ITT: only in Burgerland

Post pics of things that only happen in Murica
I’ll start: houses collapsing

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Other urls found in this thread: S Broad St, Hamilton Township, NJ 08610/@40.1994667,-74.7318775,3a,84.5y,27.17h,88.95t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjyqchTAEZmcPCei5bIReqg!2e0!3e11!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c15975bb91f8d7:0x1bfee5f42a7a4f8e!8m2!3d40.1997019!4d-74.7319323

Yeah, you need to actually have a house for it to be able to collapse.

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Title doesn't even say if the daughter died or not. Pathetic.

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At lease in my country we have real houses , not log cabins that cost less to make then the TVs and refrigerators in every room

You’re a non-country

>China owns economy
>Isreal owns politicians
>no right to land ownership
>no individual freedoms without approval of government

Explain to me how the USA is a “real” country ?

>Freedom Delivery Systems

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people having bodies so fat they can shield others from a collapsing house?

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Your sheet metal shack isn't a house.

I am calling bullshit, OP. Links or it didn't happen.

nice try nobody with a brain believes you're posting this from niggerland

I got those extra sour grapes you wanted, third worlder. It’s cute when your type think they matter.

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Like 90% of pol doesn’t recognize you

I was very surprised to learn that they live in concrete houses. It protects them from the hurricanes.

>le i cant a afford a home so im going to make fun of those who can xD
complete and utter autism. the lot of you faggots need to fuck off back to >>>/r.eddit/, and after that my advice would be to jump off of a bridge.

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Every part of that building looks like it was made of carboard and glued onto plywood

Imagine being trapped under your dead mother's corpse for hours.

>things that only happen in Murica

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>calling my country niggerland
You must be new here. Jow Forums knows based windows flag

Also pic related, average Dominican home

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Lmao. Dominiggers making an American hate thread while most of your people dream of escaping their shithole to the prosperous white Columbian domain? Hilarious!

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>prosperous & white

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As much as I love good banter, this is actually pretty rare and fucked up.

So, I've seen old abandoned house collapse because of termites and water damage. But how the fuck does a house that is occupied and was built to code, collapse?

Was it structurally weaker by a natural disaster like an earthquake or tornado?
Pretty bizarre.

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I have a house and your the one who wants to stop obesity by taking away all the food so you clearly acknowledge it as a problem.

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I guess they need the help of Chilean engineers to design decent houses

literally cardboard house

>bars on all the windows, doors, etc.
>no dryers
>cables just wrapped around a second floor column
Yep, looks like paradise!

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Lots of homes in America are sturdy as fuck. My house was built in 1864 and it's solid as a rock.

>getting worked by a banana pickers
you dont deserve to post under the american flag

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Not a pic but:

A poor mexicain man with no shoes straight out a desert who can’t speak English can easily take your job and replace you. Then instead of bettering themselves the white Americans moan about it on Jow Forums because they couldn’t afford a basic education to find a better job the Mexican can’t do.

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That Mexican is a scab who is exploited by agribusiness to pay less than working class people would accept.

> Americans have no culture!

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Nice. I wonder how good white chicks blow

Why wouldn’t I have bars on my windows ? Have you seen home invasion statistics in the USA you idiot lol. Maybe those statistics will go down if you put on bars
Americans love Mexicans because they think they are “bringing cultural and diversity” but really Mexicans have 0 culture and 0 diversity so it’s just kinda funny . This only applies to liberals and cuckservatives tho

>meme flaggot
Opinion not even considered.

Another thing America has you faggots don't: The Korpi immigrated here.

Attached: 16739392.jpg (482x640, 49K) S Broad St, Hamilton Township, NJ 08610/@40.1994667,-74.7318775,3a,84.5y,27.17h,88.95t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjyqchTAEZmcPCei5bIReqg!2e0!3e11!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c15975bb91f8d7:0x1bfee5f42a7a4f8e!8m2!3d40.1997019!4d-74.7319323

You don't pick bananas. You harvest them.

He wouldn’t know . USA has very few white chicks and the ones they do have are disgusting

So you then blame the Mexican instead of the company or employers who are crooks and using both of you for cheap labour because? You Americans and you’re defending on corrupt capitalist pigs, how I laugh.

