prove me wrong NASA fags
show me some real photo from earth out of space not beeing CGI or Artwork
prove me wrong NASA fags
show me some real photo from earth out of space not beeing CGI or Artwork
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the earth is not flat, we have mountains.
>these people have guns
If it were flat you could see the ursa major from literally everywhere
a tremendous amount
As a guy, who has been in Murmansk, Polar day/Polar night.
This kills the flat earth nigger.
yes go back and tell them what you have learned
what is focus
You can literally lay on your stomach at the beach, watch the sun set, then stand up, and you will get to see it again because of the curvature.
explain that with a flat earth
> I don’t understand exposure and white balance the post
I love how you shills only have 1 talking points for this specific topic. It's hilarious and pathetic.
People used to die off due to natural selection. Shamefully, it doesn't work now so here is the result.
Polar day and Polar night. Explain this shit, nigger, on the flat earth model.
>posts purposely out of focus videos of stars
>only talking point for out of focus videos is that they are out of focus
not really, there have always been those who poison wells and such
expected from germutt poster.
They're right about the aliens though. Demonic as fuck.
memeflag shills
>Artillerymen have had to take the earth's rotation into account since at least the early 20th century
>But what if we all lived on a big frisbee?
I post this every time and the flat earth cucks never respond (I’m actually thinking of making an image so it’s easier to repost).
What observations or phenomena does flat earth theory MORE ACCURATELY predict than spherical earth theory? I am not asking for “holes” in spherical earth theory. Do not respond with that, I will hide your post. I want to know how flat earth theory predicts the movements of the planets for instance (it can be anything, geological formations, weather, anything), and how it’s predictions are MORE ACCURATE than spherical earth theory.
Watch the flat earth cucks ignore this post.
There is no way to penetrate the firmament. The Jews waste money on this intentionally.
you can literally see the big red spot storm with a telescope from your back yard
antarctic isn't that big
is jupiter wearing a fucking jew hat now?
Post hidden
at this point what difference does it make!
Show polar day/night on the flat earth model, you nigger.
What am I looking at here?
looks super flat
whats the problem there?
masonic hand magic
>beat that
Fuck off and stop spamming this thread, retard.
when sun is in the very north circuit aka tropic of cancer, the distance to pole becomes too close for the sun to go over horizon
No. Believe what you want.
NASA is full of shit and Flat Earth was created as disinfo to convince those like you who can't fathom a Hollow Earth.
Nice that this pic both shits on time zones and doesn't prove polar day/night.
you can hear the horns at the end of that third video, spooky
flat earth is biblical
"Look guys, I have a low-rez telescope which a pointed at Arcturus and I'm getting a bunch of disturbance because of the atmosphere the light has to go through"
What's your point?
the black sun
I am still waiting on Polar Day/ Polar night model.
Especially considering that large ass Antarctica around the world.
Also, you are the reason we will gut every christtard once we come to power.
>the distance to pole becomes too close for the sun to go over horizon
Now show the same for the SOUTH POLE, you inbred. :)
sounds jooish
Holy fuck, this picture is absolutely retarded. Does the sun just magically stop shooting light at obtuse angles? How does this even account for darkness? God you guys are idiots.
there is no south pole
timezones get bigget the further south...not like pic related, or do you believe greenland is bigger than australia
Why don’t the flat earthers pool their money, buy a boat, and circumnavigate Antarctica? They could take measurements using only primitive methods and prove that Antarctica is really like, Jesus, 100,000 Miles long or some shit. It’s not like old navigation methods were that inaccurate.
waternauts xD
the sun is small, you can look right at it when it rises and sets
"snorkels and scuba tanks in space"
>Somehow length of the day in Southern hemisphere with sun in the Tropic of Capricorn turns out to be similar to the LOD in Northern hemisphere with Sun in Tropic of Cancer.
>With Sun having several times the path to traverse
>All while light at tropic of Cancer neither gets weaker, nor disperses over whole southern hemisphere freely.
>Sun's weird trajectory with no explanations of forces that make it go up and down.
Nice try, though.
Still doesn't explain Polar day on South Pole, though.
You think all the pictures of the globe are fake, yet your flat earth model is always different.