Syria General /sg/ - It happens Tomorrow. Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>S Syria Jul 23
>Yemen Jul 20
>SE Syria Jul 18
>Libya/Derna Jun 28
>Iraq Jun 14
>Idlib May 31

Devs July 23
>Trump&Trudeau asked Israel to evacuate 800+ moderate beheaders White Helmets(Al-Qaeda-linked). They will be settled in UK, Canada,Germany,Netherlands
>Sy For. Min:WH evacuation is a “criminal operation” by “Israel and its tools”.Support of the evacuation by US,UK, Jordan, Germany & Canada shows that these countries “back terrorists in Syria”
>RU embassy:White Helmets exit from Sy curbs risks of staged chemical attack ops
>Reconciled Daraa rebels fight ISIS together with SAA enraging militants bussed to Idlib, who accuse them of betraying the 'revolution'
>Huge blast hits rebel-held town in north Aleppo, casualties reported. 30+ injured/killed
>Senior Turkish-backed militia commander assassinated in Afrin by kurds
>Roadside bomb kills several Islamist militants in Syria’s Idlib
>With Daraa almost secured, Tiger forces&RUAF starts to bomb IS positions in Syria's SW
>850+ refugees to return to Syria from Lebanon
>Israeli launched an airstrike targeting SAA in Masyaf city, Hama.Sy AirDef intercepted and downed several missiles
>Sy gov to re-operate Tabqa Dam as per agreement with Kurds


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Other urls found in this thread: gif/



>he literally stalked the thread and waited days until i "disappeared"
daily reminder that "homsi" regularily brings stories about sick poor people needing money, asking fags here to donate, all that after his "youtube money" project failed miserably (he's himself a failure).
I don't give half a fuck about r/sgay u/ntermenschen being scammed (i hope you do get scammed you scum), i however don't like the fact that it's a subhuman like him that takes profit out of your stupidity
>after the sick poor little girl, the disabled SAA, the youtube channel, now his mother

>the guy who used to insult anyone who disagrees with him now comes here talking like a little beaten child asking for money

>I also posted a pic of the cystadenomas
>no name no date
>he's been claiming he was a med student in a hospital for years
>implying he can't take a random sick person's imageries and claim as his mother's
turbo mindlet c*ck here





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well this seems like a great /comfy/ thread


What a labyrinthine administrative area.

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Let me fix that.

Israeli attacks in Syria are justified :^).

Thank you for the bread!

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They are refugees in their homes unfortunately. You need to meet a single Palestinian living abroad to understand the situation.

What if the recent escalation between Hamas and Isreal is Iran's response to Isreal airstrikes in Syria?


you gringos are mados cause i'm el Whito de la Whitia

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R&U Video

Very good bread.
Please accept this gif as my way of saying thank you.

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and here is the extended version

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>>Trump&Trudeau asked Israel to evacuate 800+ moderate beheaders White Helmets(Al-Qaeda-linked). They will be settled in UK, Canada,Germany,Netherlands

>UK, Canada,Germany,Netherlands

I would be raging hard if I were in one of those countries

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and finally, the map.

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Can someone confirm that coastal operation in Mokha port?

havnt been here in a week, thats a bloody great gif to come back to, so much for all the tough talk from Southern Front kek

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Why? White Helmets being """moderates""" is a controversy. It's not certain.

Cheers cobber!

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>Trump asked Israel to evacuate 800+ moderate beheaders (to Europe)
God Emperor!

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Hey Nate, do you have a Discord or something? You and I share different time zones and usually aren't in the bread at the same time, so it'd be easier if I had you there (or telegram) so I could send you critiques and such without waiting (sometimes several days) for you to get online on Jow Forums

I have neither unfortunately.
Do you have a steam account?

Yeah what's yours?

One sec, Muttley, I'm just changing the privacy settings.

beware his namefag!

oh im slow. I get the name now...

Maybe they can go back home to Egypt/Lebanon if they don't like being treated like the human refuse they have become. Just a thought.

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2 Palestinians I met in US had PhD in electrical engineering. One of them didn't even have a passport, just "travel documents", the other had passport from Jordan I believe. Confining people, denying them rights, just because Israel wants those lands is straight up cruel.

Alternately, if you want to check if I've uploaded a gif or map when you're not around, just go here
> gif/
or here

alright. Request sent tho

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>Implying Egypt and Lebanon accepts the m

Look I know Palestinians aren't the greatest of people, but the conditions they have been living in these past decades are inhumane:

>Electricity only 4 hours a day
>90% of the water is not drinkable
>Can not leave the country
>Has access to limited places
>Being bullied by IDF since he/she was a child
>Seeing your friends houses being demolished while Israeli are cheering and laughing
>Palestinian kids have no future
>45% unemployment rate

Any people, even the most cucked people in the world, would resort to violence because I personally can't imagine the level of hatred that your average Palestinian has built up for the Israeli throughout his life.

