What denomination of christianity are you and why?
What denomination of christianity are you and why?
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Esoteric Christianity. Most based.
Seventh Day Skull Fucker. Why not?
no denomination
because catholics are obviously not following jesus
and protestants are not much better exept they dropped the pope, but still celebrate easter and all that garbage
Are you implying Easter isn't truly Christian because it's adopted from a pagan holiday? I'm genuinely curious.
im not christian but i try to be christ-like
Have a brain cell. Yup. Your religion is plagiarized.
why would you lie to your children that a rabbit is laying eggs in your backyard... thats 1. a lie and 2. it makes your children think jesus is fake too, like santa
despite of that easter comes from astarte aka queen of heavens and is pagag yes
None. I'm not a retard.
Roman Catholic. Because it is the original form of the Church and the cultural foundation of Western Europe.
Non denominational. Get out of religion and into the love of Christ. Religion is more the statutes of men rather than God. Furthermore Satan is in control of many Religions both protestant and Catholic
>cultural foundation
What part of culture is founded on skull fuking the altar boys?
>I'm not even religious
I'm not liberal either btw.
The simian part of your brain that makes you act like a faggot. I assume you're familiar.
Care to respond to the question with facts?
Catholic priests are not the only ones who occasionally do these things. Plenty of religious institutions have these same problems.
>What denomination of christianity are you
Roman Catholic.
Because it is the One, Holy, Universal and Apostolic.
There is only One True Church.
The others are lost sheep, they should reflect on the fact that extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.
I abhor all heretics… they are serpents.
None, I'm a Jew.
Indeed. That seems to be the one thing that religion is good at. Which is not such a good attribute.
>Hey buddies, which fair tale do you believe?
Right, because no pedophile in history has ever been an atheist.
Nice English, Ivan.
Rised catholic, now i believe that the old testament law doesnt count, only the teachings of jesus and the new law that he gave us. Also he saved us so i dont have to worry about hell, he already payed for my sins past and future.
Any pedophilia is a crime against humanity. So why does it happen in the very institution that claims to be the bastion of humanity?
nice try prot kike
none. i was raised in a strongly christian house, church every sunday, saying grace before meals. don’t even know what a denomination is. the bible’s teachings gave me a strong sense of morality and was a great guideline on how to live life, but luckily i’m not a brainlet so i am not shackled to a certain path of life based on the belief that ill burn for an eternity if i break da rules of magic sky daddy (the sun).
One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church
because fags are allowed to be priests too.
OR maybe, humans are capable of sin
The catholisims is muh white western culture" es the most retarded meme ever, only hipsters fags lik mcinnes are into that
Eastern Orthodox is the original form of the Church
Catholic. Its the most centralized and organized form of the original.
You see brother west side is catholic only!
screw this east niggas and thier protestant girls!
none. religion is for brainlets.
Raised episcopal, but went to a Catholic school. Was more of a theist in my 20s. Age 31 started going back to church. Moved to south, attended a number of non-denominational churches etc (used to work in Gospel music), finally through the encouragement and guidance of a long time friend chose to become Catholic about two years ago. Reason- my friend is religious scholar so he had a large part in my eventual persuasion, but looking at what's become of the episcopal church and realizing that for all its faults the Catholic Church sticks to the script, was really what did it.
The older I get the more I long for traditionalism, and it seems that all the Protestant churches are running away from that (some more quickly than others). I still enjoy and learn a lot from Protestant preachers- who generally I think do a better job at preaching than Catholic priests. I listen to old sermons from Adrian Rogers every day on the way to work and have really grown to love the man.
Currently reading "the Jewish revolutionary Spirit" by E Michael Jones who is a tremendous Catholic scholar and historian. Highly recommended
You are confused. Roman Catholicism is the original form of the Church.
>Jewish revolutionary Spirit"
>tremendous Catholic scholar
Are you even reading what you write? All of the abrahamic traditions are hoaxes. Nice novels, but at their core a pyramid scheme. What a mouth breather.
