Are we the baddies now?

Is he right Jow Forums? Have we stared so long into the abyss that we're the immoral degenerate headhunters now?

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Maybe we should adopt a more principled version of conservatism?

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Fuck these people. They've been using these tactics for decades against conservatives. Now it's coming back to bite them in the ass. You reap what you sow faggots.

It would surely win us the high ground and make normies like us!

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After all we don't want to become pariahs right?

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(((Klepek))) every time

The left can't even cut and paste a fucking image properly, no wonder they can't meme...

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>the lefts morality

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The right didn't make these rules, the right didn't fire these people, the right will no longer be a punching back for the leftist fucks. You say we don't want to become pariahs when people on the right are regularly harassed and attacked in public? Go fuck yourself cunt. Burn. Them. All.

* punching bag

The left is just mad that we’ve caught on to their tactics.

“Weaponized the left’s morality” is code for “It’s ok when we do it”.

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the left made this bed, now let them get fucked in it. even Sargoy of Cuckad got this one right

This, pussy conservatism is dead, and Sharpiro, Crowder, and to some extent Tucker are trying to keep it alive. It would be far better to let it die and focus on building an effective movement, one big part of which should be calling out lefties whenever they break one of their fancy little rules.

I'm sure Patrick is the kind of stellar individual who's quick to call out ad homs and whataboutisms anywhere else.

>wants grown men in little girls bathrooms
>wants felons to be able to vote
>ignores subhuman 3rd worlders killing citizens
>pushes for pedophile rights
>wants to allow shariah law
>forces people to abide by degenerate faggot, dyke, and tranny ideals
>supports sex trafficking
You dont say

Yes, yes we have. My biggest fear is that this continues on its trajectory.

>accuse everyone on the right of every vile thing for decades, without basis
>getting someone fired for "joking" about pedoshit hundreds of times over a period of years isn't moral

I'm glad they are imploding

The left wanted a war of extermination and now they have it. They've made it clear there's no coexisting with them. There's no point in following rules your rivals won't also abide by, and the left has thrived as right-wingers try to do so anyway.

Yes! stop using our shitty tactics back on us republicans, you're evil when you do what we do! It's ok when we do it because you're fucking evil nazis! Stop making us feel bad when people we like get hit by the bat that we use freely against you!

Aren't you ashamed when you stoop to the evil, nasty, horrible tactics we on the left use? Don't you feel any shame at all?

Ultimately, you're making it more difficulty for us to keep hitting you when you hit back, stop hitting us in self defense because it makes it harder for us to hit you when we fear the repercussions of our actions.

What would jesus do?

Turnabout is fair play is a principle

He would allow refugees right?

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Yeah, and he shouldn't have been fired for it. It's the exact shit I hate the left for. And while I can respect the irony of him specifically getting fired (what with his praise of mob justice), I still think it's shitty practice.

Fucking hilarious. I'm sure I could find dozens of articles written by this specific cuck doing exactly the opposite of what he's preaching here.

Yeah, the people who did it were not operating in good faith. They've condemned it when the opposite side did it and claimed to be for free speech before, then cucked themselves into their enemies tactics while exposing themselves as hypocrites.

Jesus also instructed people to obey the law of the land but that wouldn’t make Christians feel guilty about enforcing their border laws now would it?

It's inevitable, but the difference is we have a moral core that will let us lay down these weapons once the war is won. So long as we're only reciprocating, not escalating we have the moral highground.

Didn't mean to send this before I finished the ending. Rest should be: But, it's not like these retards can claim the high ground here either. This event has exposed that they, too, have not been acting in good faith. After all, James Gunn should have been the perfect target for them with their hate mob bullshit. Successful white man who said edgy shit on twitter. That's basically a slam dunk for a "fire this man" mob. The fact they didn't target him and are coming out AGAINST targeting him now proves that it's not about the principals they claim to hold, it's about the target's alignment.

Those faggots set up the chess board and layed out the rules. Now they bitch cause we play better.

