Anyone have an infographic detailing all the players involved? This is looking messy
Anyone have an infographic detailing all the players involved? This is looking messy
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, Carter Page speaks:
Agreed, an info graphic would be nice to see. I follow this stuff closer than 90% of the population and even I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the names and events. Starting to make Game of Thrones look like a Dr. Seuss book.
He should apologize for shilling it's implementation after 9/11.
FISA has been around since Nixon following the Church hearings, IIRC
>carter page
>was spied on my Obama based on the Jow Forums /pol pee on hooker larp.
Obama is not going to jail, nor is Hillary, but their time is numbered. They will face eternal judgment from God. There will be weeping ang gnashing of teeth..
Dan Bongino walks us through the happenings in detail in today's podcast
something unsettling about carter page. His eyebrow movement is unnatural.
He either knows he can prove his innocence or he's stressed out
The agency, it's scope and authority were expanded with the Patriot Act.
While true, I don't see how that's relevant here
One of his best. The last story is a doozy and it shows how desperate to save their ass some of the members of the deepstate are.
This guy sounds 100% Bostonian just with his lingo. I'm waiting him to accuse someone of wearing clown shoes
I think he is from jersey
Let's be clear here, there is nothing illegal about putting a Fisa warrant on a political oponent, unmasking his calls and using the information you gather to take him out or make up a Russian interference investigation that will mire his presidency for years and elections to come.
it is a dick move, but not illegal.
Justice through death by vanity I suppose.
There will always be evil people who aspire to become the villian to enact their twisted sense of morality. You can not cure dar leftists in the sense that far right extremism drives people off the same cliff and into the pit of despair that both side of social outcast and deviations from the status quo worker drone culture put on by the elites and entertainers who reside in their courts.
from conservative treehouse
Seriously... Were any of you chucklefucks alive in the early 2000s?
Sean Hannity was the biggest "the government can do no wrong in the fight against terrorism" shill in existence.
He didn't care about the NSA wholesale surveillance of domestic phone calls.
He didn't care about warrantless wiretapping or the rubberstamp FISA court.
He didn't give a fuck about rendition, torture, or CIA black sites.
What a fucking cock sucker. If he had any foresight at all, he would have absolutely seen the HUGE potential for abuse right from the get go. He didn't give a fuck though, because carrying W's water was his sole existence from 2000-2008.
That dick lick still believes that Saddam had WMDs.
conservative treehouse
Incorrect on so many counts and wrong on many levels
It' illegal for a federal agent to swear to a judge that his BS intel is legit
yes, that is illegal.
but completely irrelevant to this discussion
I was one of the Ron Paul mob who chased him out of his Frank Luntz magic show in the 2008 election
PS: That guy can fucking speed walk!
isnt this like 2 year old news? Are we in some kind of alternate timeline/timewarp right now?
wrong on all levels, that is what I mean by dick move.
incorrect where? All of the information is out there and nobody is going to jail
What is going to happen?
Nothing. They arent going to do anything about it.
If there was justice in the world why aren't any of these people getting put up - the only person that is going to go down MAYBE is McCabe
Honestly, that is what pisses me off the most. We all knew this in December of 2016. Yet here we fucking are. 2 years wasted on bullshit that was apparent from the start.
It is illegal to lie and miscontrue the truth in order to obtain a warrant.
In court the people from the fbi certified that the steele dossier was reliable. In comey then testified in congress that he told trump that the steele dossier was salacious and unverified.
The fbi then withheld the fact that they were the ones who leaked details of the dossier to issakov of yahoo news. Then used the article to tell the court that info from the steele dossier was being found by independent reporting. in essence they were using circular verification without telling the court.
Russians must be behind his eyebrow movements.
>this exact thing that is being proven to have happened in this case
>but it is irrelevant to this discussion about this case
How many levels of CIA nigger are you on my dude?
>Let's be clear
Commit suicide nigger.
>Manufacturing evidence isn't illegal
Big lie at work
This guy gets it. When the dust settles this will be at the point of the issue. Whackjobs in the media don't want to touch it now because it's useful to ignore it to damage Trump, but in the long run its going to be a complete cluster fuck if policitcal parties (especially if they're currently in government) can pay for sensational opposition research, hand it to thier chosen investigative body, let them leak it to the media so it becomes "verified" and start surveillance on thier opponents and then unmask them at thier complete discretion when the intelligence comes to thier attention.
he was mad as fuck tonight
Um, it is actually quite illegal, particularly if the evidence summited to obtain said warrant was fraudulent. Which in this case it was. You actually want people to think it is the norm for a political party to weaponize the FBI and the CIA against third opponents? Do you have any idea how pointless elections would be of that was deemed legal?
