Why did we get rid of him, leafbros? What went wrong?

Why did we get rid of him, leafbros? What went wrong?

Attached: harp.png (1000x750, 988K)

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He did weird pseudo-fascist stuff, like labeling documents with the 'Harper Government' instead of 'Federal Government'.

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He was a shit leader. There are much better conservatives to choose from. Also his band the Vignt Quatres sucks ass

>renaming documents is now a fascist action
go finish your social studies degree and get my coffee holy shit you must be sub 70 IQ.

>labeling documents with 'Harper government' instead of 'Federal government'
Wow, that's practically Hitler

You made the same thread yesterday and we told you how shit he was. Are you from reddit? Some shady right-wing discord? Or are you paid by someone?

degenerates voted for Trudeau because of weed and women voted for him because he is handsome

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Van Cats* I mean, cause of 24 Sussex street in French, what an awful pun

Dont act like we have a true conservative party. NDP is communism, Liberals are 'socialists' and CP is just democrats for Canada. Harper was letting in 200k+ 'Newly Canadians' per year, same as the faggot. Its just been accelerated and hitting a tipping point under mrs dress up.

Everyone in Ontario forgot how terrible the Liberals are.

LOL as if thats bad... now we have a faggot letting Caribbean riggers flood over the Quebec border seriously kill yourself dude

I agree with you regarding fake Haitian refugees.

He was a neo-conservative cuck. He increased immigration and expanded the Temporary Foreign Worker program. EVERYONE, right or left, hated him and with a lot of reason to. Just because Trudeau sucks big time, doesn't make him the viable choice. All of this only reveals that Canadian politics is truly fucked.

People here legitimately just believe whatever CNN tells them.

Scheer will just whine about to get votes and then cuck out like Harper would

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He didn't even label documents with 'Conservative Government'. He used his own name, something a Mussolini would do.

let's see he kept crashing our economy

Attached: harper-dindu-recession.png (621x549, 350K)

he crashed our Loonie with no survivors

Attached: harperkilledcdndollar.png (620x349, 30K)

he flooded the country with TFWs

Attached: harper replaces Cdn workers2.png (652x745, 459K)

this he was on a huge ego trip

he loved mass immigration

Attached: harper-record-immigration.png (1068x676, 542K)

he was Zionist scum

Attached: harperjew1.jpg (276x183, 8K)

Lets see a 20 year chart.

Friendly reminder to get your firearm license.


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he was a fucking weirdo

Attached: harper weirdo face.gif (320x320, 2.46M)

so u CPC shills can try to dindu the fact that he crashed the Loonie in his last 4 years in office?

TFWP was a Liberal policy made by Pierre Trudeau.

Because Quebecois are dumb
I'm a Quebecois myself and everyone hated him here.

he slashed military spending to record lows

Attached: harper devastated leaf military2.jpg (1958x1506, 176K)

Wtf does Pierre Trudeau 1976 have anything to do with Harper massively expanding the program u retarded CPC shill dindu?

this is why i hate u paid CPC shills so much. you have absolutely zero personal responsibility for your failures in life

Harper was PM for 10 years and u retards blame fucking Pierre Trudeau who died in 2000 for the shit Harper did

Attached: harper replaces Cdn workers.png (957x223, 160K)

Dude, weed. Lmao.

What happened to the kittens lads?

Attached: harper_kitten.jpg (800x544, 86K)

he let a terrorist waltz right into Parliamant and shoot up the place while he hid in this closet

Attached: harper closet.jpg (678x381, 42K)

>so u CPC shills can try to dindu the fact that he crashed the Loonie in his last 4 years in office?
Lets see the chart.

so u fucking dindu admit Harper crashed the Loonie?

Attached: harper kills loonie2.png (1920x2160, 3.9M)

Most people here love liberals it seems. Most hide conservative leanings.

Lets see a 20 year chart.

so u fucking dindu admit Harper crashed the Loonie?

wtf does 20 years ago have anything to do with harper u absolute retard dindu

Post the chart.

admit your boy Harper crashed the Loonie


Yeah, lets see a chart!

did i say he loved mass immigration?

