The breaking up of Standard Oil was the worst mistake made by any president in U.S. history

The breaking up of Standard Oil was the worst mistake made by any president in U.S. history.

Attached: President_Roosevelt_-_Pach_Bros.tif.jpg (220x311, 43K)

actually the breakup of Ma Bell was even worse (The Bell System)
google it

Not even close

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Not so fast

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Wilson and LBJ are tied for the worst president of all time.

Except AT&T has already reabsorbed the majority of the Baby Bells, Verizon is the notable exception.

hold my beer

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If Standard Oil wasn't broken up we probably would have had a much longer United States and probably would have relied on 100% renewable energy by 1980. Standard Oil was literally the most amazing company to ever exist and would have easily became a monarchy given enough time.

*much larger United States

LBJ wouldn’t have been truly possible without Wilson. Wilson is by far the worst president.

Obama literally and unironically did nothing wrong.

Personally? He was a moron who continued Bush era policies. He did, however, have the greatest negative effect in society of all recent presidents.
Maybe we will look back favorably on him as the end of all this commie bullshit.

Wilson would have never had the power to set up an LBJ if the US government wasn't monarchized by Roosevelt. Roosevelt showed every future president that the US government could do whatever the fuck it wanted to against the people's best interests.

I would say FDR is probably the worst president, he's the one that went full on new deal bullshit. What's also sad is that he's considered the best US president.

Only among Greatest Generation types, and they're pretty much dead now. Although Republican ones absolutely loathed him. I think as time progresses his ranking as being in the top 3 or 5 will drop.

FDR wasn't all too bad, he won us WW2 although his policies contributed to the Great Depression continuance past the market's collapse.

He caused the baby boom but then again created a culture where people expect the government to take care of them. So I think FDR wasn't THE worst. That title can go to Roosevelt, Johnson, or Wilson.

Yeah FDR ranks pretty low too. He started the expansion of the federal government into everything.

>He won us
Don’t you mean the boot on the ground did

FDR did everything he could to steer us into War, fuck him.

Sure but he ordered it and his later management of the US government seemed more free market. His early terms were bad but he got better by the third and fourth.

fuck off jp morgan shill

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