How dare you fucking overshadow my numbers with your beautiful trips? And Americans can avoid home invasions simply by avoiding certain neighborhoods. I'm sure it's the same where you live.

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log cabins in the woods are fucking comfy you fucking nigger now pardon me as i go
>cut some firewood out back
>craft some snow blocks for igloo building for my neighbor Chief MC beaversbreath
>then go clubbin' with the seals

Depends on the girl just like anywhere else, pedro

Learn to read, faggot. The blame is with those who hire the spics, the spics themselves only accept shit wages because it's a) worth more back home or b) better to live in a 1 bedroom with 5 other beaners than in the corrupt shithole they crawled out of.

Dude, it's just a sheet metal roof.

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America like mexico because tacos are delicious.

I wouldn’t goto Mexico even if you paid me, same with America though because I don’t want to get shot.

Why are you arguing against statistics bro? You’re literally being a snowflake.. think about it
Just admit it, that Americans are dumb for living in wood houses without burglar bars
I can literally break a window, steal everything in your house, then set it on fire.
I’ve never seen a house fire in my life

It happened in NJ I know because it was a county over and I feel nothing because they were nogs.

Also, we don't want Mexicans because they're fat, drunk and generally unsightly and park their cars on their lawns. So there's a cultural component as well as an economic one. Commies are so into being anti white that they forgot they were supposed to fetishize the working class. Oops: Trump 2020.

cheap tin roof

Then why are you still so hostile to them? All Americans are immigrants expect they Natives that are still alive. Who are you to say who can’t come into your country when you don’t even have the right to be there yourself.

It's mostly older homes that were built before the great Jewing. Homes built in modern times are practically designed to collapse after 50 years.

Like you'd know what a snowflake looks like. I've never seen a house fire either. I've seen some wildfires. But I'm reading that the Dominican Republic has triple the murder rate of the USA as a whole, explain that!

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Commies aren’t anti white we’re anti Jew. If the Jews didn’t control every country’s economy or bomb the shit out them we wouldn’t be in this situation and immigration would be a lot lower.

CIA and the cabals drug empire has fucked Mexico into a war zone shithole. So that and they’ll stop coming over the border.

feel bad for that paint job

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>Communists anti-Jew
>Many influential communists throughout history are Jews

We conquered this land and had a war with Mexico and agreed on a boarder. Just because they shit their country up doesn't mean they can flood into ours. They're an inferior race and only drag us down.

You are beyond retarded. Went to your average suburban midwest high school, graduating class had 390 students all but 5 were white... white white, not mutt, white. 5.... hot chicks everywhere. 90% + of Americans who claim white have 95% + european genes. Mixing is not nearly as common as pol and blacked makes it out to be, european blood americans overwhelmingly stay together.

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>implying a country named after a table game has room to talk

You’ll never understand true struggle you entitled pussy.

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Because we kill our criminals.
At least my country has a name.

>No right to land ownership?
People can buy land in the US you moron

>Thinks Marxism, Leninism and Stalinism is true Communism.

Come on dude at least do your research.

Literally what

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“How,” he asked in a softer tone, “do you justify what you are about to do to that man?
The answer is you don’t.” Stephanie looked sharply at him. “You don’t justify it, you just do it.
You do it because it needs to be done. Why does it need to be done? Because the State requires
it. There has never been a time in human history when some group was not lording it over everyone
they could bring under their dominion. It’s human nature. There’s no God who ordains
these things, who punishes wickedness or rewards virtue. There simply is reality, existence,
life. There are physical laws governing this universe, but that is all. If there are any moral laws
they are undetectable, silent and entirely without effect, so you can either live your life being
dominated or you can dominate. As sure as up is up and down is down it’s going to happen,
and there’s no particular reason why it should or shouldn’t be you. The ones who control will
be resisted, and the ones who resist will either be put down or gain control themselves. Science
has progress; history does not. It’s a long tale made up of identical chapters. If it’s going
to happen anyway, then fight to put yourself in a better position. If you don’t, then someone
no more deserving will do it to you.”
Travis was pacing again now. “This is what the State is. It’s a collection of people, however
keenly or dimly they realize the truth of what I am saying, who have gotten into power.
Some feel guilty when they don’t become as altruistic as they pictured themselves being. Those
were the Voluntarists, and they failed spectacularly. Others act not on a theory but just follow
their nature. Some rare few see the State for what it is and know how to use it. The State is not
here for the greater good; the State is here for its own good.”

