This guy is right. Since when can you get arrested for exercising your constitutional rights...

This guy is right. Since when can you get arrested for exercising your constitutional rights? We need more patriots like this in our country.

Attached: judged.png (759x789, 855K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: randy.jpg (400x308, 34K)

So brave!

>if nigger: savage animal deserves to be beaten
>if white: get this man a mate

>Naked on private property
How does that make any sense.

>judgement free zone
Fucking kek. He was just trying to go greek.

Pf is not a gym, it's a social club at best. Fucking fat fucks

They never get arrested for “what they did” they get arrested for putting up a fuss after they are asked to leave

Given the type of person who goes to Planet Fitness Gym & Pizzeria, the real crime was others having to see something so disgusting.