Christianity is it Jewish subversion?

I have read the idea that Christianity is an ideology created by Jews to weaken goyim. If this is true why are Jews so against Christianity and why is the New Testament so antisemitic?Literally calling Jews the synagogue of Satan and have Jesus chasing money changers with a whip.

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Jesus was a faithful, non-exploitative Communist

>I have read the idea that Christianity is an ideology created by Jews to weaken goyim.
Only angry fedoras say that.
Christianity is an ideology created by Rome to maintain the empire unified. This is common knowledge.

The thing responsible is race. The whole of Judaism appears in Christianity as the art of concocting holy lies, and there, after many centuries of earnest Jewish training and hard practice of Jewish technic, the business comes to the stage of mastery. The Christian, that ultima ratio of lying, is the Jew all over again—he is threefold the Jew.

The Jews fear the +cross+

"The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (/ˈkaJkəl/ KY-kəl), and for "little circle", kikeleh (/ˈkaJkələ/ KY-kə-lə). Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an "O" in place of an "X" a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.[5] "

Kike scum come to these threads to peddle their lies.

>Christianity is an ideology created by Rome to maintain the empire unified.


>Roman pagan empire lasts for a thousand years
>Christianity becomes the official religion of Rome
>Splits after 15 years and the empire falls after 100 years

You scared of the cross buddy ? +

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No? In what way does it weaken the Hebrews? It both challenges and reinforce the Abrahimitic faith, so does Islam, but in the end, it is all their view of the truth. It is only one truth, but the jews have their version of it, based on Abraham, the question is wheter this is the right version of the truth or not.

Jews hate The Christ more than anything.

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Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People

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>>Roman pagan empire lasts for a thousand years
>>Christianity becomes the official religion of Rome
>>Splits after 15 years and the empire falls after 100 years
Fuck off retard
The Pagan western Rome fell, while the 100% Christian Eastern Roman empire lasted several centuries after.
Funnily enough the Holy (western) Roman empire raised again once they adopted Christianity.

don't forget how long Pagan Egypt lasted before its collapse. in today's day and age, Christianity is the most cucked religion on the planet.

Eastern Rome fell in 1453.
Western Rome still exists in the Vatican.

As Paul said, when we are weak, He is strong.

Calling Christianity a Jewish subversion is literally a Jewish subversion.

>why is the New Testament so antisemitic
You mean like the part where Jesus calls the Jews children and the gentile a dog? Or the part where he says salvation is from the Jews? Or when says he was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel?
>Literally calling Jews the synagogue of Satan
>I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you
>who claim to be Jews though they are not
>though they are not

Look up Joe Atwill.
TL;DR, at least as I understand it:
The Roman imperialists had a hard time subduing the Messianic Movement of the Jews. Eventually they decided to craft a religion melding Judaism and Roman philosophy to make the Jews easier to rule. The Jews were aggressive and did not respect outsiders, so the Romans gave them a religion that taught them to value outsiders, turn the other cheek, and submit to the Roman rulers. In addition, by framing Jews as the killers of Christ, they set converts against Jews who resisted conversion.

If the Romans did that they fucked up by creating a religion that didn't recognise Caesar as divine and denounced all other gods as false.

Atwill argues that through symbolism the New Testament got the Jews to worship the Caesar.
The symbolism he refers to is that the route Tiberius followed while subduing the Jews was the same route the New Testament describes Jesus following as he preached.
I realize this sounds irrational, but consider the context.


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Based Poland being based.

Just in case bringing this up has ruined anyone's faith, I want to point out that there is a lot of reason to believe the afterlife is real.

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Well, they made life difficult for their successors if they did that.