Well, you've done it Jow Forums. You fucked with the containment cartoon...

Well, you've done it Jow Forums. You fucked with the containment cartoon. You fools have no idea what you have just unleashed.

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Good, faggot newkid show deserved death for it's blatant copy pasta

When a cartoon tries to usurp the old gods it owes it's own weight in blood

Rick and Morty deserves nothing but fire, everything numillenials value should be stripped and pissed on

We need to go after Big Bang Theory next

t. pedo

>You fools have no idea what you have just unleashed.
Yeah, I'm shaking in my boots.

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If only we could travel back in time and ... wait... ARE WE IN AN ALTERNATE RICK AND MORTY UNIVERSE WHERE RICK AND MORTY GOT CANCELLED???


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says the paki...

Why contain it?

I hope Jow Forums is ready to get Pickle Rick'd on hard. You dun goofed.

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>Well, you've done it Jow Forums. You fucked with the containment cartoon. You fools have no idea what you have just unleashed.
I'm sure i'll regret it once the left elects a basedboy in the 2020 election

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