I generally agree. The Old Testament certainly doesn't speak to me, but it lays the groundwork for the coming of Christ.... What really bothers me more than the Old Testament itself is the fetishization of Jews in modern Christianity (much worse in Protestant sects but Catholics have this problem too since Vatican II). Why the fuck do I need to hear all the time about how precious the Jews are etc.... They aren't God's chosen people anymore!!!! That's the whole point of the New Testament! They are still trying to re-build the temple and bring about their messiah, who will be the antichrist of course. How fuckkng hard is this to understand!?!!?
i would have said that b4 vatican two but i think hes right now.
None. I'm a Christian, as you should be.
I'm a secular pagan because
- I don't need to feel guilty and ashamed for being born a human being or pay any credit to the concept of "original sin". I have nothing to atone for in the realms of being born a part of a certain species or despise that species for the alleged crime of one single member "6000 years ago"
- I don't feel the need to pretend that the holidays of Yule, the season that celebrates the birth of the new year, or Easter, named after the pagan goddess Eostre, the time of year that celebrates Spring as the rebirth of fresh life within the eco-system are actually holidays celebrating the birth of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus
- I don't feel the need to fall on my knees for someone who demands to be worshiped but won't even lift a finger to prove his own existence
- I don't feel the need to think that an all-knowing God with an exact, set-in-stone plan for the future will suddenly change his entire plan just for me if I pray to him to lift me from a poor state of affairs in life or to save a family member dying of a painful, vicious illness as a result of a virus or plague that said God would have to invent for it to exist to begin with
and lastly
- I don't feel the need as a Germanic man to betray 40,000 years of my ancestral history in the name of the King of the Jews for a religion that was forced on my ancestors only 1,000 years ago.
SIDE-NOTE: When Europe is completely overrun by Muslims thanks to Christian political parties/charities who claim Arabs are "also God's children who we should turn the other cheek to in face of violence" and Islam becomes the dominant religion in Europe as a result, I wonder how many people in 1,000 years will be saying that Islam is the true religion of Europe and that anyone denying such is an apostate who deserves death in the same way that Christians claim Christianity is the "true religion of Europe" and denounce their ancestors who for tens of thousands of years were pagan.
>old testament law doesnt count, only the teachings of jesus and the new law that he gave us.
According to theologians through the ages, we should understand god as an all-knowing all powerful being. That is a premise which must hold in order for god to exist. According to theologians, the bible is the word of god and therefore should be about as perfect as can be, it being the work of an all-knowing all-powerful entity.
The Old Testament enumerates the ways in which god the creator interacts with his creations. In those texts he makes it abundantly clear he wants a supplicant human. When humans are less than adulatory he smites them. He demands they sacrifice animals and children. When really dismayed that he is not getting the attention he deserves, he picks one family to round up all the animals, floods the earth and then sets about repopulating with only the repentant. Yet, he still does not get enough asses in the pews for his liking. The answer? A new testament.
The New Testament is filled with anecdotes of a loving god. One that bathes the feet of the poor and cures the terminally ill. God of the New Testament turns water into wine and loaves into fishes to feed people instead of rendering their crops asunder with plagues. Huh. Go figure. You can attract more flies with honey than vinegar.
The fact that the figurehead had to do a complete 180 in order to acquire the faithful shows that the figurehead is flawed. If the figurehead was truly all knowing, then he would have known that the OT was not going to win over mankind. Having to rewrite his complete purpose and motus operandi is nothing short than admitting to having made a catastrophically bad judgement. A god that has to correct himself is proving that he is less than godlike. If god is not godlike, then he can not exist.
The bible, therefore, proves that god does not exist.
All these Catholics have a point. Jesus would have wanted the Pope to wear Gucci shoes, live in a castle, and market him image just like he did. Paul would have a fucking stroke if he saw what’s happening today.
Maybe you misunderstood, my dude. The book is about how Jews are in league with the devil and constantly trying, through revolutions, to subvert and overthrow goyish tradition.
Wouldn't expect you to know anything about this though...
So that is why the pope wears a yarmulke?
>le vatican 2 meme
No. The Holy Roman Catholic Church is the only valid Church.
There is only the Roman Catholic Church and there is heresy. Tertium non datur.
>What denomination of christianity
Not any denomination of Christianity.
Then why does the pope wear a yarmulke?
