Why does it bring you such joy to see people in sorrow?

The level of hate and vitriol I see expressed towards our brothers and sisters of the human family is revolting. When did you lose your souls? Especially for a so-called christian board this is sad.

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Other urls found in this thread:


limousine liberalism is just as bad as collectivist fascism.

third way, and centrism are cop outs...

AnCap is the only way. The market decides morality.


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For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
To the internet troll, the more upset or angry the target gets, the more hilarious and funny the situation is.
This is why people find joy in other's sorrow.

Pol/ professes to be a board that points out degeneracy and filth while upholding the nobler virtues. Where does schadenfreude fit in?

Few deserve joy most deserve suffering. Life is suffering and growth, that suffering tempers us and defines who we are.

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>Why does it bring you such joy to see people in sorrow?
Because your'e a bad person.

How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

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And what do you deserve user?

>Jow Forums

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Top Left (Kike)

Bottom Right (Goyim)

Kill all Jewish children

It's just banter. You don't see us out in the streets attacking people and screaming names at people.

Whatever I get user. Nothing more.

I do. But I guess not because jews are not people

Lol going to hell

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See you there. Most people are going to hell. Read your bible.

It's always an atheist who attacks Christians for not being "Christian enough"

Good. Let us kill some jews before we burn.


The anti-semites on here are truly psychopaths.

Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.

Read rules for radicals it states plainly to use the morals of a person against them to slander them because all men fall short of their own morals and showing that to others discredits them.

it usedto but now it's sad. you need to take a break from the internet man, regain some of that empathy. pray about it.

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So half of Jow Forums?


They must stare into the mirror, OP. They must accept their true face.

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(pol represents 1% of the population...)
I always knew I was different

You know maybe if these feelings were reciprocated, maybe, maybe I'd see what you mean.

But they are not. The majority of the people here, I guarantee are told they are terrible while doing nothing more than existing by the enemy that overtly & publicly oppress this community. While the meta-cult supports them.

Keep poking the beast motherfuckers, I'm happy to watch you pay (((your))) insolence.

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Jow Forums and stormfags are the only people that still thinks rules for radicals has any good ideas

I'm just so tired
So very tired

I didnt say they were good Ideas just whats being used on people by the commies, democrats, and media. Never let a scandal go unexploited is yet another rule. Followed by if there is no scandal create one. Its all there in the news stories and actions of radical leftists.

That is the only way they will learn.

1) These people are a force for evil.
2) The things that bring THEM sorrow are forces for good.

Rabbi, is obviously unfamiliar with WJWD when faced with evil.
Fuck off.
We are burning it all down and destroying the entire entertainment industry.
Rap is next.

Lol. Welcome to /pol you are obviously new here.

I'm not talking about the Lucifarians who rule from the shadows. Just the average men and women who are just as much pawns as you.Their suffering and pain is nourishment to you.

I just think that in modern times with 24 hr news cycles, most of those rules get used organically because any smart person knows to use a situation to their advantage, its not really that radical of a tactic anymore.

When circumstances boil over with evil, men of goodwill must attack such evil in proportion to its viciousness. To do nothing would mean to be an accomplice, and God forbid we should ever stoop so low.

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>limousine liberalism is just as bad as collectivist fascism.
>third way, and centrism are cop outs..
>AnCap is the only way. The market decides morality.
gif related

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