Muslim Terrorist Faisal Hussain Targets Greek Community Of Toronto
Canadian authorities identified the shooter of the Greek Community of Toronto as Faisal Hussain, a 29 year old Muslim who lived in Toronto.
The Islamic terrorist killed at least 2 people, while injuring at least a dozen. Men, women, and children were all targeted in the brutal attack against various Greek restaurants and businesses in the area.
Multiple officials and various citizens have asked as to when will the Canadian government will finally stop immigration from Islamic terrorist hotbeds into the country. The government of Canada has not yet made a comment regarding the calls to secure the border and fix the immigration system of Canada.
What is the Canadian mainstream media saying, Canadian anons?
gayreex BTFO by based soldier of hilafa shiptar
Why do these shitskins always dress like early 2000s metrosexuals?
The truth of course
Young white male radicalized by Donald
Relevant pic.
>Shoots some Greeks over a personal issue
>Terrorist attack
You might want to look up the definition of terrorism
Is that how you sandniggers rationalize the killing of innocent Greek business owners?
I'm not a Maoist-Third Worldist, but this is generally their view on the Greek-Turk question.
Go talk to Jason Unruhe and ask him about it. He is the most well-known M3W and holds this view to my knowledge.
Lived in Thorncliffe Park. Basically a PACKY neighborhood north on Donlands, few miles away from the scene. Place literally reeks of curry for miles.
Pic related. It is the Milwood bridge connecting Thorncliffe Packytown to Danforth Greektown via Donlands. Notice the Islamic Jihad symbols.
They are pushing the mentally disturbed angle. The cops even waited for a PR crafted statement from the family before revealing the name
Kek, never noticed until now
I live in the area this happened
I haven't been following the mainstream media but the main things I've been hearing are 'It's crazy I don't get it' and 'We need more gun control'...normie reactions. I was walking down one of the sidestreets near where this happened and some guy on moped taped up a sign saying 'Prayers for our Danforth neighbours' and then took a photo on his phone, obviously for his social media.
Over the past several months there has been some greek nationalist and white supremacist graffiti going up on these same side streets, reflecting an undercurrent of hostility to immigrants. One stretch of the Danforth is old Greektown...then slightly east there is a heavy muslim presence with a big mosque. I expect this event to severely exacerbate the situation. Most of the area are outward 'diversity is our strength' virtue signalers, but this may give them pause. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot move out
Is anyone else getting fucked off with the media pushing this angle and making mental illness a scape goat for crimes? Plenty of people with mental illnesses in the world but it seems it is only the muslim ones that kill people
Has this neighborhood always been Muslim or is it recent immigration?
And are there always problems between the shitskin Muslims and Greeks?
He was targeting the Greek community. It's a hate crime. And they use the mentally ill excuse? WTF
Do you legitimately go to this guy in search of political commentary?
Get your shit together you fucking faggot.
Your fellow Canadians were just gunned down by some ungrateful shitskin that your pathetic leaders welcomed into your country with open arms and a welfare check and your response is to disparage the Greek people as colonizers.
Fucking leaf.
greeks getting burned alive AND getting gunned down? This day cant get any better
you could say a few greeks were pumped falafel of lead
So what current black ops was this "event" designed to cover up?
They try not to mention his name and they try not to even hint at a possible motive just saying its "unknown", then talk about gun control and being safe etc.
There's 10's of thousands of muslims living there, packed into shithole jew apartments. The offensive stench of curry floats in the air each afternoon from Milwood to almost Victoria Park.
Problems between shitskins and greeks? Of course this goes way back, for example the island of Cyprus.
Greeks don't really live in that area anymore. It's all rich families and yuppies. Greeks just own all the restaurants and shit.
It is pretty sickening they would allow the family time to craft a statement like pic related. They are really trying their hardest to spin this in favor of the narrative.
It's not a white dude so it's probably not staged. Although u never know.
Go talk to my dick. Leafs are so stupid.
Jason is fully redpilled on the JQ and HATES SJWs.
When in doubt, always suspect some fuckery. Besides, all agencies already know about these people, they just "let" it happen.
finally mudshits doing what they do best: killing other brown mongrels
and you are him, now fuck off.
wonder how he got his gun
think he had an rpal?
primetime news weren't saying the name and that the motive was unclear even when american networks were saying the name
until the late 80s there were hardly any muslims
The 18 year old girl who died was a Fallon. That's an old stock Canadian Irish name.
He's a commie faggot with a red mohawk.
You should both be lined up against a wall and shot.
>Targets Greek Community
>Over the past several months there has been some greek nationalist and white supremacist graffiti going up on these same side streets, reflecting an undercurrent of hostility to immigrants.
Nice, it's good to hear about smart people in Canada. I remember Doug Ford won in Ontario. Canadians are waking up.
>Greeks aren’t even safe in first world countries due to them importing even more shitskins than ever before
>tfw this is the end of your race
one thing is there's no reports that he said allah ackbar or anything
not saying he wasn't, but living in toronto would drive anyone crazy
possible he couldn't get women and his parents wouldn't arrange a marriage
What's funny earlier today I was going to post "I bet he's from Thorncliffe" but didn't have the balls, even though this is what my mind told me. Instead made a reference to that creepy-ass mosque at Donlands / Danforth. Close enough to the source.
Roasties deserve the bullet and not much more. Take the down one by one, bullet or rope, who gives a fuck. They sold the country out, and traitors deserve naught but death.
Hello Mehmedovic!
Treaty of Lausanne was signed on this date (July 24). Any relevance to the shooting?
