

Attached: fc23b7d.png (802x655, 759K)

Literally another shoah

It's very easy for a news source to be anti-Trump, since being "anti-Trump" is the same as "pro-Facts", something that conservative "news" like Fox and Breitbart can't comprehend

Essentially, reality has a strong liberal bias

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You'd think if it had a strong liberal bias, reality would have rewarded the daily news.
Guess reality is different than you think.

fail bait

>meme flag
>absolutely retarded post

Im guessing there is a star of David involved somewhere in this post.

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oy vey, save us goys, we need a bailout. remember the 6 gorillion

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/nu fag/ sauce is requested on ANY thread you start. OP IS A FAGGOT


That's my favorite part about the "right side of history" crowd. They're consistently wrong. Human nature is imperfect and history is tragically cyclical, there is no right side and never will be.

You’re retarded

Pretty sure the 'right side' is the one making history now.

The real world = the opposite of everything you said.

>thinking your crafty wordsmithing will get you out of this
the people already woke up shill

And at the end of the day, the dollars talk and bullshit walks. It’s obvious they’re losing readers because what you call ‘facts’ simply isn’t selling anymore. You had eight years with token. Your time is over

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have we reached trump media saturation point?

ever time i turn on the old boomer tube literally every channel for the last 3 years is talking about trump every chance they can. and the ones who don't seem to be more popular then ever. The cooking channel and home gardening network.

just like Tv, is tv real life now?

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wheres the link you stupid clown

>"..a new direction for the paper - which will increase focus on breaking news with an emphasis on crime, civil justice and public responsibility. Local news and sports will still be covered"
Another outlet learned that it's unprofitable to specialize in mindless Trump Bashing. It's a lesson they will all learn when their masters run out of money.


>Have we reached Trump media saturation?


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The money is in digital. What are these guys doing still invested heavily in printed products?

>real world
>EU flag
Fuck off you nigger

how much print could they still possibly be putting out. Most "papers" now are basically digital subscriptions.

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Who the fuck reads paper now? More than 80% of the US has internet access and smartphones.

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>Who the fuck reads paper now?

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>This is all Drumpf's fault!
Gee, maybe people get tired of reading the same thing over and over again, and paying for the "privilege" to do so.

well as they say, when a door closes, a new one opens, amiright?
maybe they get a real job now

>reality has a strong liberal bias

So in "reality" when an animal needs food, it expects other animals to feed it?

In reality, other animals willingly give up territory, mates, ect ect, because altruism?

I hate how hard it is to tell actual lefties from people larping caricatures of them.... although it is good for a chuckle.

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Apparently it's not as easy as it seems, considering they just had to fire half of their staff

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tells the world that the president hates america
tells the world trump is definitely going to crash the economy
tells the world that peace cannot be had with kim jong and trump will start WW3
tells the world that the russia story is very real after 2 years without evidence and still none despite their indictment circus
Blatantly lies about the public opinion and sends faggots like you all over the internet to support the narrative

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Turns out writing bullshit is easily relegated to unpaid interns.

Holy shit lad, you live in another world

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>posted by 'admin'

nice blog, faggot


I read 150 year old papers from an archive website because this way I can imagine I'm living in 19th century without all the stupid shit.
They are not actually PAPER of course.

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>increase cost of paper 30%
>lay off 50% of employees
It was either a lie, or the paper they print their rag on and people line their birdcages with was literally getting more funding than their actual journalists.

Either one is pathetic and hilarious all at once.

>being "anti-Trump" is the same as "pro-Facts"

Take you facts and shove them up your ass, commie

Is that why libs have been saying these last two years have been a nightmare?

retarded post but at least you posted best girl

If profit margins are so thin that a 30% increase in just paper costs forces you to lay off half your staff to survive, then your company doesn't have much of a future.

objectively trash taste

hatsume best girl

>ink costs go up
>lay off social media staff
Makes perfect sense goy. Don’t think too hard.

any isn't this a win for progressives anyways since they will no longer be ruining the world with deforestation and paper pollution?

>Failing New York Times
What's this one going to be called?

How's this for a fact?
The White House smells like gold bond because of Obungo's ashy knees

>"wahhh you hate muh democracy"
I thought liberals loved jacking up taxes on corporations?

>cost for physical go up
>lay off digital branch to uphold your failing physical medium
Seems suspect in 2018. Sounds more like they felt the wind change directions.


Jow Forums braps btfo

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It’s almost as if media executives are used to lying all the time.

So you agree it was a lie then?
I agree.

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I'm pretty sure boomers are more inclined to tv news.
Paper was a Silent thing.

>no ring on finger

Yes, I overdid it on the sarcasm, but they are clearly flushing out their useless anti trump sjw and blaming it on ink.
>popular president
>no one is buying our hit pieces
I also suspect ratings have been rigged to hide the fact that less and less people are watching most shows (late night “comedies”and news) since it’s all drumpf, drumpf, drumpf and no one is laughing/believing it

wow what brilliant discourse you really showed that user. it's truly a mystery why your side loses more and more each day when it has such dialectical talent such as yourself at its disposal.


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Only if they're corporations that don't follow their line of thinking.


pol btfo

is this the end of the anti-trump model? will liberals finally figure out how much this rhetoric has costed them?
this and more at the novemeber midterms.

Trump Curse strikes again!

No. They'll never learn.

why are shills obsessed with this cunt from my hero acadamia?

Liberal shill paper dead, firing staff, oi mate they're winning

Die retard

Are liberals, dare I say, politilets?

She's the only one with big tits

8/10 bait, it's pretty good.

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Yeah! It's horrible

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>Essentially, reality has a strong liberal bias
This is why I hate liberals so much. The absolute smugness that reality favors you more is retarded. and hope a war happens to wipe you all out.

Trying not to get fired with the next batch huh

>notified by Email

Cowards. When you fire someone who worked for you, look into his eyes and tell him personally. Regardless of whether said employee performed well or not. Don't hide behind a fucking Email.

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it's so fucking easy... and that's why their business is tanking

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All you have to do to get a new job after is walk up to the boss, shake his hand and look him in the eye.

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T. Jews don’t function that way

brainlets will keep replying to this

Dude, whatever your doing is not worth the pittance of a pay check you're receiving, in addition, you really fucking suck at your job when you're this obvious. You're basically a McDonald's employee spewing more bullshit than usual who clearly violates his parole by taking poorly hidden drugs in the bathroom.

You Liberal shills make people like Chris Chan look well-adjusted by comparison at this point.

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And Cuomo is trying to save the jobs, even though it's related to the paper going digital
I guess publishing covers mocking people doesn't sell copies

Is this just more pandering to the Left? Just like comics and video games, the Left aren't buying papers just because they're pushing an agenda they want.


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Nor lefties. This is what I loathe about them the most: no backbone and no courage.

Sips all around bro.

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She is a Trump supporter though.

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>This retarded faggot thinks we like (((breitbart)))
What a dumbass

because you keep burning all the evidence to the contrary

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This comic Is too autistically formatted to read.

Holy shit
This is bait beyond bait
This is the esoteric mental conceptualization of bait made manifest

the really interesting thing is that reality has a FASCIST bias.
seriously, look at nature; nature doesn't give a FUCK about liberalism.

Why does the Daily News have an Instagram design in between the name?

Wtf, I love tariffs now!


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well, yeah.
tarrifs are how America funded the government before the government started to charge the citizenry for taxes.

I think that counts as stalking.