Black Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Has the left gone full circle, Jow Forums?

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Are niggesr and jews the only group watching TV nowadays?

I don't watch it, it's all niggers, jews and homosexuals bashing the white man anymore

Its pretty racist to do a reboot where the only difference is skin color.

Oy vey, this is very racist. Why can't Buffy be black, it's 2016

SJWs always want white male roles replaced with minorities. now that white women get replaced the SJWs suddenly go:"wo wtf not me"

we def need a ghetho vampire slayer. like blade but with more KFC/EBT and estrogen. best would be if instead of vampires shaniqua lejonebrowns hunts police officers.

They could do this right if they focus on Sineya the first slayer. That would be interesting to watch and it would feature an all black cast.
>Bloodthirsty niggress lead
>Shadow men
>It would be lore friendly.
>Setting would be Africa.

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I stopped watching years ago because something seemed wrong. My subconcious was red pilled before I accepted it fully.

>lets make 10 threads about buffy the fucking jew being black now

Go outside, its super rare to see a single black person

Turn on TV, every advert and TV show is Black people, 90% being Black Male with a White Woman

>All these women getting buttblasted when it's somehting they grew up with and like

See, this would be neat, and would satisfy their need for a black cast.

Source or GTFO.

Exactly, the Buffy world has a shit ton of lore and enough to really base serval spin offs if done correctly but we know those hollyhikes don't care about story telling.

at least an archived link or a tl;dr

you fucking nigger

The avalanche of POC outrage against "white feminism" is going to be great.

perfect they're eating themselves again
everybody get on your liberal accounts and push for a new version of charmed with a black a spic and a tranny
then sit back and watch basic white bitches in their 30s rope kikes for us

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>Go outside, its super rare to see a single black person
Jesus, first world problems. Where I am it's as unusual to see more than one other white besides myself.

also we should meme that vampire guy from the spinoff as a nazi
just googled his name was "Angel"

>Its pretty racist to do a reboot where the only difference is skin color.
Or gender, although that would be sexist, like in the ghostbusters movie

gilmore transgirls!

Time for revenge for all the poz they've been spreading to our stuff lads.
White feminism is going to change and Jow Forums will be resented for our leading role.
Hashtag buffysowhite hashtag feminismsowhite .
White feminists must learn to be multicultural and until all their media is diverse, we will continue to push for PoC and disabled representation in all of it, despite their white supremacist tears!

sex in the city all black cast

It's in the fucking OP poc you utter nonce

dawsons dilator

>show full of jews replaced with mutts

'omg my white culture!'

buffy was always jewed, it was "Friends" for manchildren and alt-roasties into wicca and cutting themselves.

just because sarah michelle gellar was a white-passing qt pie jewess doesnt make the show 'white'. its jewish. especially all the black magic nonsense. its 100% jewish parody of jewish mythology. many episodes are straight up re imaginings of biblical/jewish stories.

NOW.... ifu want a legit redpilled black vampire? go watch BLADE, starring the WOKE mega-jew-hater wesley 'fuck the federal reserve' snipes, already exist and it depicts (((vampires))) and their goyim "familiar/pets" perfectly.

irregardless, this new black buffy will not be as good as jew buffy.

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I have the feeling that if we did a reboot of something with niggers, they would call it racist instead of empowering.

"I am Kendra.
The vampire slayer.
The black vampire slayer from a black nation with a black accent.
I am the only black vampire slayer you will ever need. Seriously.
I completely fill the need for a black person to be a vampire slayer."

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>They could do this right
No no they can't.

the POC


Might be good,I always liked Blackula

>implying there won't be an episode where the vampire coven just so happens to be a police station/kkk group
>bonus points for both
Personally I cant wait for the mid season reveal that she got knocked up by the new black Xander who then leaves the show

>They could do this right if they focus on Sineya the first slayer. That would be interesting to watch and it would feature an all black cast.
>>Bloodthirsty niggress lead
>>Shadow men
>>It would be lore friendly.
>>Setting would be Africa.

it would be the right thing to do but it would cost too much so we will get a cliche typical current day setting and a black girl doing a bunch of white-girl wiccan/jew black magic stuff.

imagine a fully fleshed out WE WUZ-ification of buffy history, woulda been lit.

It's fun to dream isn't it?

This. Ironic racism is the best kind of racism


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"I am Nikki.
The vampire slayer of the 1970s.
Just in case you missed the Kendra episodes, I will be your black vampire slayer this evening.
Now, you have surely had all the Black Vampire Slayer you could possible ever want."

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But what if that dream becomes a nightmare?

I don't watch any scripted TV shows. The only thing I watch on TV are sports.

I know and it's gonna be terrible. I'd even settle on a Kendra story before she came to Sunnydale, or what happened leading up to her returning to Sunnydale and getting killed.

Where I am people turn around and stare at any rare black person, and mumble "oi smotri negr shagaet nihuya sebe".


ya know, instead of basic bitches in yoga pants with starbucks?