Attached: harper record immigration.jpg (1920x1080, 987K)

here u go

It was expanded by Harper which allowed it to be used far easier by corporations and for more occupations. There would have been as many TFWs in Canada in the 70s as there have been in the 2010s if they had been as easy to for corporations to get during PETrudeau.

he created a massive housing bubble and sold this country out to the Chinese

Attached: harper kills canada.jpg (622x882, 127K)

>Harper controls oil prices internationally

...for a small amount of doctors and other highly skilled individuals

not to mention all this right in the aftermath of a massive global recession. he deliberately flooded the labour market at a time of high unemployment


Harper let the Chineese mainlanders literally buy Canadian citizenships, and now our houses and apartments sit empty because china bought them all, and normal Canadians cant find a place to live.

11 quality reasons to answer OP's question.

All the Con shills have is HARPER DINDU NUFFIN

Attached: harper my work here is done.jpg (599x418, 39K)

Also, fuck Israel.

By blocking further national company owned take overs of further energy resources?
CNOOC Nexen had to be approved because it was a deal entered in good faith.

harper's entire economic strategy was to go all in on oil

u can't fucking dindu it when it failed

Attached: energy superpower.png (622x448, 66K)

Funny how we forget that argument when it comes to trudeau.

>watch your mouth

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harper approved the Chinese takeover of CNOOC Nexen u retarded CPC fuck

>...for a small amount of doctors and other highly skilled individuals
Driving down the wages and driving Canadians out of the market.

Alberta economic planning -
Dig a hole
Money comes out
We’re geniuses!
Let’s import jungle Asians to make our coffee.

There wasn't a thing wrong with him, you Canucks shit the bed royally with this drama teacher faggot. Don't fuck up again next election or we're going to sell you to Canada.

Harper got elected because he went after the immigrant vote in the GTA (most of those people are right wing, after all) but he bit the hand that was feeding him when he started talking about the niqab and "barbaric cultural practices" during the 2015 election.

Ottawa approves $15B Chinese takeover of Nexen

>Con shills
Those faggots made a grave mistake when they didn't put Maxime Bernier at the helm. He wanted expanded gun rights and cuckservatives blew it.

I meant to China. Canada can't afford to buy Canada.

Meh, all our good cardiologists go the USA anyway, we need a stopgap.

there was like 100 TFWs in the country when Pierre Trudeau was PM.

Why the fuck did Harper explode the program to 500,000 u CPC dindu?

I literally just said that the CNOOC Nexen deal had to be approved because it was entered in good faith and was legal at the time. Trying to block it would have let China take action against Canadian trade. However after that deal further national industry investments or take overs were blocked.


Study says temporary foreign worker program culprit behind unemployment in western Canada

Are you mentally challenged?

ive never seen someone get cucked like the CPC did Bernier

One of the most commonly reported ideas is that Canada had Harper fatigue, even though they still generally supported the Conservative government. The party also took a couple of questionable stances politically regarding marijuana legalization, niqab ban, etc.

The program's intention was to allow individuals whose skills literally no (or very, very few) Canadians had to come into the country.

Certain skills you can't expect one or a very few amount of people to serve the entire country. There are only so many hours in the day.

>Chinese are taking over Canada in good faith

do u CPC fucks even listen to yourselves?

Scheer is a Canadian Theresa may. Just a globalist puppet pretending to be conservative.
I’d vote for Doug Ford at this point.

>Meh, all our good cardiologists go the USA anyway, we need a stopgap.
The 90s brain drain was vastly overstated to help justify further immigration.

providing sources shorts pants boy

Id hazard to guess that if there were no tfw, wages would’ve gone to $15 naturally, through sheer economic demand.
Fuck you middle class! Have a $20 crédit to send your fat kids to a gym.

>First trudeau
I’m no boomer, but that’s not right.

>The program's intention was to allow individuals whose skills literally no (or very, very few) Canadians had to come into the country.
Which was a lie then and is a lie now. If Canada needed workers with higher education the government only needed to provide the educational opportunities and Canadians would flood in to fill the demand.

Checked. But yeah he lost by a single percent right? Should have had a redo with just those two to decide.
>tfw I voted Ford provincially

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they say the market sets wages

then they flood the market with TFWs

not just coffee slingers either

>that 30 year old boomer who thinks Trudeau Sr was PM in the 90s

Attached: 24 year old boomer.jpg (250x229, 8K)

source in case anyone wants

Nearly 300 contractors replaced with temporary foreign workers

>According to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, there were 338,189 temporary foreign workers living in Canada as of Dec. 1, 2012, with nearly 70,000 living in Alberta.

