Nay?

Yessir, i will sign up if we go to war. want to kill as many muzzies as i can

Yea but only if it restores the Persian empire

>but this is probably just the same hardline shit he did to get Korea to the table.

Yeah like North Korea giving up their nukes right away right you fucking cocksucking Amerifaggot?

Dw about it, there will be enough mutts ready to die for Israel when the time comes.

Iran doesn't even have nukes

Lol why doesn’t he speak to putin this way?

>Iran doesn't even have nukes

That's the point cocksucker. North Korea will never give up their nukes

Iran better start making nukes NOW to prevent Jewinted Kikes invading them.

He was talking to the Jews after Sarah Silverman came on here and threatened us.

forgot your meme flag nigger

I am all for doing bad things to the largest sponsor of Islamic terrorism on the planet


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>I am all for doing bad things to the largest sponsor of Islamic terrorism on the planet

You mean your boys in Saudi Arabia Trump?

Yea, and hope that the Murricans get stomped. They have to learn that they can't go around invading other people's countries as and when they feel like it.

Is this fagit an Iranian mullah? Yay or nay?

>Is this fagit an Iranian mullah? Yay or nay?

No just an American who doesn't want other Americans to die for ZOG and fully supports Iran nuking and killing all Israelis.

Why are you calling me a cocksucker? I've never sucked a cock except once


At least it will be a good happening.
It's inevitable.
May as well get it over with.
Our (((masters))) will the war. (((They))) will get it.
Lots of American soldiers will die but seriously (((they))) don't give a fuck about that.

>don't wanna fight for Israel
>desk jockey job is comfy, but I'm a Jow Forumsommando with blue balls

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>le proxyfag face

Lol. They won't.

In case you retarded jews on here keep shilling I'm Iranian and not American.

100% European American

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Mashallah brother Cheikh Abu Ivanka Al Amriki will spearhead our jihad against the dhummi Shia murtadd heretics. We will fight together with our American brothers and Israeli cousins to erase the Shia menace and establish the Sharia in the middle East inshallah

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No, fuck Israel

Nuclear button to out North Korea? Drop one kilo bags of rice you parachute, with pictures of Chinese, Japanese and South Koreans sitting down to dinner. That should fix Kimmy Boy.

Fuck No

I have family there so no. They aren't even real Muslims, they believe in a God but that's it. War with Iran will be completely different, there wont be a ground invasion at all unless US wants Vietnam tier casualties. They've been preparing for an invasion since 1988.

I'm at a point where I really don't think another war is in America's interest and we've gone too far in an imperialist direction to claim to be the same society the Founding Fathers envisioned.

But even more than I worry about the fate of my nation, I absolutely hate the state of our generation and want to see if I can withstand a war. It's a vain, aesthetic urge, but I can't really fight it anymore. If there was a side on the Ukraine war I felt any respect for I'd probably just go there, but there's no Spanish Civil War for idealists to flock to right now.

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I want a war with jews


Considering this war with iran does happen, chances is it'll be a comfy conventional war. Sure iran is friendly with russia but considering that NATO can just jump on putin at any time and that putin and trump are getting friendly, the ruskies might just stick out of this war. And not to mention that MAD is kinda still there so it'll take a madman to actually make this war nuclear. At the very least this will be another middle east proxy war like in Iraq and we'll be able to sit comfy in our homes, hoping there would be no need for a draft.


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lets nuke Israel instead

Looks like he might start a war before the Midterm elections over the usual Iranian saber-rattling propaganda without having a legal Casus Belli, to distract from the consequences of the Mueller Investigation and Russian operation being blown. I’m honestly not surprised Russia would give up their former Iranian ally so easily to protect their new position on the World Stage. Of course NATO and the United Nations will not be in favor of greater destabilization in the Middle East, further sundering the alliance, and expending our precious military resources and and the lives of our soldiers in yet another expensive, unnecessary foreign war, after which Putin can paint America as unstable aggressors and swoop in as “peacemaker” on the World Stage. The danger: Iran will immediately launch short range nuclear missiles at Israel upon being attacked, Israel will retaliate, and WW3 will result. That Iran Nuclear Deal Trump broke is looking like a better diplomatic outcome now that it’s gone, eh? This is what happens when espionage succeeds at the highest levels.