I agree. And even when they aren't violent, they aren't given a roadmap to a reasonable life. I don't think Israel wants a two state solution anymore. They're probably just going to wait until all Palestinians are dead or until they all emigrate.

>page 5

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Why are whiteoids so subhuman? and how can we this to boost our tourism?

You forgot about
>traitorous leaders
>controlled opposition

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Palestinians aren't human though you slant eyed nuke dodger

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I don't understand, they can breed and procreate fertile offspring. They are human.

rats can do all that too

Palestinians can create fertile offspring with humans, rats cannot procreate with humans.

>Palestinians aren't human

توقف عن الاسقاط ايها الصهيوني اللعين, تبا ً لك أيها اليهودي اللعين

And kikes aren't considered humans by the average Human too. What's your point?

>with humans
didnt originally say this



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Can confirm Kikes are not Human.

Sorry, I must've missed it. Let's make the correction.

Palestinians can breed with humans and create fertile offspring, therefore they are also humans.

>Drink sarcophagus red liquid

Canon FFS.

To boost tourism need to get rid of terrorists first

Nice joke

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ever hear of the human chimp mix they created in a chimp momma’s womb and only aborted after months when it seemed like the baby wasnt dieing and they felt morally obligated to intervene.
Chimps humans now too?
>i wont provide source just google chimp human baby experiment

No I never heard of that. However, that is not the same case. The offspring should be fertile for two species to be called the same species.

noun: species; plural noun: species; noun: sp.; plural noun: spp.
a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g., Homo sapiens.

>I saw some Syrians living in Germany they lied to both Syrian & German gov to receive living expenses .their Flat is for free, got iPhone X, showing off their life on Instagram and just keep giving a birth, Ugh disgusting . I stopped talking to them.

Why is the fucking government giving so much to these subhuman cowards?

>muh human rights
>muh guilt
>muh economic boost

The problem with anecdotal evidence is that it does not represent statistical distribution. Maybe they were actually rich in Syria and actually had the capability of comfortably reaching Germany and were still classified as refugees and are making money out of it. You can find extreme examples easily if the sample size is in millions (or hundred thousandssss).

What they need to look for before saying why are they giving so much is the statistical distribution. However, that's really hard to sell politically.

Maghreboi is a nigger who spams /sg/ telegram and this thread.

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Part 2

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Part 3

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Who ARE you?
You seem so normal, it’s getting annoying.

>Who ARE you?
I'm yu

>You seem so normal, it’s getting annoying.
What does this mean?

The fuckers cant even defend their own country. And then comes to Europe to live on allowances. And here we are working 5 days a week to keep this shit floating. Damn where is those good old times with SS legions.

So you advocate giving them work permits?

>parasite that just leeches
>parasite that provides some input and then leeches
Kicking the out would be the best though.

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I thought locals usually hated the idea because they would be stealing jobz. Your view is quite progressive.

Kicking out is not really an option though, where are you going to send them to without ruining your relations with your neighbors?

how do you suggest they defend themselves against NATO/kikes when russia risks war by backing them fully? They don't want to be refugees in your country. Maybe you should tell your governments to stop funding Israel/Al Qaeda and there won't be any need for more refugees/allowances?

Merkel has already told much of the EU that they need to start accepting them, even countries that are somewhat poor by EU standards. I'd rather have muslims than niggers/natives though. Muslims will at least attempt to present themselves nicely and try to work when the opportunity presents itself.

How did Israel fuck up so hard in Syria?
They’ve gone from gloating at the possibility of carving up Syria to sweating at the idea of Iran lining up there military at the Gilman hights

The thing that many of you forget. The kind of people that come are not the educated or the behaved people, but mostly the countryside trash who acts like an ape and has 0 self awareness.

If it were up to me I would put them in a camp with interdiction of circulation outside.

If he doesn't like it, well I'm ready to give him money to gtfo. Still cheaper than keeping them here

>always do the opposite of what jews say
so where's homsi? how do i donate without the zog kikes blocking it with their monetary cartel?

because people are too complacent to rise up abd do the necessary purgings of traitors and (((foreign agents))) of (((occupying powers)))
things have to get far far worse before they can ever possibly begin to turn around and correct

Average amount of tourist arrivals per years: 8,000,000
Total amount of people killed by terrorists in the last 4 years:2,300

Don't be gay, come to Egypt

>Houthis staged a fucking port raid on the UAE niggers at Mohka
>Leclerc's that were being shipped in are now in the ocean

>that pic
giv Atwell milkers

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yeah but think about it
he spends so much time and energy on /sg/ now, we've truly broken him
meanwhile ill show up once a week to make sure everything's going ok and im always pleasantly surprised, all the while he has to be absolutely rabid over all the red on the map
feels good man

So I haven't posted Afghanistan updates in a while, and for that I apologize. but I'll get back to it

7 pro-govt fighters, 2 policemen killed in Daikundi clash

FEROZKOH (Pajhwok): At least nine members of a pro-government uprising group and two policemen have been killed and six others wounded in a Taliban attack in Daikundi province, an official said on Monday.

