Reminder that anti gun fags literally have no defense against this

Reminder that anti gun fags literally have no defense against this

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It's called an alarm system

>how many times can I get stabbed before the cops finish their donuts?

The cops will come and kill all minorities in the home. So, it only works if you are white.

>Reminder that Obama practically confirmed that police were minority execution squads during his last years of presidency.

>The cops will come and kill all minorities in the home. So, it only works if you are white.

*unsheathes katana*

*becomes Henry Rollins*

Implying a reverse doorbell is actually going to scare a guy who has the chosen to bust into your home.

>According to American Police Beat, the average response time for an emergency call is 10 minutes. Atlanta has the worst response time with 11 to 12 minutes and Nashville comes in at a lightning speed of 9 minutes.

>The Department of Justice, with their statistical prowess, reports that the best response time is 4 minutes and the worst over 1 hour.

Last night I heard a crashing sound that woke me up and thought a dogman was in my house. It was just a fan. Go listen to dogman encounter episode 207 dogman problems. Dogman is a real bro that dude got cucked hard in episode 209 dogman just wants to chill bro.

Where did you get this pic of my wifes boyfriend?

Heh, that's where you're wrong, kid.

Attached: 510.jpg (367x500, 26K)

my defense system is called keeping burglary-prone people out of my country.

kek, this. average police response times are like 5-10 minutes. how long does it take to bleed out from 5 stab wounds to the chest?


Anti-gun fags.
We should stick to explosives anyway.

Attached: homedefense.jpg (386x400, 13K)

This is legal to carry in self defence

Attached: w.jpg (800x800, 44K)

kill all white people and they won't be any kicking down doors

>a literal LARP weapon

We have metal armoured doors and houses/flats with reinforced concrete and brick walls. You can't simply break a house like that here.

Not all house invasions end with manslaughter or parties being severely injured. I get your point though.

i know you don't want to hear any of this but you should have houses with soft exterior level of security that alert armed security, followed by real hard unbreakable doors. Just having the baddies caught does nothing, just ask RSA.