Fucking Canadians
>Us and Canada relations deteriorating
>Suddenly Islamic terrorists popping up with weapons
Makes you think
I don't think non-Toronto anons realize just how yuppy white this area is. The old school Greek immigrants work there, but they don't live there anymore. The restaurants are all yuppish and popular with tourists, though there are a few old school holdouts before the street turns into Muzzieville.
He wasn't targeting Greeks. He was targeting a popular white middle class area, it's not just Greek restaurants, it's lots of coffee shops, pubs, bookstores, organic food stores, trinket shops, all that shit.
yeah don't want to stand up for sandniggers but from the several articles I've read so far it seems like this guy was legitimately mentally ill, no terrorism involved.
if he did really say snackbar, witnesses would've made it clear but he really didn't
Toronto Sun says he had a lifetime of mental illness
liberal media pushing mental health angle
conservative media pushing terrorism angle
what else lol
well, he was a muslim
I'm not usually over in that neighbourhood...but the odd time I am and I walk past that mosque there's always a few Muslims hanging out front like it's some drug den. They mean mug me hard and never take their eyes off me. I usually smirk and give a thumbs up
Why aren't people who terrorize the public stripped and stockade for the public to punish as we see fit?
He could've been targeting Christians.
>the new face of Canada
chaya bat tzvi is the superior M3W
Take a drive by there on a Friday night, all the Muslims are in their pajama robes flooding the street like cockroaches after mosque.
Golden Dawn?
So you agree there is no such thing as a mentally ill shooter. Thus, just like the left, you think white shooters are terrorists.
Could be a random attack.
I'd say he was targeting westerners. Not Christians in particular.
>Why aren't people who terrorize the public stripped and stockade for the public to punish as we see fit?
Because that's african jungle justice. We live under a constitutional monarchy.
highly underrated post
Most people in Canada are Westerners. A mentally ill shooter would inevitably target a few Westerners at the very least.
I think it would be a fair sentencing if found guilty
100% Toronto Sun is doing the best they can to spin what family said on it's head and push the terrorist angle. All The Sun did was correctly report that the family said he was mentally ill.
Serb diaspora or just a retard that thinks there is a value in nonwhite life? Then again Serbs being a mix of Greeks, gypsies and Turks with few drops of Slavic blood you feel offended for your kind
There is nothing Western about Greek monsters. He probably shoot them up over Cyprus thing or something like that
you got it all wrong. it's the metrosexuals who dress like shitskins. shitskins were always like that. since the day i can remember all those shitskins were up on fashion and shit and passed off as gay even when it wasn't mainstream. it was them from whom all that "modern" shit was feeding off.
who do you think are the barbershop rats of all times? shitskins and niggers. same with fashion.
only a very small number of white people indulge in this shit(women included) but niggers and shitskins would always be trying "styles" and "fashions"
also its wide know the homosexual nature of shitskins and niggers. the largest % of faggots are among them.
And you know what to do with roaches
>split splat
we have state controlled media and very one here believes it, especially in liberal cities, if you don't believe the party line you don't work
He killed himself in front of a small grocery store that is right beside a church
I wonder if that has any significance
Do you believe the Balkans were better off under the Ottomans, Serbbro?
>t. Bosniak diaspora.
I suspect the guy was a raging pot head . The family mentioned psychosis. The majority of these islamic terrorists are also pot smokers.
>possible motive
see pic related, it was posted on pol this past friday, 2 nights before this (((incident)))
Retard he's Bosniak.
Imagine what a leftist shithole would say
Man i've seen this guy on the subway on my route
It really does
looks like the average liberal techbro
>Has this neighborhood always been Muslim or is it recent immigration?
Where does that pic come from? I dont see any official pics released. And there are literally 1000s of Faisal Hussains. Sauce on this pic being the right one?
You're probably imagining this: it's a basic packy phenotype.
the news is trying to cover it up
but now there was another stabbing attack in ottawa so i wonder if they are related
Please go CSIS!
>the several articles
from who, chaimstream media, pls nigger
>yeah don't want to stand up for sandniggers
sandnigger detected
Good. Fuck those cumskins. They shouldn't even be in toronto. I'm glad that roastie bitch is dead.
>sniper rifle
Be careful of playing that card. Vast majority of people under psychiatric treatment are white. Other groups are underrepresented except for Native Americans and mixed race.
Visible minority does not mean Muslim. A lot of migrants are Chinese and Indian Sikhs and Hindus.
well what do you think there gonna say?
We got it all wrong for last forty years, diversity SUCKS, Seig Heil, 1488
One can argue that anyone willing to mass murder people is mentally ill. This is a distraction from the real issue.
Slovenian and Croatian, not a Serb. I believe the Balkans would be better off, if we finished the job and genocided areas east of Osijek entirely.
Bosniaks don’t fraternise with nonwhite muslims, diaspora. They are Bosniaks first and don’t even like muslims in Albania, let alone Middle East and Africa
>Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Mark Christopher Einerwold, a self-professed member of Antifa was arrested for possession of bomb-making materials, illegal weapons modifications, and a manifesto to commit terrorism on right-wing groups.
Ann Coulter shared it on Twitter:
Spread this news around as much as possible, and make the left look like shit. This will help us in the Mid-Terms.
throw an empty backpack at them while yelling allah ackbar
see how fast they can run
I'm Polish born and raised. I've spent lots of time in many countries. Non has been as collectively brainwashed and controlled by leftist evil as this shithole. Counting the days to move on. Canadians dont realize just how fucking bad it is here now
>Greek? wtf war is this sand nigger fighting? he's like fighting a war from 1032 AD but this time there's Fried Chicken
Somebody give this sand nigger a watch!