There’s research about how telling children “youre smart” actually makes them very fragile and is detrimental to...

>there’s research about how telling children “youre smart” actually makes them very fragile and is detrimental to their development

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what does telling children theyre autistic do to them?

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I was called a dumbass by parents and teachers all my life. I turned out ok. All the smart kids became addicted to oxycontin and fucked their lives up.

you're smart, op

Probably being smart is what is detrimental to development

So we need to pretend to be 1,000,000 genders and act all commie and black to produce the ultimate chad?


I think I see where they are coming from. You shouldn't be praised for being smart unless you actually accomplish something but maybe even that is bad.

fuck i love Nasim

now i'll feel even better when i tell that little autist what an autist he is

makita cakita

It implies they're inherently right and better than others. When they do something smart you say "good work" not "you're smart". They know how to do work so your reward reinforces those channels, nobody knows how to be smart so nothing gets reinforced but their ego.

nothing, they're too autistic to understand what it means

I'm also guessing
>you're so mature for your age
was bullshit as well

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what if it causes autism?

>"youre so mature for your age"
you mean "you lack personality"?

My college psych course covered a study where they would randomly tell a fraction of the class they were smarter than the rest. These kids were sectioned off in their own group. They ended up doing better than the majority due to the positive encouragement. School is a behaviorally conditioning slave tank.

It is true. You need to teach your children that they get what they want through hard work

People assumed I was smart because I was quiet and introverted in reality I'm probably a 115 IQ brainlet. I'm scared to take a real IQ test because if I'm not smart then I'll literally be a depressed retard and if I am smart them I'm an underachieving loser

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It's all about balance
>If you tell a child it's amazing constantly, even for the slightest things never even considering telling them something negative you will end up with a self-obssesed cunt (also the type of person who says we should have a very high minimum wage because he's only talent is serving food)
>If you just tell the child it's bad without even acknowledging their achievements, you will end up with a low self-esteem incel.

Elliot Rodger ended up both those types at the same time. How?