If we want to more properly defend our race and organize ethno-politically while still maintaining everyone's cultural...

If we want to more properly defend our race and organize ethno-politically while still maintaining everyone's cultural heritage.

We will have to replace:

>All IndoEuropean languages with a single modern IndoEuropean language
>All Uralic languages with a single modern Uralic language
>All Turkic languages with a single modern Turkic language

You know it to be true. There are too few white people to afford unnecessary divisions.

Attached: SPQE.png (3746x1441, 301K)

>our race
We are not one race. There is no "White Race", there are many fair-skinned races. Or do you think an Irishman is the same race as a Russian?

There is no "Black Race" or "Yellow Race" either. A Congo Pygmy is of a very different race from an Australian Abbo, the Japanese man are not the same race as the Mongolians, and so on.

Race is complicated! Dumbass.

Go back to wherever (((you))) came from.

>18(Mon)18:00:56 No.
Shut the fuck up, you cuckadian nigger.

How about no

Sorry, I don't have any interest in sub-Saharan African languages.


The Irish have much more in common with Russians than they do with fucking Africans.

The first thing we have to do is get rid of all the niggers and Muslims. That's the priority.

If (((YOU))) don't understand race then don't talk about it!

Obviously but they're still not the same race.