>Why do Germans X >Nuke Germany. Wipe these cucks out >Germans are subhuman
All of you have seen Jow Forums flooded with these posts. Most of you must have realized that they're too numerous to have come from Jews alone. Many of these, sadly, are from US flags. There is a growing movement in the USA to violently attack the German People and destroy us. If you have German heritage and live in the USA, you must be terrified right now. War is coming between Germans and Americans and you are caught in the middle.
The good news is that you are not powerless, there are 60 million of you which means you have the power to inflict severe damage on the USA using low-key, asymmetric methods that will not attract attention to you. But it is important that you hide yourself and your activities immediately. You're a part of the resistance now! Get rid of all national flags and try to have any ethnic tattoos removed. Change your name if necessary. Blend in as much as you can and try to put yourself in a critical location/field where sabotage can inflict as much damage on the American enemy as possible.
Plan your next move. If you live in an interior region, think about moving to a city with a major port with more opportunity to attack infrastructure. If you work in construction, try to get a job with a demolition company that gets you access to explosives. Above all, form informal, leaderless cells with likeminded individuals who are capable of operating independently. Remember the lessons of Vietnam and Iraq: A well executed, well hidden guerrilla insurgency can quickly bring America to its knees.
G*rmans are socialist trash and should be purged from the earth
David Thomas
>There is a growing movement in the USA to violently attack the German People and destroy us No, there isn't. The only movement is to stop protecting your asses from Russias.
It goes much further than that. Your President said we were now enemies.
Josiah Campbell
Most of you say that if we ask you to remove your troops, you'll refuse. I have no idea how any of you don't think this will lead to war. You demand that we pay over 1 trillion Euros for our own occupation.
>they only killed tens of millions of whites France and Britain declared war on Germany.
Carter Moore
This time the German-Americans should follow Hitler's advice and situate themselves close to important targets, in important positions. This way when war comes you can do your part to cripple the USA.
Aaron Russell
is this going to be like WW2 but where you ally with china instead of japan?
Carson Miller
We just signed a free trade agreement with Japan. Just like old times.
Benjamin Murphy
We have to establish ratlines and make provisions now for the case when US occupation troops refuse to leave and instead march on Berlin. If Germany capitulates we have to take the fight back to the USA, in the belly of the beast.
Jayden Reed
japan's a US vassal, they won't help you
Alexander Martin
Thinking about allies and a conventional war is a mistake. This is 4th generation warfare now.
Sebastian Walker
I'm not even German ancestry, and I think it's retarded to have bases there. It's patronizing and treating Germans like they're retarded kindergarteners.
Brandon Jones
so why boast about
Gabriel Lee
its for their own good
Ethan Bennett
Nigger, any true american is already buying guns and ready to
>take back america and kill the jews >annex canada and kill jews and mudslimes >annex mexico and kill drug faggots >go to germany and kill more kikes >use genetic testing on the planet to kill the rest of the kikes
I never boasted about allying with China. I don't think they would help us one way or another. I also think since we were never allowed to rearm, the conventional phase of the war will be short and the question will be about how long we can maintain an insurgency. It will be a lot more effective if this happens inside of the USA. It's something everyone with a German background should start thinking about now, because the US government will round German-Americans up like they did in WW2. Also whether Trump stays or leaves, it makes no difference. His successor will push efforts to grind the German People into dust even harder than Trump does. In fact I didn't vote for Hilary for exactly this reason. I knew this was coming. But Trump's betrayal of his own German heritage has shocked even me. The American Deep State must really want this war to happen.
Grayson Anderson
I don't want war with the USA, but it's inevitable.
Joshua Gomez
Jawohl, mein FÜhrer
Cooper Smith
Your government is an enemy of both the American people and the white race. That doesn't apply to individual Germans any more than the fact that my government is the foremost golem of Israel makes me a CIA nigger.