Be me
>can't pass the LSAT for law school
>Will never be able to be Patrick Little 2.0 now
>had strong desire to serve you fuckers in public at my own expense
>worked my entire life for this and failed
What do?
Be me
>can't pass the LSAT for law school
>Will never be able to be Patrick Little 2.0 now
>had strong desire to serve you fuckers in public at my own expense
>worked my entire life for this and failed
What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>going to law school
Is it a waste of time?
>emulating a faggot
don't worry OP you don't need a degree for that
Righteous, man. That was awesome.
change youre diet to help clear brain fog and improve cognitive function. Try the ketone diet
I just fasted for 2 days and did a colon cleanse. I also meditate regularly, pray, exorcise, etc. I am a truly disciplined monster.
I'm taking it in November friend. What are you scoring?
practice bro. You can improve a lot. Gonna be taking it soon myself and hoping for a 170 some score if I'm lucky. Just dont take it until you're ready, and spend a few months prepping
About 148-150 on PT
I hear law school is the best thing a young white man could do today for his people, but I also have a nihilistic desire to join the military. I know I'm fighting for ZOG but at this point could give a fuck, what do?
Good God, user. What's your baseline score?
start making videos on youtube in to events before the MSM gets ahold of it. You can get a lot of views if you pump out a video hours after somethings happened, like that dan harmon shit yesterday. Just gotta be good at editing.
OP here.
I was in the Marine Corps. I would strongly suggest joining the military. AMA
Invest in 7sage starter package. Boosted my score from 141 in December to low 160's now
oops see
You've been studying a long time. I have 7sage/been using it since early MAy. Worked my way through a lot of the core curriculum, and have now taken two PTs. I am scoring very low. Is this normal?
Change your study habits and try again faggots
Haven't taking it yet so I can't say how I'll really do. When prepping I usually get between 171 and 174. My weakness is critical reading and the long paragraphs. I'm a good test taker and got like 2300+ on my HS SAT so hoping for good results. If you just takw prep tests a lot you'll get the rythm down and improve a lot
Why are all the Marines I know such fuckups and losers?
find what you're good at, and stop trying to be what you're not.
i graduated law school and ended up getting a CPA what does that tell you
Study. Fucking pussy.
Your an accountant now? Why? My god
You can still get into politics without going to law school, and naming the Jew is free.
For lsat fags use testmasters
They're autistic about their instructors and that's all that matters
No need to thank me
I'm on my second round of the CC. Getting the basics of logic down will help immensely on LG and LR. Your first step should be to master the CC, then foolproof LG, and finally some drilling sections before you move onto practice tests. Don't expect high scores before you learn the basics
i mainly do auditing for local government. easy as fuck and pays well.
did you have issues with your conscious and being a ZOGbot?
Study and take it again?
>be me seven years ago
>dumb college senior
>wat do future
>"maybe lawyers make money and get pussy?"
>study for a week
>drink a whole bottle of cough syrup just because
>arrive for lsats
>take lsats
>do not remember lsats
>pass lsats
>get accepted to law schools of choice
>decide not to go to law school
Study and retake them. If you let little setbacks like this totally derail something you've "worked your entire life for," you need to toughen up and not let anybody stand in your way.
Just because you didn't pursue a legal career out of law school doesn't mean others will not.
breh you are going to think I am exaggerating but I tried a borax cleanse ( supposed to flush the nano aluminum droped from chemtrails absorbed in brain) and I started understanding shit with electrical engineering etc I could never even hope to grasp. IQ went up noticeably. Gave me one hell of a headache but it was well worth it. Try iodine too.
Lawyers are parasites, don't become one, they only serve themselves
Law school is full of narcissistic douchebags who are following in their parents footsteps, if you don't have job lined up with nepotism, then especially don't go
begone, shlomo
Speaking from experience?
You don't pass the LSAT fuckwad
>a borax cleanse ( supposed to flush the nano aluminum droped from chemtrails absorbed in brain)
No got me a big boy job as soon as I passed the bar
What the hell is a borax cleanse
Yes. it was in 2009. I was a RonPaulfag at the time. I didn't agree with the war(s) the were going on, but I looked at it as a nihilistic act of defiance, and an ability to improve/perfect myself. I was blackpilled before it was a meme.
Went into the military, served in the artillery, and never left the barracks. Saved every penny. Came out. Bought property. Back to collage. Straight A's. I'm not that smart, just crazy and committed/in love with my spirit/potential/etc.
This is a blessing in disguise user.
You know what I mean faggot.
Essentially you do pass -- if you're considered competitive after taking it. If you get sub-150 --- KYS
Take it to /b/ where this blogspam belongs or save yourself a step and just kill yourself now.
Don't speak in riddles, you surprising boy. Tell me what you mean.
God’s gift for those who are willing to work harder than an Asian kid in a Nike sweatshop.
Wtf is up with that guys neck?
become a paralegal. really cushy job if you can get into insurance defense.
