Muzzie shitskins vs. You

What could your countrymen (wherever you are from) do against that mob in a fight. Equal numbers, no police.

Lets see how different countries see their chances.

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fuck being in the edl

Im Polish so all I can tell you is if that happened in average polish town there would be wet patch of shitskin blood, one more observation back in the 90s there would've been mainly skinheads and football hooligans opposing shitskin invasion, nowadays however every single normie if he's not brsinwashed leftist or librul is on our side

feelsgood being Pole, not even joking

My home state preparing to remove muslims

I believe it. Mostly the same here. Altho it's less patriotism and more people looking for a fight to spend their nervous energy from being poor.

Last year some shitskin took out a knife in the metro in Sofia and some random dude tooo him down and kicked him in the head. The media went all hush hush not to disturb our image in front of Merkel kek.

Hey Abdul!

kek I posted this as well earlier

not get into that situation in the first place
else shoot them

>What could your countrymen (wherever you are from) do
Shoot them.

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They’re all skinny shitskin with kike noses hahahahah

Equal numbers they'd run away or they'd get seriously hurt.

No shit? Link? Great minds and all that.

Why do else ALWAYS get some smartasses trying to bend the rules? I understand you are proud of your guns, this is a different scenario for a reason.

>What could your countrymen (wherever you are from) do against that mob in a fight. Equal numbers, no police.
>Lets see how different countries see their chances.

thank fuck in most states we can just shoot the fucker and be done with it

but the best way to deal with a problem is always to prevent it
what's the point of this thread


Oh my Gygax they were wearing red cross tabards made from bed sheets like i suggested. Now they just need to train with cricket bats and longbows and England will be saved

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Every male over 18 who has done (mandatory) military service has a government issue semi auto rifle that he is expected to maintain and keep in good functioning condition.
So it would be a fun day...

shoot them

If youre already shooting them then thats not preventing it, if the problem was prevented you wouldnt need to shoot them.

Now would you medpack bois be able to handle them in a fist fight brawl?

meant for

why did you ignore the very first part of my post
don't have the problem to begin with

As it is Worcester should the Molotov cocktails be made with Worcester sauce bottles

Lol amazing

I'm no fan of the EDL but it's the the Muslims in this video that are acting aggressively.

>What could your countrymen (wherever you are from) do against that mob in a fight.
Not much to be honest.

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Later that day paki scum threw acid on a 3 year old child.

That's not the point you low IQ pharmaceutical game accessory

It's a physical fight between two tribes of men. Are you afraid you will lose to the shitskins?

One macho would probably attack him, followed by an onslaught of feminazi's coming to the Muslim's aid bringing their orbitor faggots with them.

Result, total muslim victory.

Irish here. With a bunch of West country fellas, with the blood up, there'd be two hits in it. Us hitting them, and them hitting the ground. "The only time an Irishman is at peace is when he's fighting"

We don't let them in and get to the point where we will get into a physical fight in the first place. Why are you such a brainlet? Do you honestly pride yourselves on having a problem such as this?

Death squad.
We would call ourselves División Matamoros or some shit

Based. I worked with in a company with exclusive English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh dudes. The English were fags, but the rest were top dudes.

Why the fuck is the UK is babysitting those savages?
Jesus Christ what a disgrace.

Usa #1

They litterally have to outnumber you ATLEAST 3-1 if they are ever going to fight

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This is embarrassing. I wish these fucks knew why they are there in the first place. In the 70's we created a huge hydro dam and the land that was in way of the reservoir had tons of villages. They were given a lot of money by our gubmint to give up their lands and greedy brits offered a whole fucking generation of them british citizenships just so they can get their dirty jewy hands on that collective capital invested on the islands.

In short if you want to be mad at somebody be mad at the kikes in your higher ranks. Israel needs to be nuked and all jews should be given an island somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Oh well too late for that now.

