So, what happened to the Trump wall thing?
So, what happened to the Trump wall thing?
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>Iskra Lawrence
Thank me later
The Wall was a metaphor for stricter immigration laws, increased border enforcement, tactical-fencing reinforcement, zero tolerance sentencing and fierce Executive rhetoric - it's not a physical wall of china made out of bricks, you idiot.
I like curvy wall. More pics
It seems thousands of mexi-niggers are coming across every week. What the fuck?
>So, what happened to the Trump wall thing?
Still waiting for Mexico to pay.
More than likely the idiots who voted him into office will end up paying for that useless wall that can be beaten by a $50 ladder from Home Depot.
Yeah, money well spent lol
It’s getting built as we speak.
>stricter immigration laws
He's done fuck-all for changing immigration laws.
He can't even get going with repealing birthright citizenship.
Oh, hit me with fart, baby.
He's done as much as he can do within his legal power to build a wall at the border/curb illegal immigration. It's Congress's job to actually pass a bill that legitimately funds a border wall/changes immigration laws.
It's a physical fucking wall you retard
Really then where is it idiot?
No he cracked down on alien families hard. I saw it on the news.
We are waiting for the check from mexico to buy the first round of cement.
It isn't happening. Trump lies and says construction of the wall has begun, but that is just repairs on the existing one. Remember when Mexico was going to pay for it? Shows how retarded Trump voters are.
And now for all the replies saying that I'm lying/fake news/a shill and the wall has actually, in fact, already been built.
"Muh ladder huh huh"
>We are waiting for the check from mexico to buy the first round of cement.
Sit down sweeties
>some poor fucking mexican is gonna haul a 30ft ladder through the scorching ass desert
I've read about it desu, they sneak around and hide constantly to not get caught by the patrols, there's no fucking way a huge fucking ladder is being added to the equation