'Now I'm off to harass some dude over a meme they shared once.' Patrick Klepek.
Seriously. Do they not see how utterly hypocritical they are at pretty much everything?
I mean look at that point 2. What a knobjockey. As for point 3. So muh gender pronouns are totally hands off but pedo jokes are only taken advantage of by muh alt right opportunists? Even the normis are seeing through this typical il-liberal response to one of their own being caught out in the wrong.

Most ice agents I’ve seen are straight up beans.

All tactics are permissible against globojudeohomo.

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>that gif

No Fucking Compromise!

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As far as I can tell James Gunn is a goy with a slightly twisted sense of humor.

I don't bear him any ill will, but if the commies want to destroy us for our speech, then rules for radicals #4 is fair game.

Wrecking these people, these people who think they are so morally superior to us working glass goyim down here living in the real world, is a good thing even if it just proves that they still have to fear us.

Again I regret the actual target. There are so many actual predatory pedophile Jews in (((Hollywood))) that I think going after them would be a better move, but the message has been sent.

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>The right didn't make these rules

The right was just as complicit in "making" and using these rules. It's just that the left has been using them more for the past 10 years.

Jesus would fashion whips and use them on the (((money changers)))

>heh heh
>appealing to peaple's moral sensibilities about keeping pedophiles from influencing our children is a weapon
>we shouldn't listen to him because that's what he wants us to do!
>we'll fall into his trap if we remove the pedophiles.

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>left's morality

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>Ben Shapiro
No, that's neocon thinking. It's no surprise that little kike believes that.

why is every jew and every media person defending this guy?

would Ben be equally quick to defend anti-jew jokes or holocaust jokes? of course not, he would be calling for his firing.

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It's not hypocritical if you don't view the left's ideology as valid or tolerable. You cannot have democracy and freedom where one side uses their liberties to push for the removal of said liberties.
Rather than get caught up in those rules, it's much more efficient to operate purely on tribal lines. If it's good for us, promote it. If not, discourage it. It's completely moral and not hypocritical at all. The right has been endlessly losing ground for allowing themselves to be silenced in these stunts but refusing to silence the liberals who do the same and worse. All for some misguided principles. Again, principles are completely worthless if you're the only one adhering to them. Yes, it's a nicer society when everyone holds themselves to some level of courtesy, but you're fighting mental children who don't see things that way anymore.

He just posted some edgy jokes folks, hell aren't we the ones that are supposed to defend free speech?

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That's because employment by ICE requires Spanish fluency and a graduate degree

edgy jokes or edging toward child rape? let the public decide dont cover it up. besides hes a hypocrite for creating Perv_magnet to expose online abuse in the form of bad jokes, and he does the same thing.

No, the left must be made to play by their own rules. We have hurt them. This is why they are kvetching as they are. Take note and stay the course.

No, it's moral gatekeeping. Just like before the left is trying to dictate the rules by which the right plays; conservatism defined by the left is not conservatism (that's how you get neo cons). The problem is that they don't follow their own rules and this is what we are now holding them to.

Anyone who protects pedophiles gets the the meme Jihad


Womp womp

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So I keep hearing.

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100%, a large segment of you have absolutely no qualms with doing anything it takes to make youre side win regardless of the implications. The majority of pol choose a team and wi now fight for it even if it means using the same tactics the lambasted others for using that same day. This is the state of politics, there is no winning.

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Who the fuck even listens to that retard?

At least in this instance this person can be concistent in their veiws rather than cheer leading thier side for the same acts that they would mock the opposition for.

The anti-pedo mob of normies is not the alt-right, or even the right. There's a segment of the population that varies widely in their politics but is 100% dead set against pedos and wants them all dead. It's a personality thing, not a political thing. The left is just trying to make this political because Cernovich got involved and he's an attention whore.

Which would you rather have:
1.) A society where the left has been removed from all forms of institutional power
2.) a society where the left controls all institutions of power, but you can have a good feeling in your tummy when you mock them

>It's not hypocritical if you don't view the left's ideology as valid or tolerable.

That's exactly what you do by wielding the tools of that shitty ideology, though. When you cuck yourself into using your enemies tactics, you are no better than the enemy you claim to be better than. You can't be pro-free speech... then attack somebodies free speech because they aren't on your side and you saw an easy way to take a quick swipe at them. It's hypocrisy. If you think wielding hypocrisy as a weapon against your enemies to make a point is a valid strategy, then good for you. But I don't compromise on my beliefs to make a point.

