Calling someone a pedo is the right's version of calling someone racist...

Calling someone a pedo is the right's version of calling someone racist. You are all just as bad as these fags being triggered for jokes out of context.

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This anger on all parties fuels me.

Yea well this is fucking war and it doesn’t matter who is right or who played fair

difference is niggers may be a nuisance but fucking kids should be and usually is punished by death

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We do it for the lulz faggot.

To be fair, you have to be a pedophile to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the Talmud most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from The Talmud, for instance. The goyim don’t understand this stuff; they don’t have the talmudic understanding to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something DEEP about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE goyim- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Talmudic sacrifices. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated goyim scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What goyim.. how I pity them.

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Fuck off Jewpiro

You know, There are two types of Jow Forums users:

Regular: They just enjoy things and have opinions

Toxic Retards: Seething, computer addicted shut ins with psychotic tendencies who literally hate everything including themselves.

Consider this when reading any opinion on Jow Forums. OP is an example of a type II with his whining about fictional pedos

cool story bro

Found the pedos.

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Yeah but we are playing to win so w/e.
We didn't start the Culture War but you can be damn sure we will win it.

What's worse is, these retards are going to wear out the word to the point where actual pedos will be able to go around posting about kids and when you call them out on being pedos nobody will care.

>this shill

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Except racism doesn't involve sticking your dick in a minority


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Tu quoque isn't an argument faggot. There's gonna be so much winning you'll be sick of it.

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It's time for Jow Forums to shut down.

>no u
>not knowing tu quoque

is this all you got?

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oops meant for

The fact leftards are equating racism with pedophillia shows they have lost the plot.
The two things are not even equal at all.
Some guy saying nigger, cracka, chink etc is not comparable to a pedophile.
A racist is literally angelic compared to a pedophile.

>makes a video of himself fucking a baby doll
>friends with someone who constantly makes pedo and rape jokes
>ex wife made videos about killing babies

Well I'd rather see 1 pedo hang than 30 niggers + 10 kikes

>Calling someone a pedo is the right's version of calling someone racist
except way more effective


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>he hasn’t read “Rules for Radicals”
Always hold your enemies to their own standards

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Do you honestly believe Dan Harmon fucks kids?

We know we're just using their stupid shit against them.

Hey Look pickle pedo

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do you honestly believe racist jokes on an anonymous forum is actual racism?

what is worse, have negative perceptions about someone based on their race or raping a baby?

Guess the far left shouldn't have started calling us all nazis so willy nilly.
RIP Rick&Morty. We won't miss you.

the left is full of pedophiles and pedophile defenders.

it's like the Left needs to reread Rules for Radicals or something

It hurts to be called names doesn’t it. Now stop calling us racists.

Well according to the leftists they are equal. Therefore leftists defend pedophillia.

>calling someone a racist

I thought it was Nazi now?

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no one is talking about that though, brainlet, talking about JOKES
get it through your fucking stupid head

We don't take calling someone a pedo lightly. We call someone a pedo when evidence arises to support its conclusions. The Left considers everyone a Racist that disagrees with their position.

put your house in order swedecuck

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>pedophile defenders
this is the biggie. if they were smart they would shut the fuck up and disassociate themselves from anyone who gets caught up in this, but instead they're all tripping over each other to for the virtuous child fucking olypmics. they have literally made anti-pedophilia a right wing position

Fitting seeing as this jew thinks half the country are nazis

These are the same people who argue that the best social welfare for mothers is to murder their babies. Not sure why we're surprised at this point.

the left and memes apply here

oh user, you haven't heard? Entertainment journalists cleared this whole distinction up days ago


this is only true answer.

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Terrible thread

>racist jokes are racism

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what? did you just say Dan Harmon fucks kids?

fuck off, nigger got Mirror Forced and he deserved it.

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it's glorious to see the seething hypocrisy of the left
all was good when you shunned down all form of expression not approved by the high church of the SJW
and now it's turned against you, you recoil, and go full
> it was a prank, bro
get rekt
the only way out of this is either a balance, or MAD

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But it's okay when Jow Forums does it

>pedophilia jokes aren't pedophilia
>racist jokes aren't racism
...what about racist AND pedophilic jokes?

Why do jews fuck underage children?
-It's kinda like a discount

pol right here

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God you people are fucking squirming

the difference they aren't threatening to exterminate racists outright.

