Killer named Faisal Hussain

I know everyone on Jow Forums is supposed to hate Muslims but what would you do. The guy was pushed over the edge by Trudeaus faggotry and degeneracy and couldn't take the liberal retards any longer. Clearly a case of redpill overdose.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The widespread moral degeneracy in Canada and the presence of huge numbers of Muslims in this country are both part and parcel of the same overall problem of social decline

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I just hope Muslims don't cop a whole heap of racisms over this.

I'm going to be extra nice to those muzzies working at my supermarket.


Good for you, maybe they'll kill you last

Can we get some better Aussies please?

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That's straightforward doublethink, right there. How can you "promote the values underlying freedom of expression" when you are "restricting expression"? Orwell was a prophet

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this emoji kills me

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religion of peace guys

I love muds

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my best frens

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divrsity our strength

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>but what would you do
Not let dune coons into the country in the first place. There's something satisfying about progs who advocate for mass immigration getting pasted by the same savages they championed.

Attached: Trudeau's law.jpg (1429x311, 31K)

Maybe conservative Canadians need to team up with the Muslims to defeat Justin and his pro pedo agenda. That way the whites could avoid the whole "racist white nazi alt right" stigma.

>The attack happened on Sunday evening. In a video clip shared by Canadian media, a white man wearing a dark cap and dark clothing and carrying a shoulder bag can be seen stopping on a pavement and pulling out a handgun before firing shots.
>white man


Toronto mayor calls for total disarmament after mass shooting

Just a reminder. Justin Trudeau's mom back in her cumslut days.

Attached: maggie_trudeau.jpg (510x774, 70K)

>team up with the Muslims

Why? We didn't have either Muslims or a pedo agenda decades ago, when this was still a great country

Shame he didn't survive so he could be let off and paid a million dollars to be a powerful voice for Canada. They're already going for the gun grab, too.

Funny, he didn't suggest banning all motorized vehicles after the guy who ran over 10 people with the truck a while back

If you were only more diverse, he wouldn't have had to shoot you. It's your own fault, really.

>>White Narrative
>>Faisal Hussain
Pick one

Fuck sand naggers

Because at this point what choice do you have? You all need to think outside the box. A radical solution. You could commandeer Muslim values such as anti fag and feminism and when you catch heat for it blame liberals for creating a degenerate cess pool that is unwelcoming and racist against Muslims causing them to chimp out and shoot people.

>You could commandeer Muslim values such as anti fag and feminism

These are traditional Christian values. The only reason why Muslims are here at all is because the same degeneracy-promoting ruling class is using them as a tool to destroy our existing way of life

Anti fag and Anti feminism

I smell another 10.5 mill brewing

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>unwelcoming and racist against Muslims causing them to chimp out and shoot people.

You must be fucking kidding. We have bent over backwards to accommodate you people, given you free everything, we are even considering passing laws to protect you from being criticized. But still you hold the threat of terrorism over our heads every time you are even in the slightest bit dissatisfied with your life here. If we're so racist, why not fuck off back to Goatfuckastan where everyone shares your "religion"?

I agree with you aussieboi


Yes! Canada. Nothing bad could possibly follow this. If we just keep our heads down and blindly follow the ideology, nothing but good things will happen

holy shit, he did that with a 5 round magazine?

Exactly. So you take that tool and turn it against them. This is basic Machavalian type warfare so if you do not understand this I can see why Canadians are losing.

You can't come out with the Christian values because they will cal you white supremacist but if you come out with shared Muslim and Christian values you are invincible

A walk through Faisal Hussain's neighborhood on google street view. What a nice area.

Attached: Thorncliffe.jpg (6560x2760, 3.13M)

Why is BC so based?

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Pistols can have 10, or 13 9mm jammed In a .40cal glock mag..

Wonder how this young man learned to speed load his handgun. Probably training from fello midslimes

Um I'm Christian. I'm trying to show you cucks how to take your country back. Read my other reply

>I'm trying to show you cucks how to take your country back

By pretending to make common cause with invaders who are destroying our society? No thanks

What would this do besides cause 20 seconds of inconvenience?

Like I said before what other choice do you have? You have already let it go too far. The time for a normal head on fight has passed. You are now backed into a corner because of the position Trudeau has put you in. You need to realize you are backed into a corner and fight like you're backed into a corner. Fight dirty. Manipulate. Use their own tactics against them.

Fuk yeah, millenials do it for free, and then some, may as well get paid, gimme summa them sunni bucks.