Why people become Nazis

Why do people become Nazis? What is it about Nazism that hypnotized entire countries in Europe, and made them follow a homocidal madman like Hitler? I don't think Germans were evil people, but there's something about fascism that turns entire countries evil. What is it?

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The Jew

Because it is a reaction to Jewish control of the world.

The Germans during WW2 had an aesthetic to them, and people end up entranced by the ideas put forth. Brotherhood, nation, spirit, strength. All that shit. And they attach to what seems to be an outlet for that and end up down a rabbit hole that ends with them being fucking retarded.

They look like difficulty levels xD
>Very easy
>Very Hard

>Why do people become Nazis?
Because faggots like you label anything right of far left as a "nazi."

Blaming Jews is easy, actually figuring out all the problems is hard

I mean, people also cling to Soviet iconography and aesthetic. They use it to define themselves because it's easier than building a unique identity. It's a TV dinner in regards to identitarianism.

Because they were good goys and did what the Rothschilds wanted them to do.
Socialism is socialism, even if you try to label it as "nationalism".

The problems are the Jew, it's why it's so easy to blame it on the jew