Reminder regime change in Iran would be a good thing

Reminder regime change in Iran would be a good thing

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Stop posting zionist propaganda and leave this site

how sloped is your forehead?

-t. Barack Obama

ah yes like you guys did in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Al-Qaeda, Taliban and ISIS were really more forward thinking than what was there before

Hello Iranian intelligence officers

If you are a white nationalist you literally cannot disagree with OP, it's against your own interests.

Iran does need a regime change, and it will probably happen very soon.

Itd bring instability to an already unstable region. The US military is already stretching itself too thin.

>implying "muh freedom" isn't CIA catnip for low-IQ people

North Korea.

Brainwashed yankee has to go on damage control and the jew jumps in

like last time you fuckt it up?

How much worse can it get.

Think about Iraq and how that did help.
I mean US forces didnt get Iraq till this day under controll and look isis.

great now turn it even bigger.

You know her ea regime change would be great. USA.

It would be, but the people who know how to change it best and what it should look like afterwords don't work at the fucking Brookings Institution.

What if a free and democratic Iran isn't too keen on being friends with the United States? We can only enforce compliance, we can't enforce respect.

"die for Israel goyim"

>always do oposite of what jew says

>implying indecent whores are a good thing

But I won't allow it to be done by the Jewish dogs and their amerimutt puppets.

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for Israel now kys kike

I think that Trump wants to be like Ronald Reagan. But instead of freeing Eastern Europpe from communism. He wants to free the MENA from Islamism. First ISIS, now the Shias.

Nothing more hilarious than a Jew telling white nationalists what their best interests are.

This is why you never trust americans.

A reminder, who the fuck cares?

why? let the people have the goverment is the best for them and the people wanted a theocracy

>What if a free and democratic Iran isn't too keen on being friends with the United States
iran has never been democratic ,they have no democratic tradition forcing in on them is a dumb idea

You're basically talking about "going back" and if the war in Iraq should have taught you anything, it's that in practice it doesn't really work.


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>israeli flag
>he must a jew!1 *insert anti-semitic joke here*
I'm not even a Jew, idiots.

That meme is old and outdated.
No one saying American should die Israel.

If you're a White nationalist you don't give a fuck what non-Whites do with themselves in their own countries.

>He wants to free the MENA from Islamism. First ISIS, now the Shias.
why are you opposed to islamist goverments? it is their tradition let them have whatever type of government suits them

muh freedom

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This are some fine looking milkers,
so why did she not have a BF or was married?
She seems like fine women to me.

Every country has the government the people want/are willing to put up with. History is full of examples of people rising up and throwing aside their government.

Nothing more hilarious than a Jew admitting he has is incapable of understanding what nationalism is.

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Regime will change once avg persian stops being a retard

Just because Iranians a few decades ago dressed like Westerners doesn't mean that most Iranians whether back then or in the present day are like us.

Fake milkers. I think she was wearing some plastic boobs.

Did Poland choose communism?

The difference is ISIS is already in control of Iran. It’s called the IR

No, it was imposed by the soviets unlike the regime change in iran that was achieved through popular revolution
Now fuck off

Regime change will lead to african niggers in Iran

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fucking saved

no it was imposed on them by a foreign power just like liberalism was imposed on iran , i am against both of these if the people of iran no longer like their goverment the goverment wont last long i see no reason why anybody in the western world should push for regime change nor do i see why would it be a good thing

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>Iran is a US-Israeli golem

If Trump handles this like he did North Korea and Putin, the salt from msm, Israel, banks, jidf, old Christians, etc. will be biblical.

>hello goy, send whites to die on foreign soil for the betterment of muslims

Thanks for the protip Mr. Nose. How about you and your government work on that regime change all by yourselves. Mkay? Thanks.

Is it true that modern Iranians are more Arab than Persian, or is that just a meme?

It's just a meme, but the Iranians in North got more Caucasus admixture (e.g., Lezgins, Armenians, etc.), and the ones in South got more South Asian admixture (e.g., Pakistanis, Indians).

J1, the main yDNA haplogroup of Arabs, is less than 10% in Iranians. The SW Asian admixture in Iranians predates Islam and goes back to Neolithic times as autosomal samples from Teppe Hasanlu and more indicate.

>Why did the unstable vegan lady who tried to shoot up the youtube campus and committed suicide not have a husbando?

There is no such thing as hot enough for that level of crazy.

Shalom, im 100% iranian and i totally want a US invasion of my country. The mullahs are evil, they want to harm the good people of Israel
! And the woman, won't someone thik of the woman! Down with the hijab!!

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coi, arata ca esti roman

As far as I'm concerned the geopolitical enemy to confront currently is not Iran but the EU. The west clearly has an ideological and conspiratorial setup that needs to be confronted before you even think of pushing for western dominance elsewhere in the world.

>supporting the Saudis

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I thought Israel killed off the intelligencia?


Reminder regime change in Israel would be a good thing.

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>no one saying American should die Israel
Israelis truly do have an of 95. It’s not what you say, but the actions you commit to. The money you annually get from our tax payers. And the audacity for you to not be groveling at our feet, grateful we give you such support when it can be better spent on our own country.

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do it yourself kike

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> we need to bomb iranians so iranian women can wear short skirts.

boomer logic, everyone.

how many times will you do that until you can be at peace?

>you will never want anyone as badly as white coat wants green sweater

If you think privatization in Russia was a corrupt and destructive process, wait until you see the privatization of the Bonyads, the religious foundations that control most of the economy of Iran.

Young people in Iran complain about these institutions, they claim they are corrupt and inefficient, which they are, but this corruption and inefficiency is done in the name of mass employment and good wages for its workers. Of course, liberal Tehranites are not being benefited since they are not part of the religious networks that enjoy employment in such foundations, but for the vast majority of Iranians, the system is working, even though it doesn't make them rich as they imagine Westerners to be.

Now if you privatize these behemoths you will end up with a lot of new oligarchs gaining a lot of money and giving jobs to these university-educated liberals and their Western friends, but the majority will be fucked. Remember how economic liberalism in Russia ended with the rise of Putin? Economic liberalism and privatization in Iran will end with something worse than the current Ayatollahs coming to the fore.

then let them do it themselves and KEEP YOUR FILTHY FAT KIKE PAWS off of them









go bother china or something fucking faggits

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Dont you even think about touching iran, kikes

Fuck you kike

Out kike

>Stop posting zionist propaganda and leave this site


You are not religiously "jewish". You are zionist

OP faps on Middle Easterners

>Of course

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The goal of the Zionists is to impoverish Iran.

They want to make an example of Iran like they did with Germany in the 20th century. They don't want it to ever rise again.

>No one saying American should die Israel.

T-truly you are my best ally, merchant!

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We have to let our glowniggers blow off steam somewhere before they start ramping up the false flags at home

reminder all kikes should be killed