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I am not sure what is wrong with you. It's like refusing to play football, because you think it's silly to chase a ball or refuse to play GTA, because it's not 100% like real life. Are you autistic? It's a specific scenario you are not meant to alter it.

Very interesting

the edl is a fucking joke m8

Yeah they are. Makes you want to start killing them when you see it. Got my adrenaline going and made me to smash their heads in with a hammer. This is part of the reason jews brought them to white lands, so we would empathize with israel. But they are here either way, so they must be killed and all the mosques burned.

Dead on. You fellas are alright with me as well. Good values, and strong national identity. I'd fight alongside your countrymen.

We will have to sooner or later. The only question is whether is this generation (and we do it) or the next one after we are gone

>comparing having a muslim problem to football
You've got some serious issues don't you?

Solve the jewish problem and the mussie problem will solve itself.

Pretty much. Unless the ratio is 10:1 they fuck right off to call more of their extended family until the ratio is 10:1.

That's what they call 'honour', by the way.

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Brits deserve every bit whats happening to them for being a buncha faggot wankers.

THE Face of Britain.

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As a wise man who lived in similar times once said: Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

We are in the dark times now, but we are on the cusp of change. Prepare to fight, and have lots of children with a good woman, and take care of them.

>Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

based limey

Muslims are younger, more virile, the english men mostly boomers with grey hair and are fat. Fast forward to year 2030 and theres twice as many young angry muslim men.

Europe is lost. Der Krieg ist verloren.

This video angered me, but nothing compares to pic related and shitskins desecrating Christian graves.

Forgot pic

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Part and Parcel

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i love having guns

I could shoot every single fucking one of them dead

Then go home and have some ice cream.

based. fuck s*rves

You dont wanna see how they do things in shitterton

Yeah they aren't known for bravery. Problem is plenty of whites are cowards too

Defeatist despair poster. We, the peoples of Europe, will not fall. We have been here before, and our strength, unity and solidarity will prevail again. This time, the enemy is known.

You won't get PTSD and nigth.ares after that?

the englishman would rather fight them with his hands rather than ragequit and pull a cowardly move like shooting someone

>quiver hangs from the back instead of being attached to the belt

absolutely white.

American of course, 21 rounds before I have to start pistol whipping...

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I know the primacy of the the jq, but you can't just leave millions of muslims and other non-whites in europe to menace the natives. A strong leader/leaders must rise up to remove them all and burn all of the mosques and synagogues. That should be the plan of every european, even if the probability seems very low at the moment. The probability will increase as the number of europeans who are focusing their intent on this goal increases day to day. But I agree that it's ultimately the jew's who brought the scum to white lands, along with the white traitors who worked with them.

Indeed. Logical conclusion. That said, however, it is the jew which is radicalising the ME into attacking the west, in much the same way as he polarises the west into attacking the ME. It's all a part of the Oded Yinon plan for greater Israel of 1982, and the Cuidenhove-Kalergi plan. Cut off the head of the snake, so to speak.

The only Bulgarian I've ever known sold his arse for money. Not even joking, he was about 5'4, looked like a dick sucking queer (which is exactly what he was) came all the way here just to end up a rent boy to English men then died of a heroin overdose in some filthy squat.

So, what? Confirmation bias? We've got to be better than this senseless infighting if we are to prevail against our common enemy.

God British cops are such chad cop would ever take that shit. Good luck bongs.

Y9pu sure he wasn't a gypsy with a Bulgarian passport? The gau gypsies moved to western Europe to sell their butts.

I'll fight any fucker who wants to insult me or my country.


So what have you done about the jewish subversion of your country, then? You need to put aside the petty bickering and get organised. Getting bogged down with these silly back and forth arguments keeps you distracted and serves their purpose.

>german thinks he's hot shit

Yeah top kek my northern brother
germans are doing everything to avoid trouble.
Also the shitskins are already outnumbering you in the cities. Especially in aggressive potential. You'd get your teeth kicked in and then apologize.

At least in austria our police is still rough. Especially to commies. Thank god for that.

