I say this because of the recent influx of all the shilldren pretending to be Jow Forumsacks, trying to befriend us, in huge numbers whereas about a month ago the only kikes here were regular kike, which is to say, evil, dishonest, and smug about it, not denying they're genociding us and instead lauging and rubbing it in our faces. You know, regular kikes. They they all overnight started to pretend to be bros or some dumbass kike scheme. I'm not here to talk about that. I see them getting called out over and over. I know even the dumbest faggot won't fall for any scheme that paints kikes in a good light. I'm here to talk about what it means. I think we're getting closer than we think, or else they wouldn't pander to us and try to kike up close, they'd continue to be themselves. I do little random samplings of society by going onto random livestreams, or DLing the top phone game I can find, then going into the chat rooms and posting minor bait about the JQ. Every single time, it causes an uproar in the chat, with two factions battling it out, retarded blue pill "OMG Nazis are bad m'kay", and "no, listen. Stop being emotional and listen. I will explain things with a slew of sources so long and irrefutable your head will spin". I don't even have to join in for very long; it's self-sustaining.
I think they are hiding how many people are awake. It's like 1/2 and 1/2 by my count. I think that this recent "go my shilldren and befriend Jow Forums" kike trick of theirs is to allow them to #notalljews once the purge begins in full. Just wanted to share that bit of possible good news. Carry on brothers. We'll see them hang for their crimes against us and humanity soon enough
We must reach to rothschild goblins this time even if we cant take down all banksters at once, in this one cycle some major gigakikes i believe can be eradicated. It will shatter their front significantly.
Brayden Davis
Yes yes, save your effort for another thread, kike. You're all going to die, soon. You've just made it worse by scheming and these stupid kike tricks of yours. What was DOTR is not DOTCrosses and you have nobody but yourselves to blame. Same goes for you, kike piece of shit.
Damn literally 3/4 of the first 4 posts were kikes or shills. To any other real users who stop by, take stock of what that means. There are only so many Israeli shilldren and associated pets. Why do they try to befriend us so much? Because we're winning bigly and they feel they must turn the tide. FUCK YOU KIKES YOU'RE GONNA DIE FOR YOUR CRIMES>
Parker Murphy
this board is made out of hatred towards jews...
Ayden Turner
I agree. Step one is dismantling their central banks. Without them they'd already be on lifesupport. The energy of other men printed on papers is the blood the Jewpire must drink to survive. And regular blood like pic related .
Nope. If you side with zionists you are messianic jews. Just realize this. The zionist scheme is a man made quazi jewish messianic scheme of freemasons and jewish bankers with pleb jews, christian zionist retards, and now trumptards used as cannon fodder and useful idiots. All of you are nothing but cube headed messianic jews.
See how many we're dealing with? Threads like these are great for gaining data. It's like having a room full of randos and being tasked with finding the jews so you glue quarters all around the floor.
Adam Hall
Bros take stock of the ration of kikes/kike pets to genuine users here. I'm not sure what our analytics looks like but there is a HUGE number of them around these days. I've seen posts about twatter polls where we bump them by like 5000 votes in a few hours. Imagine how many shekels this board is costing them to rival our natural numbers.
Also self bump to say I just noticed my ID says "goy shh" lol thank you kek you have blessed me
John Flores
Checked. And hopefully alongside. If we all realize our strength Harrison Bergeron style, we can do it all in a few days. Imagine starting the week kike ridden and ending it in world peace.
I make $10 an hour at work while costing Jews millions online. Oh the irony.
Bentley Thompson
It's just a fact. If you are a trumptard, but are against his israel first messianic jewish eschatological foreign policy, then you are not a messianic jew. If you are for it, you are.
Oliver Cook
I'm guessing when lack of support and outright for Israel, The Zionist Agenda, Cultural Marxism, Hitler and Luther's definition of Jewry, ect... gets to around 80% of the national populace in the west, we'll see the left collapse as they bleed themselves dry of their shekels with all the money they're burning on shill campaigns and useless liberal agendas like Pride and Refugee shuttling. Eventually the elites will cut off their funding after finding that it isn't really doing anything but diving their puppets and making them cannibalise each other.
Lincoln Gutierrez
its actually says "Kek's Goy Shh"
t. clicked 20 buses to post this
Alexander Moore
Maybe Soros shouldn't have entrusted his plan to an amateur hour faggot like David Brock.
Robert Taylor
Thailand get out you're drunk
Charles Jackson
The genie is out of the bottle and there is no putting it back in. This is why I tell people to keep up good optics and not sperg out. Word is spreading VERY fast we don't need to push it too quickly. The level of progress we have made since 2016 is greater than all the progress truthtellers have made since 1945. Relax, keep spreading the truth is a neutral and level headed way, and we win. Ignore siegefaggots and glowniggers who push for violence.
Soros just seems like a spook to me at this point, his name appears too often, like the Clintons, to be part of the true elites.
But in either case, it's so obnoxiously easy to see what he's doing that I'm convinced he's either the mastermind or the biggest false flag in recent history.
Jackson Carter
>clicked 20 buses to post this It's funny , it's as if you post wrong think it punishes you with more pictures in captcha
Connor Anderson
Asher Thomas
He's the front man for the Rothschilds.
Jayden Long
So, what's the difference between a messianic jew, a talmudic jew, and an ashkenazi jew?
Look into it. Know your enemy. The trumpskis who support his foreign policy but are not halachically jewish are not technically any kind of jew, but they are eschatologically and philosophically, whether knowingly or unknowingly, aligned with them.
