I loathe Trump for various reasons. But can I just say that this is fucking incredible? Jesus Christ. FUCK YEAH!

I loathe Trump for various reasons. But can I just say that this is fucking incredible? Jesus Christ. FUCK YEAH!

Attached: irantweet.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

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Now if only he would actually say that to our enemies, like Israel

This is a B1 Lancer bomber.


They have been in service for about 40 years.

They are the AR-15 of nuclear bombers holding 24 nuclear warheads 'each'.

They were designed so that a single plane could destroy an entire country in minutes.

The United States has about 100 of them....

Iran will require 1/2 of one flight and about 20 minutes....

Attached: DWkVipJWsAAlcMw.jpg (960x710, 55K)

Israel is Christian now, it will just take time for the world to catch on to what Bibi is up to. Hold your horses.

Yes but nuking Iran isn't going to happend retard

Of course not.

There are 100 other ways to destroy Iran you know. :D

But don't be surprised if in 5 years Israel is in full control of Iran...

t. Lard ass Jew boomer.

False. Israel keeps Christian sites behind military zones. Israel is Luciferian through and through.

>he says it as shart comes out filling the room with pure american aroma

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> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.

90% of your fellow veterans think you're a faggot

Nice meme flag, faggot. I'm guessing the only time you shut up is when there's a black cock in your mouth.

Your pasta is showing. Try something less stale, like the "what did you just say to me" one. Everyone will clap and upvote you.

UH-OH! OOPS! “If an individual underwent a background investigation through OPM in 2000 or afterwards ... it is highly likely that the individual is impacted by this cyber breach," OPM's statement said today.

OOPS! There were SAP/SCIF-tier secrets so devastating on Hillary’s bathroom server that the IG had no one with appropriate clearance to even view it. THE CHINESE ACCESSED HER SERVERS AND HER PHONE. CHINESE HACKERS: 4,000,000 Americans’ clearance files and their family members bringing the total to over 21,000,000 HACKED. The catastrophe of Chinese breach of SF-86 (OPM) data is unprecedented, but already forgotten. China has all the failed lie detector tests, compromising info, sensitive info, SSN, DOB, etc. of feds with clearance. China can leverage Chinese-Americans with high clearances by threatening their family members still living in China.


Related links:


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were going to hand power over to the iranian people. rouhani and his little proxy niggers are fucked. get fucked hahahahahahaha

Say that two more times
Watch. What happens to your “never land”

>...he posted, hiding his flag in shame.

>90% of your fellow veterans think you're a faggot

Faggot detected....

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so what did the sandniggers say in response? did they have to throw a couple of crescent moonrunes together to fortune tell their fate under the oppressive hands of the american dictator?

I bet he would if israel threatened us with war.

oooh im so scared now

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If you attack me or my I would defend myself. bye m8.

Please stop wasting your time. It's pathetic that you think people here will fall for this shit.

Now that is epic

>I loathe Trump for various reasons. But can I just say that this is fucking incredible? Jesus Christ. FUCK YEAH!

Attached: Raging pepe.jpg (720x720, 56K)

Iran is on the brink of revolution again, he is baiting them to spend more money on military toys rather than domestically.

they would be stupid to fall for such bait.

Fake ass nigger

holy fuck, this has to be satire. you can't srsly be this retarded

Why not? What would you do if we did it? Can you afford to stop trading with us? What else can you do? The strong need not fear the weak. If you were going to go outside and kick over an ant hill what could those ants do to you? Absolutely nothing.

Lurk more you fucking newfags

we did it Jow Forums XD


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t. pathetic, fat faggot c-u-c-k boomer who hates his own race and places Jews above himself and his own people

Trump is vile

Wow, musta been hard to convince Trump of that since he's been saying the Iran deal was terrible the whole damn campaign.

Just a bunch of schlomo's trying to take credit where none is deserved

What the fuck are you talking about? Have you seen what they did to Christian pilgrimage sites in Israel?

Sharebleeeewwwwww, were are youuuuuuu!

so fucking ridiculous

how can anyone support this fucking dipshit? for real, this is like tumblr-esque batshit but it's the president and "your wing" so it's alright.

politics is for smart people. this guy isn't smart. he's lucky and was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. look at this. this is not high politics. what an embarrassment for the united stats.

it will literally take decades, no shit, to repair the damage this orange fuck is doing to your country at home and especially abroad

the selfish bitterness of trump supporters due to the fact they had 8 years of a democrat president is unreal. oh, you want "america first?" what the hell more do you want. you are the world's biggest GDP and mightiest army. all look to you. what the fuck more do you cunts want now? "america first?" you're the first in fucking everything you dumb shitters.

I hope we finally declare war on Iran. They've had it coming for like 50 years.

This is not your fucking book club, mangina. You don't have to virtue signal how much you "loathe" Trump here. In fact, it exposes you for the coward that you are.

What the fuck is wrong with americans? Are you a hive mind that forgets the previous disaster of a war and the lies that led to it every 15 years, and then gets a collective violence boner and proceeds in bloodlust to fuck up another third world shithole? Or can't you just overcome the urge to do what israel wishes you to?

This retarded tweet will accelerate WW3 by a year. Russia & China will accelerate their war efforts. The guy is clearly a lunatic.

Hey, maybe it will happen in 2018 after all.

Thanks for letting us know you loathe him, you virtue signaling cuck faggot.

jews killed jesus bro

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i wonder if barron really writes trump twitter and is the genius behind it. i could see a few years ago trump sitting around one day - hey, barron, get on that internet thingamabob and make me a critter account so i can call that dyke rosie cunt a disgusting fat slob! and he's been doing it ever since.

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Jesus Christ, Americans are willing to kill every last traditionalist in Iran just so they can bring back the Shah fo promote all the stuff that’s destroying the West.

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So 5 of them should do.

Pootin & his (((friends))) are planning WW3 for over 10 years now... a year more or less would hardly matter. Or will it...


Russia, Russia, Russia!!

> be ayatolllah al goatfuck
> imprison foreigners for no particular reason
> threaten to nuke other states on a regular basis
> chant "DEATH TO AMERICA" at government rallies every other weekend
> America goes "yeah? try it bitch, see what happens"

fags liek you go

> oh noeessssss!!111 muh high politics... how could anyone stoop so low!

you're like the cunt in the video doing anime martial arts and then getting knocked the fuck out. the real world isn't a goddamn cartoon you silly twat.

the reality is, if iran ever tried serious shit with the US they'd get obliterated in a heartbeat. Even Israel could take Iran with ease.

High time someone reminded them just how low on the totem pole they are.

read the article, idiot. This is how it will go down.

Based Brit, we need to bomb Iran because they’re too traditional and don’t welcome western degeneracy. Women’s rights and the sexual revolution are a good thing. So are abortions as well!

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Trump, Putin, Nato. They are all in Rothschilds pocket. These people are pawns, playing a faked game and the end result is scripted to be WW3.

They are all masonic tools. That's why they are all buddybuddy. It's a shitshow for stupid masses and people like you. It's all about money. And nothing else.

That's why it's useless to give a shit at this point. Only God will solve this mess. Humanity is beyond saving itself.

That's what's coming. And that's why you better stop putting hope in people because all these clowns die when The Man sets foot.

They took hostages.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

But hey thanks for taking time away from ceding land to the Soviets to post on our American website while using the American internet.

when did I mention "western degeneracy"?

if you think a shitstain country like iran should bea llowed to go around chanting DEATH TO AMERICA without someone bitch slapping them you're a literal faggot