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Boxing loisence?

Whilst I admire the national pride of everyone in this thread, this isn't really constructive or conducive to unity to defeat the insidious forces operating in our countries.

Alter, du kannst buchstäblich in die Mitte einer Gruppe von 10 Türken gehen, deinen Pimmel rausholen und sagen 'Ich ficke eure Mütter' und nix passiert. Sobald die Widerstand spüren, kommt gar nix mehr.

>That said, however, it is the jew which is radicalising the ME into attacking the west
Yes, they certainly are doing that. I tend to not give a fuck about the muslims who are not in white countries and who are in there own lands. It tend to root for them against israel. I don't see any reason to take on the jew's blood feud against the arabs and other muslims. That is there problem, and the US bombing them just flushes them into europe. The muslims in white lands are different though and they are mortal enemies and they have to be removed by hook or by crook, and all traces of them too, like the mosques. At least that should be the plan.

>Im Polish

LOL Poland is a joke and so are you

Do I seriously need to tell the story of the shitskin manlet beating 3 tall germans up at once in the city center in broad light, while other people stand there and watch, when I was in Ulm, again?

bin ein unscheinbarer Normalbürger - wenn ein kanacke im öffentlichen Raum Stress macht kassiert er die Familienpackung Tierabwehrspray , danach wird das Gebiss sorgfältig zerstört .

>At least in austria our police is still rough. Especially to commies. Thank god for that.


Officer Higgins is a United States congressman now...

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I'm a Polak and Slavs here generally keep together
Ruskis,Serbs,Polaks,Kasachasians and even some Hungars.
If they come in numbers,we do too and then shit gets down so they generally try avoid confrontation once they find out that you are one of those nationalities
Germans get fucked though,it's sad to watch
Germans don't hold together at all

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Its called a gun, nigger

We're definitely on the same page, on all scores. Differentiating separatism from supremeacy in the media to reflect this opinion of ours would go a long, long way.

The lack of solidarity is due to decades of conditioning which is finally starting to break. Germany needs our help and our encouragement, not incessant berating and ridicule.

Na, dass is kein Witz, Junge. Ich hab die türkische Baumafia hier wohnen und dem Oberkanakaken direkt ins Gesicht gesagt, dass der sich mal Ficken gehen kann, und ich leb immer noch Jahre später. Und sowas nennt sich Mafia? Lachhaft. Die haben nix drauf, is eben so.

wait til it's 3/4 complete, then torch it.

That dude is no joke.

oh god i want this so much
me n some rough swedish lads

Don't forget the muzzies have been going at it for 13 centuries trying to conquer Europe. There were no jewish tricks or US bombs back then. It's more complicated.

VERY few Germans are based and actually stand up,those I can respect
but most seem to have just given up,they avoid/ignore the problem
I have one gymbud who somewhat redpilled on all of the shit
Wo wohnst du?

Slavs stick together while commiting as much crime as Turk and Arabs combined
You are redpilled but still degenerate

If the black plague had wiped out more Europeans,they would have probably succeeded in conquering Europe

That's a good goy, better stay home and keep shitposting online, that's surely going to keep that mosque from being built. Putting boots in the streets is for fags.

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I believe it, sandniggers usually have no spine

NRW. Es ist ein Dschungel hier draußen, soviel kann ich dir sagen.

nah I wuz a good boy
>crime as Turk and Arabs combined
I doubt that
but yeah many of my buddies tend to shit on Germans too,not that I care much

Brits should just grab all the kitchen utensils they can muster and start a civil war.

>Muhammads detonating like popcorn all across London
>Total havoc and blood shed
>Intact martial law
>Become a global example of the dangers of 3rd world mass immigration

I've seen high school basketball games and football games that have had to have riot police called.

When you consider the sedentary lifestyle of the common sand nigger and the fact that half of them are inbred and physically unathletic, a mob of violent Americans would literally devour a mob of Arabs. It would be like lions tearing through mongrel dogs.