Oh yeah, $200k in the hole retard lawyer here, passed the bar and everything
Also very good writer but it doesn't matter, experience with internships at the DOJ and with state level appellate court clerking, still didn't matter
Shit's getting tighter and law school is extremely overpriced. They pretend that they're working hard to give you opportunity, but really they're laughing at the people they think are losers while they're in the break room
They get sick pleasure from not teaching everything and then making themselves look smart when they dump something on you cold call during class
Don't go
Marines are the white trash of society, you join and come out the other end mad and unemployable.
Lmao dude just study logic and math if you want a perfect score on lsat
>can’t pass the LSAT
You don’t “pass” or “fail” the LSAT you mong, what score did you get? What schools are you looking at? How long did you study? Most people need to study hard for two or three months to achieve their maximum score.
im in the same boat user, and read the bibles. they were trash for me, I didnt really remember anything for any section except logic games. once you get -1 or so on lg you are good. I have trouble with logic reasoning but desu after you take 10 pt's or so you should be getting high scores IMO
What if I can go to law school for free?
that you didnt look up employment statistics before you went to law school. and that you didnt go to a top 50. or that you didnt graduate above median. all preventable things. but it is probably someone else's fault right?
This, the only call back I got was for a paralegal job I applied to without dropping my lawyer credentials. Avoided it because shit would've been bad if they'd found out I liked to get the job. I thought I'd learn the ropes and then leave to practice. But it's a stupid fraternity and you would be found out eventually.
Is LSAT really something you can just retake?
I'm pretty certain I won't do well on the PCAT, and that's something you certainly can't retake or else it has to be 90th percentile material.
I just want to move on with my life.
Who am I kiddin'? I'm a terrible ADHD riddled studier.
what the fuck is a cc?
core curriculum. Is a 7sage/LSAT term
I can almost guarantee the “I went to law school and now I’m FUCKED” posts ITT are coming from people who either went to second tier or worse law schools or fucked up their GPAs badly.
I'm also pretty sure one of my professors tanked my only real job opportunity by calling the judge about me. I was just talking to a friend about my interview and the teacher asked who it was and I foolishly told him because I'm a terrible liar and usually tell the truth to everyone all the time. Anyway, it was the only interest he showed in me ever. He totally fucked me, but I might not have gotten the job regardless. But he was still a faggot's asshole.
>can't pass the LSAT for law school
brother if you dont get a 150 on your diagnostic test--with no studying-- you dont need to go to law school.
In that case lol go fucker, who cares
why would i care. im debt free and making good money now because I got out of it.
this thread has really shown me that people here dont know what the fuck is happening in this world
WTF does this mean? I should do something else if I don't get a 150? WTF are you saying, user?
yeah man. I'm a lawyer in Florida.. Just go to and they'll tell you what's up.
I made a 178 on the lsat. never heard of cc. literally just took 20 practice tests and went from a 152 to a 167 to a 178
yes dude. a 150 is retard tier. you miss something like 45 out of 100 questions...
I'd be willing to go to a lower tier school for free then going for sticker at a T-14. Sure you'll most likely get employed and may even get biglaw but you will burn yourself out quickly trying to pay off that debt
The lsat is bullshit anyway, got a 168 on the first practice test, with more practice could reliably get 170-173, but on the day got 165
I swear it really just tests whether you'll be a thoughtless, rule-obeying cuck who'll never challenge authority
Did you get into Harvard Law? That's a great score. Opens up elite options.
what is the point of working at a firm that you do 9/10ths of the work as biglaw but are paid 1/6th of the salary. fucking wait a year, retake, and go to vanderbilt or something. washu stl literally gives out 100k scholarships to white guys with 165s... you can miss 20 questions and get a 165
>retard tier
>lies on Jow Forums and claims that he gets 178
please faggot
Many experts say it’s a test of how well you take tests. If you’re like me (or you from the sound of it) you’re not a great test taker. My PT average across the 15 most recent was a 174, and I PT’d at 177 a week before the exam. On test day I came back with a 168. The absolute worst thing was that I went -6 on LGs which I had nailed down to a consistent -0 during my prep time. If I had performed like normal on LGs I would’ve had a 173 or 174. Shit’s gay, but you have to take it, so oh well.
no my gpa was shit. i go to vanderbilt on scholarship not full though. right now sitting in chicago as a summer associate in biglaw making 160k salary until end of next month
I only got a 168 but that was in 2008 when shit was tough. I started law school in 2009.
lol I live in Chicago, user.
Got a 166 on the LSAT years ago. Got into a bunch of good programs. Decided not to be a jew and turned them down. Now, alas, I realize that I could have been jewing jews...
i find it pretty comical the law pays that much. a lot of copy and pasting
brother do you realize the debt people like me take on? im on near full ride and will still be over 100k in debt from living expenses by the end of these 3 years. only the top people at the top schools get jobs like mine.