>We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man

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You are a messianic jew then. That is what all these jew wars have been. It's to empty out the middle east for greater israel and transfer all the muslims to white countries. Bombing iran will set of a chain of events that will further massively bring more muslims to white countries.

we have a common enemy, iran is the us' greatest friend when dealing with israel


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We aren't going to war.

Yes. All muslims need to be rooted out from the world and purged. Everywhere they go they bring nothing but death and destruction.


Fuck no. I wanna bomb Israel first, then we can worry about regime change and helping them become less islamic.but ONLY after Israel is gone and our ZOG is out.

No, Murricans seem to think Iran is a shithole like Pakistan or Syria. Google some stats, read some history. It's a great country.

This so much.

Why is this fact never mentioned.

People go completely apehsit if Russia possibly interfered in our election (they did)

Israel does this regularly and in the open. Never mentioned once by any media outlet, pundit, comments section, NOTHING.

The Trump administration trying to distract. Keep eyes on the ball:

- He committed treason-lite last week, attacked our intelligence agencies and bowed down before a tyrant who attacked our elections, then backtracked, and then attacked our Justice Department again days later.
- His administration released docs on the Carter Page FISA warrant that show House Republicans lied in their memo they released to the American people against Justice Department advice.
- Manafort begins trial next week.
- Cohen has audio tape evidence that prove Trump lied to the American people, and possibly other tapes proving Trump committed crimes.

I wish Trump would stop wasting his time trying to save the rest of the world.
Fuck that, America First

Q is some retard named Pamphlet user. You haven't heard yet?

No. This is how you avert a war.

Not a good idea.

The airplanes maybe will not the more important weapon here.

Iran has been buying the S-300 from russia, and likely they have their own version of S-400.

It is unlikely that with those missile system any "invisible" plane of USA could get a clean shoot over israel. Also they can intercept the slow USA missiles.

You know, Hitler was right in develop V2 missiles, he sought that future wars will be missile wars.

So, if the israelian meets (USA) can not easily win airspace, the mainland invasion will in extremely costly. Not a good idea to have a war like that meanwhile an economic war is going on with china.

Russia will not involve directly but obviously they will sell weapons to iranians and make a big bunch of money of these israel managed war.

I just want a happening

I'm not a jew, I don't give a fuck about Iran or it's people.

Fucking muslim nigger.

I would be okay with us just rolling our navy into firing range of all their ports and being like "Iran has one hour to evacuate their entire fucking coast." and then an hour later destroying their entire navy and rendering their shipping capabilities utterly fucked as well. All of their airbases would have been wiped off the map already, simultaneous to the evacuation announcement.

No navy, no air force.

At this point, 12 hours later, we would declare an end to hostilities. If their army or artillery crosses into Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere else under our protection, a wall of fire will rain from the sky, old testament-style. At some point they would come to understand that the end times are upon us, that they have been for a while, but the role of God is simply occupied by the United States of America.

No troops on the ground. We don't need them. I don't give a shit about regime change. Let them keep whatever stupid government they have, I don't give a shit. They can't fucking touch us.

Wouldn't it be funny if someone hijacked the iranian president's twitter and declared war on the US?

Have we tried p@assword yet?


Only if Israel gets nuked to the stone age in the process.

>Iran nuking and killing all Israelis
You do realize they hate America just as much, if not more than Israel? They'll come for the west next.

surely if we all put our autism towards it we can achieve this

This, can you imagine? The hacker, "Jow Forums" will have started ww3.


I cannot believe based Rouhani triggered this dense faggot like that.

>Muh based Arab
Okay Ali

Hey guys, was just wondering if threatening another country with total nuclear holocaust and destruction was against the Twitter TOS or not.

Asking for a friend. :3

Fuck yeah.
What do we have to loose?

>What do we have to loose?

Your life
Your countries wealth
Your loved ones
Your countries reputation world wide

>still believing that conspiracy theory
Good goy.


American education

Sure, I'm bored