I'm done, I will end it

I'm with this shit life. I will commit suicide, and stream it.
Ik will share the stream link in this xmpp group:

[email protected]

In two hours I will end it all

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Other urls found in this thread:


Good, thanks for the show.

dont do it lol

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Dont do it dickhead. Sell your shit and change your life. Go buy a small farm in Hungary for like $18000.

Leave your 99% white utopia feminist land.

Unless you are dieing already.. Then go clear' the few mosques in your country.

Jesus Christ can save you if you let him


user, these threads always pop up when I am immensely tired. The divine straining my abilities to their limit in my need to prevent this happening. In my need to prevent the timeline in which you don't exist happening and all of the negativity, lack of warmth and fundamental changes that go along with it. You are as important as the divine its self. You are an extension of the divine.

To end your own life would be a grave mistake. We love you.

Lol just dont live on iceland bro

Suicide is retarded you fucking idiot.
I’m sure there’s people that are causing you to feel bad enough to do this, well, guess what? If you go through this, they won’t realize it was their fault. In fact, they’ll think the opposite. They’ll believe it was your stupidity that got you killed. I was once suicidal, but then I learned about the most powerful emotion ever. Spite.
Don’t keep living without a purpose, make your purpose into your own joy, live on because the people that are getting you down are the people you hate. Don’t let them win.

Didn't Iceland get its first Rabbi a few months ago? Why don't you take him down with you. Make something out of your life.

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Obviously a LARP, but still, if you're living in Iceland and still want to commit suicide, what should us living in shithole countries do? It's just not worth it.

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Maybe your circumcision bill will pass this way.

If you are going to kill yourself just do it already.

Why would anyone from Iceland kill himself? Your welfare is probably high enough to rent luxury apartment in eastern europe and pay hooker once a week

Have some balls and take a jewish banker with you, or a politician. Make yourself useful so that your parents have at least something to remember you fondly, you sack of garbage.

Do a flip fag


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you live in a decent white country, stop being a bitch

If you kills yourself your entire existence becomes just another statistic on a page.

Be the change you want to see in the world. Even if you have nothing, you can still have courage.

>I'm with this shit life. I will commit suicide, and stream it.
Get a sms loan, goto Thailand. Fuck drink. Leave your feminist hell

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lol this

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Go get some artificial sun light. Probably seasonal affective disorder.

If you truly mean it, then kill kikes and shitskins on your way out, otherwise don't do it user. This is what the Jews want. As long as you exist the kikes can't win. Just stay with us, suicide isn't the answer.

pray to jesus, what can you possibly lose?

if you are suicidal enough to make a thread about it, means you have nothing to lose.

what do you have to lose to ask Jesus to show you? you have NOTHING to lose, TRY IT NOW


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don't do it user! you're going to die at some point anyway, might as well see it out whilst making serious life changes for the better!

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Can you show us a volcano

user I...

The five pillars have spoken.
Rare miracle. Don't do it OP.

bro atleast make a move for the movement

Don't do it man Jesus loves you. Go pray



I’m sorry user. May you find the strength to go on or find peace in eternal rest. I pray your soul finds happiness in this lifetime or the next - I believe it is your choice and your life, but remember life it self is precious and to take your own is taking it for granted

kek has spoken

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>Suicide is retarded you fucking idiot.
I'm not sure user. I'm sick and tired all day. Waking up in the morning hurts.
All I live for is to see all these normies die horrible deaths. Get some redemption.
It all grinded to a halt in before Charlotteville. Then the Twitter purges, Youtube purges.
It's all stale.
I am reading the same Andrew Anglin piece or listening to the Daily Shoa for the 200th time. Nothing is happening.
This is hell, why stay here?

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We need you OP.

>1 post by this I.D.

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You can be an hero.

Just for one day.

>what do you have to lose to ask Jesus to show you?
You know everyone have tried that allready. You are fucking retarded

You lot are even suicidal in the dead of summer? With the sun out? Wow.

digits demand you take an ape with you

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And, this.

>You lot are even suicidal in the dead of summer?
It's Iceland man....

It works every single time it's tried.

Oh, I guess it's a bit rainy now.

Put me in the screencap

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gotta sleep right now. can you wait for about 9 hours? i wanna see it live. or ask your mum to upload to youtube or some shit

>[email protected]

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At least take a leftist politican with you

Fuck that man. Get a cool hobby and make some life changes, you'll be ok.


kill political adversaries of the right and suicide by cop

Why not just do it and post a picture of you committing suicide?



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you should take some shitskins with you, don't let this opportunity go you faggot

Checked. It's all going to be fine OP. Hang around for a while.

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Stop it.

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I'm not feeling that great myself.

Don't just waste your life user!

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Why exactly? Whats your problem?

Stop. Why don’t you try doing what you want (except suicide) for once? A shot at being happy? Think about it this way, since you’re hellbent on killing yourself anyway, you can treat yourself to the time of your life. Maybe a month or more. If you still want to end it all by then, it’s your call. But at least give YOURSELF one last chance to enjoy life before you do it.


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no one wants to watch you do it if it's not in a super creative way. there's tons and tons of videos of people killing themselves in the conventional ways. you need to come up with something original or newsworthy if people are going to tune in to get their data stolen and centipedes in their pcs.


typical subhuman. Thinks nothing of a blank canvass.

What happened? Hope you change your mind
Take a different path if you feel burned out by world events
Meditate, cut off internet for a while, read mangos

wtf is this shill shit

Do it, theres no way back, if you dont kill yourself the kikes win

The OP posted that as his link to the suicide livestream.

>living in the best country in the world
>commiting suicide
Your name must be Faggotsson.