Based Clint

Is he,dare I say, ourfag?

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He thinks being able to be married will satiate the fags. He doesn't realize that fags are insatiable.

first, fuck people who care who sucks dick
second, fuck faggy gay faggots
third, strip the flesh off pedo faggots, but also pedo non-faggots

Hes totally not /yourguy/

not my guy, ourguy

the teleological purpose of marriage is to incentivize the nuclear family. Gays can not be a nuclear family by definition, and so their relationships should not be incentivized

everything besides tax deductions are already available to any 2 consenting parties through various contracts, anyways

Another episode of libertarians saying "if it doesn't hurt anybody, who gives a flying fuck?"

Gays getting married is not something we should care about. We've had prominent gays that are traditionalists and want to see an end to the degeneracy of left join the fold since ceding this stupid policy.

Gay men are far more likely to support traditional roles than lesbians or trannies. Give the fags a chance.

What's with his reptilian eyes?! WTF is he a lizard person?

>What is adoption
A child has a better chance at long-term success a single father in the home vs. a single mother. Lesbians raise incredibly fucked up children. Fags seem to raise children that fare just as well as straight parents.

However pedophiles should be flayed.

Clint is not a fag. He’s gay.
Fags want to use the fact that they’re gay to uproot people’s lives and become the center of attention. Being gay consumes a fag’s existence.

>why not?
Because you're forcing priests to commit sins against their will. Leave it to the individual religion to decide who can be married and who can not. Let fags join a religion that allows them to be married, but keep that shit out of my state's laws.

Faggots in 1970
>What happens between consenting adults in the privacy of their home is their own business.
Faggots in 2018
>pic related

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I'm honestly impressed he's got limbal rings that thick for an old guy

Those are trannies and their fucked up ilk. Traditional plaid wearing gays have little in common with them.

It's a pointless wedge issue

all fags are pedos

This whole thread proves that Americans are libertine degenerates who are pretty much ruining the world by pushing their degenerate viewpoints on it.

>not a fag but gay
Is their a difference?

clint is an antigun liberal that married a nigger

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fags are terrible parents. don't lie.

this is a common lie in human psych. Fags produce "average" children, but the "average" child in America is a shit standard due to minorities and fatherless children. The proper standard of outcomes is from a heterosexual dual parent family, and fags do not even approach this standard as parents

Clint romanticizes self sufficiency and individual ability.
If the fags can create a gay state that doesn't need to steal and rape babies and money from non gay states they should be able to exist.
I doubt they have this capability.

Americans will never get past their lolbertarian phase, will they?

just like with the Roman empire.. as the US falls the rest of the world will be dragged down with it. it will make the dark ages look like a silly joke.

You could have just wrote that you a a gay and part of the gay agenda. You should be able tell tell from the past few years that gay acceptance has an effect on the collective conscience of a people. Once people accept gays, they are no longer able to draw the line in terms of moral delineation on other social issues. It's THE social issue of all social issues, and if you don't put your foot down all other forms of degeneration will follow, including miscegenation.

He's also part of hollywood and he wouldn't be making any other movies in the jew masonic production houses if he told the truth

>if X then they should be able to exist
No they should not, almost every degeneracy you see being spread today began with gay acceptance. They are wrong, period, and if they insist on it there are consequences.
It's honestly blackpilling to see anons excusing their behavior. They belong on the bottom of a bog, nothing else. They are corruptors, and should be treated as such.
And stop looking for hollywood to validate your viewpoints fucking faggots

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>monkey intellectuals
I'm sure you'd vote for the abolition of jim crow laws just so that white people would have to police niggers eh.

Pretty much. The shit that starts in the US is eventually enforced in the EU.

And this. Legalizing fags was the very start of US society starting to crumble, coming to the point where it is now.

the roots of a tree have little in common with the fruits the tree bears

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said you useless cum gargler? Every despicable shit you see around us today, including pedos and trannies, began with faggots.
Unlike you worthless libertarians I have values, and faggots like you deserve the rope.
Next time bother to make an argument instead of simply "lol brazil"
I say without error that being a monkey is better than being a cock gobbler

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You don't want niggers to have their own state in which they would die, no, they have to be integrated with the white people so the white people can police them and make sure they don't do nigger things.

IF aids had bee quarentined to sanfransisco through legal homosexuality there wouldn't be the national problem because all the faggots would have died from aids back in the 1950s.

>The shit that starts in the US is eventually enforced in the EU
I can also add that many of the things done in the US are tested in Latin America first, trannies being perhaps the best example

>You don't want niggers to have their own state in which they would die
>they would die.
sounds good to me.
>they have to be integrated with the white people
sure thing, rabbi.


I'm not the one arguing that gays shouldn't have their own state to get aids and die in.

How in the fuck did you turn a discussion on faggotry into one about blacks.

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Neither niggers or faggots can survive indefinitly on their own.

i.e. it's a self solving problem if you isolate them and let them kill each other.


ah, I see. the only state gays should be in is deceased.

fpbp, homos never satiated, always hungry for more.

Not to mention having fag and nigger states would make it much easier to remove fags and niggers because there would be some place to send them that isn't the gas chambers.
People tend to think that deportation is less wrong than genocide.