Sleep tight pedos.

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Exactly they don't call em leftards for nothing.
And its absolutely true.
A vote for the right is a vote to keep your kids safe from pedophillia.

forgot pic

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Ya that’s kind of the point. We’re playing the game that YOU created and have cheered on for years. Not so fucking great to be on the receiving end is it? Doesn’t really seem fair? Lives ruined? Not the kind of world we want to live in? Right?! It’s what we’ve been fucking crying out for years while you scoffed at us and dismissed us with derision and a aggression. Now finally you face what we have.

Only difference is, there’s a lot of evidence of Hollywood being pedophelic, and the people in question have LONG histories of pedopehlia. This isn’t like one off color remark or bad joke like you use to take down our people. This is a constant and documented history of this type of behavior from individuals. Individuals who are in an industry that has been rocked by allegations of sexual misconduct recently. And who have had the abuse of minors alleged against them with compelling evidence including credible victims and witnesses, and even a confession from a high profile actor who quickly became gay after confessing. Not to mention the recent bizarre sex cult that was found operating there.

The gig is up, shill. I don’t know why you’re with those people or working for them, but I hope that if you’re not in too deep that you will realize how righteous we are in this and how obvious and undeniable it is that Hollywood has become a sick place.

But no, it's actually not. "Racist" is a term you use to lambast people for noticing patterns and realizing the truth. Pedo has nothing to do with truth-claims.

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rules are rules newfag, either follow them or get fucked. that hasn't changed since old 4chin times.

Yeah, but it's like Trump with tarriffs. We'll stop if you stop.

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Damn it I kekd

Don't give a shit about pedo jokes. Just want to watch lefty faggots crash and burn for the same shit they've done to us for the past 20 years

>Calling someone a pedo is the right's version of calling someone racist. You are all just as bad as these fags being triggered for jokes out of context.

So? By supporting the right in any capacity, you are eventually supporting racism, by supporting the left in any capacity, you are eventually supporting pedophilia.

This. I believe that "sticks and stones" should be the appropriate response to all of this, but it has to go full retard on BOTH sides, not just the left, for it ever to get back to it.

why don't pedophiles fuck niggers?
-they're into pedophilia, not bestiality

Wrong rulebook idiot.

left can't meme.
The left can defend pedophiles though.

>usually is punished by death

Where? There are a few instances where parents stepped up, but there is not death sentence for pedophilia anywhere on Earth afaik (yet).

left can't meme, but it can cream in preteen jeans

>I don't like the rules wa wa wa

>being rude is anything comparable to raping a helpless child

once in prison you'll wish you were dead

She's right. Pedophilia jokes aren't pedophilia - pedophilia jokes are RAPE CULTURE.

hahahahahahhaahhahaahahh Except he broke the law.

To be fair, you have to be a pedophile to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the Talmud most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from The Talmud, for instance. The goyim don’t understand this stuff; they don’t have the talmudic understanding to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something DEEP about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE goyim- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Talmudic sacrifices. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated goyim scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What goyim.. how I pity them.

Well yeah, but I really wish these people were publicly executed SOMEWHERE on the planet.

>we got feminists to unironically defend "muh rape culture"
I fucking love this board

no better time than the present
damn, good find

So you say Talmud a lot and hope someone is dumb enough to imagine Jews seriously posting on Jow Forums? That's seriously low end b8 m8

My god the humor is so subtle and witty... Genius!

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The left used slander effectively for decades. It's time the right starts using it. This isn't about doing the right thing, it's about winning by any means necessary.

implying that's the left's fault and not Cern's.

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>Pedo's posting about being pedos get called out
>just as bad as calling trump supporters racists

which, as it turns out, is more often than not doing the right thing


this x1000

Saying "nigger" versus joking about fucking kids.... let's see....

Shut the fuck up kike

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This is what winning looks like you fucking christcuck. When you play by the same rules, we win. You had your chance. Turn the other cheek didn't work. Now fuck off, we got this now.

It's not a joke.

This fat bastard is a fucking lunatic and may have harmed children.


Joking about niggers fucking kids


These faggots want to live in a world where speech can get your life permafucked?

Fine. It isn't what I want, but it is the game being played.

niggering about kids fucking jokers