>lel i thought you were pro-free speech >heh, you guys are acting just like SJWs. >triggered drumphkins are acting like snowflakes over a joke
You can't be that dull. You just don't get it, do? We are fucking you shills with your own rules. And we've gotten you to defend pedophiles in the process.
This guy forgot to hide his IP address ROFL. Hope you enjoy being swatted kid
Colton Jackson
You know I have a strong dislike for Saul because he was such a wicked individual but his manner of tactic seems to pull at the very core of a large majority of people. It is odd just how effective it is, social marxism is disgusting but the way in which he kept the focus on enemies and not himself is like an effortless transition, its even moreso amazing that it's effective on its own practitioners.
>doesnt make them bad people yes, it exactly does make them bad people. the kind of people the rest of us feel should be instantly removed from the planet. if you don't feel this way you're one of them.
molesting kids is though, you can hang alongside the pedo scum you defend
Lucas Nguyen
Tyler Bell
And that's why they need to be punished, sterilized, castrated, he'll take them out back and put them down like a lame horse because they're defective Pedophilia is a mental defect, and that shit shouldn't be allowed in the genepool
Jason Baker
You're very pathetic.
Logan Mitchell
Aiden Gutierrez
What I don't get is why this is a surprise. It is well know that the Boy Scouts is a very conservative organization.
I mean, why not defend the organization that trains kids to be conservatives.
[If this doesn't make sense, I know the is about pedophilia
The left just doesn't have a sense of humor anymore.
Chase White
> they are born that way
Ahhhhh... so it's a birth defect!
We are a merciful and scientific society that knows how to cure birth defects. In fact, there's some really budget-friendly ways to cure such a defect with 100% reliability.