Jow Forums approved products

seeing as how most companies now are evil and pandering to shitskins and degenerates, post some pro American companies with products a Jow Forumsack can support guilt free.

ill start
>my pillow
>yuengling beers
>new balance sneakers
>vermont teddy bears

Attached: my-pillow-as-seen-on-tv_18847_zoom0.jpg (1140x1560, 169K)

fuck off kike shill

Attached: mypillow zionist.png (593x826, 792K)

Mypillow is mad comfy

Anybody who wears a cross or any other religious symbol while advertising their product goes on the "no buy" list for me.

Plenty of pocket pussy and anime threads already on /b/ op.

I'll shill for my pillow...stopped my neck pain and comfy as fuck

That company is shady as hell. Better Business Bureau gives them an F rating

Barelli pasta

really? why?

Finally caved and bought my pillow when trump mentioned it in a rally. Whose and i use them and our changed how i sleep. I usually have a few different low types around depending on my neck discomfort level. With that pillow you can sort of bunch it together how you want it then it stays that way. Bretty gud