It goes on and on and on and on and on..........and nobody is in jail.......nobody is charged........
It will never happen...........
I can confirm this is worth listening to. Still lots of shit to digest.
They will go to jail
He laid it all out. Of course the solution to all this hinges on voting. Like I would put the nations fate in that.
But he laid it all out and STILL nobody will give a fuck. Hope all of you are prepared to live in a 3rd world shithole.
The list is only getting longer...
>lying to the fisc
>not illegal
>fund raising off of information you know is false
>not illegal
>using verifiably false pretenses for a search warrant
>not illegal
are you brain dead? If everything being laid out is true and provable people will be going to prison, no life sentences and no executions sure but definite prison time for falsifying information in a national security investigation.
Now you know where you stand with the government.
Move out of the city, build a small fortress on land and grow food. Hunt and fish for meat. It's mathematically impossible to for Democrats to lose after Trump is gone if he does nothing. It will be 3rd world.
i made this about a year ago
>They will face eternal judgment from God
Found the christcuck.
Creating further distrust of the government is what truly matters
Remember being told, "If you haven't done anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide"?
I own a small business. The tellers harass the fuck out of me, lecturing me about being suspicious. They're excuse? "Because of 9/11". Like I give a fuck about that when I'm depositing checks.
Why does Sundance sem to think that Sessions/Rosenstein are running a proper sting? I don’t see it.
This, (((((THEY))))) are counting on making the whole thing so confusing the average lemming doesn't even bothers to follow it.
Comey panicked about the Dossier question, said I don't know of the FISA application has been released knowing full well it's not subjected to FOIAs historically. He knew he had to think quick on his feet and downplay it, use fed jargon, and then fall back to his bread & butter of I don't recollect.
Carter Page couldn't pretend not not to be in the Kremlin payroll if his life depended on it.
Good graph, needs to be updated since a lot of things have emerged after ((((((Rosenstein))))))) appointed Mueller.
There clearly is not enough evidence to warrant such charges.
Can someone help ne understand how it is not foreign meddling for a British ex-intelligence officer to work with the Hillary Clinton campaign to publish misinformation from paid Russian agents about Trump during an election and after Trump’s legitimately won election to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States.
Help me out here
The fact that Carter Page is refusing to hire an attorney to sue the hell out of the FISA affidavit signers tells me he is a Brennan plant.
Why the actual fuck would trump appoint this kike
Maybe it only counts if it's written in spooky moon runes?
Probably recommended by other leftist deep state kikes via ((((KUSHNER))))).
Because he's a Zionist
"foreign" mean non-ZOG
He doesn’t.
Mueller is a treasonous sack of shit,
This entire Carter Page thing is hilariously embarrassing to the IC.
Simple fact that the FISA application was released via a FOIA (which is historically unprecedented) is that the investigation into Russia Collusion has been over for almost a year as stated by Rudy. They will never touch Carter Page. They have nothing, because well he's a fed informant that did past work for the FBI. He was used a rouse to hustle the FISC judges to spy on Trump for other related dirt. The main component to the application was the larp dossier along with the media's phony circular authentication.
Trump tweeting about the victory of it goes over most people's heads. Mueller is still trying desperately to get any dirt on Trump by squeezing Manafort and raiding Cohan. Those recent indictments of Russians is a larp to continue the lie at the expense of ignorance of the public by conflating those separate two issues to the American people.
It's one of the reasons why Comey got fired. Comey would never publicly admit that Trump was never part of the investigation, only privately. He has to be forced to publicly admit it. The same tactic applies. To continue to keep the public in the dark and feeding a participating bias media lies to shape public opinion on falsehoods.
There's a reason why Gowdy simply stares at them with utter disdain and despises them as law enforcement. He knows the reckless and lawless game they're all playing.
This. We all knew what the fuck happened ages ago. It’s usually the boomers that need it spoonfed to them by hannity until they finally believe it.