'alternative' girls who are typically pathetic and/or confused about their identity, into shit like 'crystals' and 'energy' and made up, vague sexual orientations.

>knowing and caring about this

You gotta understand that Buffy is the sacred cow of these people. They grow up with it and fucking studied that shit in college, wrote their thesis on it.
But this is Buffy, an entire generation of liberals was raised on this shit. Touching it is sacrilege.

Blacky the Vampire SLAAAAYr will totally do well.

"Hallo! I am the First Vampire Slayer!
I'm also black!
At this stage you could be forgiven for thinking that Vampire Slayer is a black job!
Well, it's underpaid, dangerous and unrecognised. You could be right !
So now, you must be sick of seeing Black Vampire Slayers and there is no need for another one.

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>It's in the fucking OP poc you utter nonce

Jow Forums of all places is where you find a lot of political bullshit. It's fake until I see a link.

Make them play by their rules damn it. Call them racists and privalaged white people.

Im Blade, and youre a faggot.

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Why don't rightards understand capitalism?

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The Left doesn't want Whedon to go ahead with this virtue-signalling project, because they know nobody's going to watch Shaniqua The Vampire Slayer and it's going to further discredit virtue-signalling leftist entertainment projects.

Its very strange, its never chinese people or indians, always black people.

well if you accept the idea of vampirism then the first vampires were most likely niggers so thats not far fetchesd TBQHFAM

The only reason people watched this was to see if those Khazar milkers of Sarah Michelle-Gellar.

Hahahahahahahaha time to make them live by the rules that they set for others. We didn't want minorities in video games, movies and comics shoved down our throats. They did it anyways. It's time to shove it down their throat and make them enjoy it.

The Mary Sue is an entertainment website, go there and check it out

fuck off mutt

>the Buffy world has a shit ton of lore
The entire Buffy world is canonically a fantasy delusion/hallucination of Buffy Summers, who needs 24/7 care in a locked-door mental hospital:

>He watches jewball

"Yes goyim! Please mindlessly watch "your team" compete while you do nothing but consume delicious snack foods and watch advertising! Buy some team merchandise to show your affiliation!"

We live in a nightmare with few glimmers of hope.
Some of us have no choice but to dream.

Joss Wheddon is a pedophile enabler. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but if Black Buffy (bam-ba-lam) becomes a thing, so should that.

Not to anybody who never accepted strawmen in the first place.

she's not transgender enough I think. We need trans vampire slayers slaying trans vampires.

I dunno if posting about a show's obvious fate is really caring or not.

Huh? Ok mountain heeb

What do you do on your spare time?

>not scripted


also watching sports is the most cucked shit ever

>now that white women get replaced the SJWs suddenly go:"wo wtf not me"
>>All these women getting buttblasted when it's somehting they grew up with and like

i was honestly told about this 'black buffy' reboot by a female friend, an elementary school teacher, total normie. sweet person. even she was livid and mocked this as pandering that no one asked for.

Just push it as being a thing it would be great to see Trans white women and also a black woman play the role.

Loved that episode
Kill me now please

Europe had sports before it had jews.

Video games, read and watch YouTube videos.

That makes it even better.

Angel was better anyway

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What the fuck, Mary Sue has been infiltrated by racists.

its almost as if nogs need special treatment.

Enjoy it while it lasts; Russian won't be immune to it forever. Putin's not immortal.

Organize the blacks and the trannies. We will take this to Twitter.

Seriously though wouldn't you like to see a 300lb nigress go apeshit against a vampire?


First vampires were actually probably rich aristocrats and Jews in southern europe

Russia is 30% muslim. Lmao.

They should go the direction of doctor who and make a male vampire slayer

Since you’re a lazy nigger and a laughing stock because of the loicense meme, here you go.

Do you know that this muslims been a part of russia empire for centuries? and overal they are kinda different from muslims that you welcomed to your countries?

I hate this.

Leave my Jewish vampire slayer alone, you dumb fucking Jews.

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I actually used to play a lot of sports.

>its never chinese
Asians are considered white depending on the specific topic just like Hispanics. Blacks are black regardless so they're the primary focus.

Fucking kek underrated

>we love Muslims and Muslims are awesome

That's what I love about all of the feminists trying to claim Buffy as some female empowerment story (aside from it being an excuse for one of the creepiest men in entertainment to organize a series around the casting couch): it's all canonically a mentally-ill woman's delusions.

I dont know?
They are heavily overrepresented in tv ads, i just saw an ad for a cancer charity.
White cancer woman with black husband and half caste kid.
Just why though?

i didnt say i somehow love them, just telling you that there's a difference between assimilated over centuries muslims, and gimmie gimmie once.

How much do you love Russian muslims?

Promote the coal pay the toll

jews don’t count they’re not numerous enough

it’s niggers, brown people and the white bugmen

>White liberal females starting to realize they are being replaced aswell



They are tolerable.

i don't. but at least they aint leechin on welfare