Ghairat Ali Jawahiri, a member of the provincial council, told Pajhwok Afghan News the militants stormed the Pato district centre from three directions but faced strong resistance from the security forces.

Nine security personnel, including two policemen, were killed and six others wounded during the ensuing clash with the rebels on Sunday night, he said, adding the attackers were forced to retreat.

Without giving information about casualties, local security officials confirmed fighting was still underway in the district. There has been no word so far from Taliban in this regard.

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Dem white hats have a familiar looking nose characteristic... Do they eat shellfish?

>Kicking out is not really an option though
You can send them back to where they came from. The syrian rapefugees living here in Mexico have temporary visas, and when they expire they'll be sent back to rebuild their country.

Security Forces In Paktika Suffer Heavy Casualty Toll

At least 27 security force members have been killed in clashes with Taliban insurgents in southeastern Paktika province since Sunday, provincial council members said.

The clashes, which are ongoing, started on Sunday in Argon, Wormamai and Wazi Khwa districts after Taliban attacked security check posts, according to provincial council members.

“Three security check posts have fallen to the Taliban and heavy clashes are ongoing,” the provincial council members said, adding that “if government does not send reinforcements, the districts will fall to the insurgents.”

“Eight border police and two local policemen were killed in a Taliban ambush in Argon and the rest of the security forces were killed in other districts,” according to the provincial council members.

The provincial security officials have not however provided further details.

The Taliban has also not yet commented.

Taliban’s shadow governor, another senior leader killed in Kapisa province

The shadow governor of the Taliban group for Kapisa province was killed along with another senior Taliban leader in Northeastern Kapisa province of Afghanistan.

The Security Chief of Kapisa province Mohammad Hakim Azimi confiremd that the shadow governor of the group Nasim Mushfiq was killed during an airstrike conducted in Tagab district earlier today.

He said the shadow district governor of Tagab Ehsanullah was also killed in the airstrike conducted based on intelligence tip off.

Azimi further added that the two senior Taliban leaders had participated in a meeting of the Taliban militants when they came under airstrike.

According to Azimi, the foreign forces based in Afghanistan had also participated in the operation.

Several other Taliban militants were also killed during the airstrike, Azimi said. However, he did not disclose further information regarding the exact number of the militants killed in the airstrike.

The anti-government armed militant groups including Taliban militants have not commented regarding the report so far.

Kapisa is among the relatively calm provinces in Northeastern parts of the country but the security situation of the province has started to deteriorate recently amid ongoing efforts by the militants to expand their insurgency.

i advocate prescribing them zyklon b and delivering the bodues to bashar if he wants them, otherwise mass grave/cremation/grind up with cowgrinder and feed to pigs

20 Taliban, 8 Daesh killed in Ghazni, Baghlan

PUL-I-KHUMRI (Pajhwok): Twenty Taliban and eight Daesh rebels have been killed in airstrikes and clashes with security forces in northern Baghlan and southern Ghazni provinces, officials said Monday.

Baghlan police chief Brig. Gen. Ikramuddin Sari told in a press conference in Pul-i-Khumri, the provincial capital, that foreign forces conducted airstrikes in Dehna Ghori and Burka districts of the province last night.

A Taliban’s ushar in-charge Abdul Ghafoor was killed along with two others in the airstrikes that also killed Taliban’s military chief for Burka district along with four others.

Separately, the police chief said, insurgents coordinately stormed security check-posts in Nahrin district late Sunday night. Six attackers were killed and nearly a dozen more wounded in the ensuing clash, he said.

In Ghazni province, the Taliban attacked security posts in Zankhan, Andar, Qarabagh, Jaghatu, Giru, Gilan, Rashidan and in Ghazni City late Sunday night, Ghani police chief Col. Farid Ahmad Mashal told Pajhwok.

The resultant clashes left one security personnel and six insurgents dead and four security personnel and five Taliban wounded.

Elsewhere in Ghazni, eight Daesh rebels were killed in an airstrike by Afghan forces in Tangi Sado area of Nawa district on Monday morning.

Meanwhile, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid on his twitter account claimed security forces were inflicted heavy casualties during last night attacks in Ghazni province.

I apologize for not being active when it comes to posting Afghanistan updates this past week. I've been on the breads but was too lazy to post these updates even though I could have. I'll try to post updates when I can now

>Your view is quite progressive.
you ever heard of this thing called flags? retard

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Hard as a diamond

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>it's not a certain

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>page 8

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You're the best, keep it up.

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thx m8

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What does /sg/ think of Donald Trump’s legal counsel, Rudy Giuliani, giving speeches and legal representation on behalf of Mujahideen-e-Khalq, a communist group of Muslim Kurds fighting to overthrow the government of Iran?

Sounds spicy. Link?