This guy is a fucking piece of shit scumbag...

this guy is a fucking piece of shit scumbag. I hope in a few years all you guys look back on your edgy Trump phase and cringe.

Attached: trumpicecream.jpg (600x450, 42K)

they will dindu trump just like they dindu proud 2 term conservative republican hero george w bush

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Op is pic related.

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I just wanted to upset the cart. Anything after that is gravy.

fuck off. trump is /ourguy/

i like your style

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I remember watching star wars when Palpatine took over and thought "there is no way people would be dumb enough to vote away their democracy and actually cheer" then I saw Trump get elected and thought "well fuck me, I was wrong"

Trump isn't evil in the same way, he's more like a robber baron, he only cares about enriching himself and his friends. the rest of us can go fuck ourselves.