Making a statment on wether or not football players can or should kneel should be below the president. I thinks there is a halfway compeeling argument to be made for saying that the diffrence is in the presidents involvement in deriding players and that being a free speach issue. In my personal perspective the employeers were in the clear both times, if their decision frustrates you then tell them that or dont support them, thats sort of the idea of free trade yeah?

Neither, thats why we have checks and balances.

>muh dignity of the presidential office
Nah cunt learn some history. The President is just a man like you or I, not a King or some kind of noble. Getting in shitposting contests is an age old tradition.

If you turn everything into a black and white fallacy then you get the point where you can justify anything in the name of your cuase. You sound like the terrorists who are willing to die for islam but are too stupid to know how to rent the truck legally.

literally who and twitter philosophical "debates" are offtopic, dont forge to sage and post without an image

But there's no constitutional right to say whatever you want on the job and the left is going to continue to get right-wingers fired for that. This is how they've completely censored extremely mild and unoffensive right wing views in public spaces, by scaring us into silence. It's how they dominate the social media sphere by dictating what is acceptable.

Again: You're arguing with children. The only thing that will teach them a lesson is a taste of their own medicine. They will not spontaneously develop empathy and foresight if you just let them run rampant.

The president has to be able to be a moral beacon for society, he needs to be an example of something to aspire for optimally. Think about police for example, they are just regular people outside of work but society places an extra burden on there actions and I think rightfully so.

Whut? We're not using alynsky tactics on the left. Holding the left to their standards doesn't work because they have none. We're exposing the left to the center mass, the 20% of the US population that votes not on the issues, but votes with feelings. No matter how hard the left tries the push the overton window, they cannot push it past pedophilia.

It is not the ferocity of the beast of prey that requires a moral disguise- but the herd animal with its profound mediocrity, timidity, and boredom with itself.

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Make your enemies follow their own rules

>SJWs fight to get people fired at the slightest accusation
>freak out when they find out it applies to them as well

These fucking people never learn.

Of course the slimeball would say this and then go on to bemoan how weak conservatives/republicans are.

do all kikes get checkmarks on twatter?

currently listening to Mike Cernovich on Alex Jones right now

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No, he's not right. The left does not believe in morality.

Fuck off

(((Shapiro))) fuck that kike

Ben made no such defense for rosanne. He made a small comment on her show that she shouldn’t have been fire that was it. He’s a cuckboi for anything right unless it’s israel

Hunter S Thompson :(


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I like how he admits they never had intention of following the standards they set for everyone else.

I said it in the last thread:

You fuckers asked for this kulturkampf, we just want to win it.

It's disgusting that the alt right has fallen this low. I've been using this site for years and expected more from my fellow 4channers. We can't use the left's rules against them, we're above that. You're all acting like new faggots and need to gtfo /pol

What is it the left always says about freedom of speech? You're free to say what you want but you're not free from consequences. Something like that?

>oi vey don't act hypocritical

get in the oven

Pic related

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>Are we the baddies now?
have we ever been the good guys?

This is such low quality bait I suspect you're LARPing as a shill. A real shill is theoretically being paid, they would have to try harder than that.


digits confirm

Obey the law of the land
>implying you can pick and choose what Bible verses suit your agenda
Pic related

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The right is only holding up mirror while the left tears itself apart in disgust of what they see

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Rule 4

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This aged well.

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Ben Shapiro is a pedo

>he is not operating in good faith

We ran out of good faith. Gloves are off. Stop fucking children.

whining about rape tweets and a sketch video just makes you like a whiney faggot, no other way around it.

why aren't these nazis living up to their libertarian standards :(

(((ben shapiro)))

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It’s simpler than that.
Jews gonna protect the tribe. They above the laws they set for us.

>weaponized morality
>smiting your foes in the name of righteousness

>The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.
>He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
>(Matthew 15, 25-26)

Now imagine the outrage if a Republican quoted Jesus.