Camden Jackson
Talmudic Jews follow the ancient doctrines of Judaism and ritually engage in pastimes like corruption and Satanism, even Jesus remarks on the Talmudic Priests being corrupt and abusing their power in his time. Messianic Jews acknowledge Christ as the savior and have more in common with Christians than their Talmud cousins. Ashekenazi are the wanderers who were repeatedly bounced between countries in western Europe whilst assimilating to appear as the locals, they were often the target of propaganda due to their habitual treachery.
Messianic Jews are one of the few sub-groups that can be trusted as long as they aren't a Zionist, as Zionists have been raised to have zero loyalty to their home country and support the theoretical of a hegemonic Jewish state.
Samuel Ward
Okay but which is more dangerous? Based Zionists that only do enough subversion to make us fight their wars, or the International kikes that are literally trying to destroy all nations including Israel, to create the ultimate goyim.
Leo Adams
Once again fuck off and take your meds schizo
Wyatt Edwards
SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!
Connor Bell
They're becoming a lot easier to notice. Here and IRL. This place saved me, thank you bros.
Andrew Reed
All jews have to die. No good jews fight bad jews so there are no good jews. Simple
Gabriel Moore
Literally page one of the cointelpro handbook. Imagine being a shill who is so retarded they have to use a handbook lol
Daniel Morales
Thank you, bro. We'll all rise up soon enough.
Oliver Gomez
Well duh. But which one is more pressing? Which Jews need to die first?
You must understand that the the plan that led to the blowing up the middle east and parts of africa and that led to the muslim refugees all moving to white countries is all part of the zionist plan to empty out the middle east to expand territory. The globalist plan also involves spreading these non-whites to white countries. Is all just different wings of the same plan. We wouldn't even have the muslim problem if it wasn't for the wars for israel and the zionists. The jews MADE their enemy, the muslims, OUR enemy exactly so we WOULD align with zionists, which is why we shouldn't fall into their trap. Globalism and zionism are both part of a particular talmudic eschatology.
James Barnes
Checked, and EXACTLY. Kikes weaponized minorities.
Jayden Price
Anti-semites will end up imploding themselves. They always shit their nest.
That is good to know op. Everytime i pass by a white man on the street i think there is a good chance he is one of us. We are just waiting for the right time to strike. The Kikes and their degenerate hordes should be scared.
Luke Wright
They are trying to genocide my people, steal from everyone as a way of life, and are generally dishonest and scheming in all they do.
Colton Barnes
are you sure thats da juice, or, more accurately, just rich evil people or do you expect me to believe that the only people who wants white people gone are jews, what about rabid leftists or blacks?
All those societies are pretty much gone including ancient Rome. Jews are still around.
Liam Clark
It's mental illness. That guy is probably hated by everyone who knows him. It's sad.
Evan Gonzalez
No shit, even the left wants to genocide the kikes.
Owen Cook
It does seem a little weird, it may be mental illness, or merely "programming", kneejerk reactions that are so ingrained in their brains that it prevents them from discussing anything that may trigger them
You're either a pedo tourist or an actual Thai. I'm honestly not sure which one is more degenerate.
Robert Rivera
So their literally gentrifying the Middle East? I've even kicked the idea around that the European elite want Jews out of Europe so bad they support islamists b/c of their hatred of Jews.
Anthony Williams
I’m just imagining some lonely fat retarded neckbeard typing this up.
>t-the jews are w-why I’m f-failing at life wahhhhhh!!!!
You’re almost as bad as the niggers who blame white people for their failures. Maybe stop spending all day on Stormfront circlejeking about jews with other lonely neckbeards and go outside to actually accomplish something meaningful.
Anthony Morris
The Swastika was long before a German radical nationalist group called the nsdap party, the filthy nsdap party.
Benjamin Roberts
You're laying it on really thick there buddy. Fact is that mass awakening to the JQ is happening which is why you're here shilling your ass off.
I can’t imagine being this retarded. Somebody disagrees with you and it’s automatically some “conspiracy”. Maybe you’re just being a retard. Did that ever cross your mind?
>I say this because of the recent influx of all the shilldren pretending to be Jow Forumsacks, trying to befriend us, in huge numbers whereas
This happens literally every summer. Lurk more, newfag.
Jacob Perez
>nobody pointing out his ID says "QEX" and "G0y"
But you're right. We can call them out for as much as we want, but they have a large amount. It's like a wave. You can resist it, but the wave still hits, and it still has an effect. It's important that we become as closely-coordinated as they do so that we can fight them back. Only the shills want us to stay here. Of course they would, they want us to say un-coordinated.
William Rogers
Muhammed, what makes you think we are in alliance with you? You are the kikes' sword.
the image on the right is photoshopped Jow Forums creates endless fake propaganda because in their minds, its true, so creating fake evidence to convince others is justified, its pathetic and i suggest you stop spreading fake images
I think part of the plan is prob to have muslims menace the pleb jews so they move to israel to be cannon fodder
"In the wake of recent terror attacks in Europe — several of which targeted Jewish institutions — some politicians and religious leaders have predicted an exodus of Jewish people from the continent. In some ways, the numbers stack up. Last year, a record 8,000 Jews arrived in Israel from France — with another 15,000 coming from Eastern Europe." youtube.com/watch?v=Z2h7ggRUFws
Jackson Martin
before you say im a "le lying kike!!!" pic related, lil brainlet, watch it slowly so your brain can comprehend you're spreading fake garbage
Correct, I say based on concrete, objective, factual examples. However, that we are coming closer and closer does not mean that we, my based huwhite bro’s, should relax. We have to go full out to try and get what we want, namely the complete destruction of all kikes and their shills and the 14 words. We’ll succeed, I say based on concrete, factual, objective information.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.