Who's the most powerful?

Who's the most powerful?
Official pol..

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The supreme leader ofc


Why pick just one?

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Im quite fond of Putin, hes a strong man.


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>three are the leaders of world-class powers
>fourth is the leader of an insignificant isolationist shithole

Seriously why is Putin on this pic.

That sounded really gay.

Kim in his own nation

One of them is a full time semen sommelier. Guess who

This and only this

Trump has power.
Putin has experience.
Kim has loyalty.
Jinping has numbers.

Putin and Xi own their nations, Still, Trump has the most powerful governmental infrastructure of all history at his hands, even if jews and commies are reeeeing non stop

Who can fuck you up on twitter and be credible?
yeah, that's a power display faggot

>Trump has power.
They gave cocacola cap codes to Trump instead of nuclear codes ffs

To truly answer this question you must ask...
>Which country does people actually want to live in and it's citizens aren't actively escaping

Then you will get your answer

More like he's the father of a nation.

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Where're the Rothschilds?

In terms of absolute power over their country
>1. kim
>2. Xi
>3. Putin
>4. Trump
In terms of national strength/projection of power
>1. China or USA
>2. Russia
>3. NK

Muh dick....

Lets see.
USA has the most powerful military and economy, but only holds about 1/3 of the government's power. If we use the total power of America as a benchmark, with a "power level" of 100, Trump has a power level of ~33.
Russia has the second most powerful military, and the 12th strongest economy in the world, so let's place Russia's power at say, 50. Now, Putin has more power over Russia than Trump has over America, maybe 60% control. placing Putin's power level at ~30.
China has the third most powerful military and the second strongest economy in the world. I'd place its power level at 80. Xi has around an 80% control over the country as well, so he has a powerlevel of ~64, making him the most powerful.
Kim isn't relevant.

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*but Trump only holds about 1/3 of the government's power.

>this understanding of politics
Don’t hurt yourself

Trump would have been the most powerful, but he has an uncooperative legislative branch crippling every move he'd makes and Hawaii judges that fuck up his orders.

They are all puppets.

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Trump, and they all know it.


Justin is the true King. Stood up to everyone and loved by his people and the world.

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No clip, what a trap loving sodomite.

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The chink is clearly the most powerful.