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>muh freedoms
Nigger try buying land and then digging a giant crater in it and watch what happens
Don’t pay taxes and watch what happens
Build a 9 story warehouse and watch what happens
I’m talking about BUYING land, not paying some third party a retarded amount of money to rent it from the government

>AirForce unironically doesn't have better things to do than to pose all those aircraft for a photo op

Who let Windows post?

No, like most things in this world America fucked it by creating the drug cartels and killing off anyone who got in their way to oppose it. You just can’t expect everything your country touches turns to shit as your 1% sit and laugh at you stupid fucks singing songs and waving flags.

>true Communism
>not just idealistic fantasies that fail to account for human nature thus why we end up with the failures of Marxism, Leninism, and Stalinism
No thanks, I'd like to keep my brain cells

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What the fuck was the mother doing with a body in the house that she had it around to shield the daughter?

Nice! But the bars say you live near niggers. If that's your average home, it means on average you live near niggers. Not interested.

nice false flag

Yeah because this capitalist fantasy is doing so well based on greed.

So it's an episode of cops about some hero somebodies mother killed by rigging a house to collapse and the hero shielded somebodies daughter as it happened?

we had the opportunity to annex Mexico a few times but we were like "nah" because we didn't want it
the CIA and the neocon's War on Drugs was most certainly done to boost profits from the CIA's puppet drug cartels that they installed to run most of latin america, though. our bad, but at least most Americans have woken up to how the CIA is a rogue criminal agency and would trust Putin more than they trust ((((((((our))))))))) intelligence agencies anymore.

why would you trust putin over your own government? the cia cares more about america, even if its for selfish/unethical reasons

It’s about each individual having the ability to make something of themselves based on their own hard work. I’ts about the opportunity to succeed. Yea there are problems, but i’d gladly take the problems of our society over a totalitarian communist government who promises subpar living for all.

I want rewarded for my had work, and for others to be rewarded for theirs. You’re ideology doesn’t go well with free thought or self motivated people.

>implying photoops that strike fear into would-be adversaries is a bad thing

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>meme flag
>leave commie faggot

Operation: Pedowood Collapsing
We should spam all the #Pedowood images and proof on Cernovich twitter. It would please God Emperor Vladimir Putin, my fellow anons. I am humble troll farmer in Moscow. I can't do this on my own. Please, when are powers combine we are the Russian Hackers... Bring MTN DEW and Doritos because we MLG KGB tonight boys.
Hoppean Pinochetean-Minarchist AnCap is what I believe in but I know Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is the God Emperor. Cyka Blyat!

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No let him stay. It will only be a matter of time and he’ll see truth, even if he doesn’t want to.

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Christ. Imagine OXCART or A-12/B-71/SR-72 actually becoming a fleet of Nuclear Bombers as was proposed at one point.

Mach fucking 5 nuclear bombers... That would be like finding out Jesus knew karate. Imagine that, Stan. Karate Jesus.

Just like a true American he probably crashes and burns long before he finishes anything important, sad!

>the ability to make something of themselves based on their own hard work
>literally a boomer meme argument

>Christ. Imagine OXCART or A-12/B-71/SR-72 actually becoming a fleet of Nuclear Bombers as was proposed at one point.
tfw project orion was activated by they'll deny it

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jews own your country that's why they mine your natural resources without giving you a shekel.

I'm friends with Ben. We hangout in Nashville whenever I go thru there. Good guy.

Okay jamal.

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>I shouldn’t have to work hard for what i have
You and your leftist buddies will never understand why the rest of America hates your attitude.

But it’s not too late you can come to the light.

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That’s awesome have all his stuff. He’s very talented.

Super down to earth guy. This made me miss Nashville. Cheers

>mexican construction
This is why we need to build a wall.

One for the road

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Well now I have to fap.

Imagine having an inferiority complex so strong you rage reply to this many burgers.

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if the daughter didnt live, not a hero