You make a good point to some extent but you may as well be arguing against every great cathedral in Europe.... The grandiosity of Catholicism is due to the fact that this really is the most important thing on earth- way not make it great? Those great architectural achievements and the great art that comes from the Church are because people made it as a sign of their love and service to God. It's an extension of praise at that point.
I can see we're going to have an honest and serious discussion here...
>It's an extension of praise at that point.
Thou shall not raise any graven image before me.
You need to read your bible.
>Catholic Church sticks to the script
you should try to find a latin rite church if you can
1. none
2. obvious
so his head gear is not in any way reminiscent of the followers of david? for fucks sake you have some deep confirmation bias.
The New Testament is an abrogation of the old.
You may as well argue that Saturday ought to be the Lord's day.
vatican 2 is a meme. its a joke and an embarrassment to catholics everywhere. im still catholic but i stick 2 to latin rite parishes as much as possible
>The New Testament is an abrogation of the old.
If that is so, then the bible proves that god does not exist.
Lutheran but that's simply because I spent a lot more time with my dad's side of the family than my mom's catholic side due to distance and my mom's family being a bunch of assholes.
It has been a long time since I went to church though
Southern Baptist, born and raised. You can imagine how much of a shock it was when I came here and learned that Israel and the Jews didn't think quite so highly of us as we did of them.
Agreed. There's one church not too far from me that does a Latin service every week.
So why not Baptist? That's what I am, but I'm very intrigued by the views of Southern Israelite.
That's literally the goal of Christianity. Begome.
Jesus says himself that he is the completion of the old law (ot). New wine old wineskins parable. He is the new covenant
>Why We are Baptist - Pastor Steven Anderson
Meaning the old law. Not the whole contents of the Old Testament. Forgot I was arguing w an autiste.
It's also an abrogation of the old covenant. Jews are damned to hell- not for the sins of their forefathers, but for simply being Jews. No one gets to the Father, but through the Son.
I'm not
Pagans are just atheists who read lord of the rings.
Get a real belief system faggot.
People are imperfect. You should be ashamed of your faults. Your ancestors realized this and modeled their myths on the imperfections of man constrasted with the pursuit of the divine.
Roman Catholicism, because not only is it the truth but it's the most comprehensive and beautiful religion known to man, in everything from its traditions to its aesthetics. "Paganism was the biggest thing in the world, and Christianity was bigger and everything since has been comparatively small." - G.K. Chesterton
He sees
means god made a mistake and should have just gone to the NT. if god makes a mistake, it is not godlike. anything that is not godlike is not a god. therefore the bible proves that god does not exist.
All these Catholic gatekeepers in here creating hurdles to salvation while following a man who interprets the word to match the political climate. I’ll take the word of Christ without your spin.
Imagine being the judge of God.
That's the first mistake you've made.
This too
Methodist. Because that's what my family has been for generations and tradition is more important than theology.
Non-denominational just like it should be user.
No, God gave us thousands of chances to live his law. We did not. He in his love modified the law for our benefit
What's wrong with serpents?
What judgement? It is pure logic. If god can not withstand logic than he is not much of a god is he?
You need to recognize that the contents of the tabernacle is the justirication for the regalia
Church of God
Namely because they focus on soul saving
This is a deadly mistake made by millions. Not trying to shit post
Being nondenominational is a denomination
Think about it
Oh boy..... this is cringe worthy. It started out interesting, but the ending was baaaaad.
Roman Catholic
Christian identity because I'm not a cuck.
When will he make another video on proper etiquette for dealing with Border Pateol?
>He in his love modified the law for our benefit
IF he made us in his image, he would have known that we would not respond to the OT. THerefore he would have gone straight to the NT. the fact that he did not, shows his fallibility. A god that fails is not godlike. A god that is not godlike can not exist.
t. has never cracked open any pagan folklore in his entire life
>I’m not on a baseball team I just like baseball
>youre basically in the dodgers think about it
Thanks brainlet
You apparantly have no use of logic. You know, that thing that allows electrons to flow over networks conveying information?
>What's wrong with serpents?
>Christian Identity
Nice idol you got there bud
Southern Baptist