>To compare, approximately 257,515 immigrants were welcomed into Canada in 2012 as residents. CIC figures show there were only 101,098 temporary foreign workers in Canada in 2002.

>do u CPC fucks even listen to yourselves?
The deal was legal when it started. After that deal further investments of a similar nature were blocked. It's not like CNOOC gains any power over Canada by buying Nexen. Alberta holds control over the exploitation of the Oil Sands as the regulator.

Also by every account Nexen was sort of a shit deal for CNOOC getting what amounts to a mild money pit to fill in exchange for a bit of oil. 15 billion was a test for them and they came up unhappy with the result.

not to mention TFW program was only one stream

Harper used all these other programs like IMP and others to bring in foreign workers

The Brain Drain was widely popularized in the 90s. It had nothing to do with PET.

the deal was legal because harper approved it u moronic fuck

that tim hortons takeover was another harper-approved doozey

the only fucking Canadians on the payroll lost their jobs

Tim Hortons confirms 350 layoffs as workers say they were blindsided

>You won't recognize Canada when I'm through with it.

Harper couldn't have been more right about that. I barely recognize this country from the country it was when he took office.

Attached: harper canada quote.jpg (518x359, 82K)

Tim Hortons Inc confirms scores of head office layoffs

>Scores of Tim Hortons Inc. head office employees were laid off on Tuesday, expected fallout from the iconic Canadian coffee chain’s merger with Burger King last month

Just get rid of Trudeau next year and it'll get better. Harper sucked, but this guy is a straight-up moron. Once the chink pipeline is cut, you leafs can straighten out your mess.

Fucker turned us into Manila

I'm not talking things like being a roughneck. Or even being a doctor, or being a computer programmer if you want to choose a high wage job.

I'm talking specific individuals who have a mastery in (for example) a specific type of experimental heart surgery of which there may only be a few people in the world with that level of expertise. Maybe an individual who is a world leader in a specific branch of machine learning.

You can't even bring them into the country, advance the field, Canadian organizations, and TRAIN CANADIAN WORKERS without a visa. It might even be a skill that isn't even worth learning because if you specialized in it, it wouldn't be worth doing over and over again.

But you remove the ability for this type of work to be done and it sets our country back. This is what the TFW program is for, Conservatives butchered it and pinned the blame on Liberals for political points and you lap it right up.

The whole thing smelled of computer trickery. The results were well known in advance (since computer voting), but they had this long drawn out event where Bernier wound up losing.
Convenient excuse - muh dairy farmers (funny how they aren’t so vocal now, especially with trump calling them out on Twitter)
And let’s not forget the whole 7 hour debacle that happened around Doug Ford’s ascension. (Same computer voting system).

There was a reason. He wanted to establish a precedent that there was a difference between the 'Harper Government' and the Nation of Canada.

He wanted to break a particular governments' hold on the idea that it was the voice of Canada, because the Liberal Party have been so successful in pushing the idea that their policies are 'Canadian values' -- whatever they do in some way becomes the essence of what Canada is.

Liberal policies like Socialized Healthcare and Mass Immigration are thought to be the DEFINITION of Canada now, because they are pushed so relentlessly... if you don't agree with some aspect of Liberal dogma... they will simply say you are UnCanadian.

The conservatives would like policies of the Liberal Government to be labelled as such... an action is at the direction of the Truedeau Government NOT Canada.

We have an odd situation now where some refugee who arrived a week ago can tell a person who's family has been here for centuries that he is 'UnCanadian' simply because they aren't in favour of some trendy Liberal policy.

that guy blaming fucking Trudeau Sr for the shit Harper did, with a CPC majority no less, is just beyond retarded. I can't believe anyone would buy into that other than CPC shills and complete retards. Dinduism is always the CPC go-to

>old enough to remember when Wendy’s owned Tim Horton.

>the deal was legal because harper approved it u moronic fuck
It was legal because it wasn't the policy of the government to block those deals. If the government blocked it China would have been able to take trade action against other Canadian exports.

>that tim hortons takeover was another harper-approved doozey
A private private takeover. Not a government. Nice attempt to muddy the water however.

>mass immigration
>Liberal policies


Cons LOVE mass immigration for the cheap labour for corporations

The kitten defected to the liberals. He is Justin Trudeau Kitten Now.

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