California continues to be as shitty as fucking possible

California continues to be as shitty as fucking possible.

Berkeley is having a city counsel meeting to ban police from urban shield training. Fucking SWAT TRAINING!

More specifically, Cheryl Davila is the nigger advocating for this.

The niggeress's "logic"? Making it safer "for everyone; so that our community will walk one day in peace with our officers, with our counsel with everyone, so that we cannot be afraid of what might happen when we call 911, or what might happen because an immigrant calls 911. We need to make it safe for everyone; We need to make it safe for LGBTQ, for our black and brown, our Latinos, our Latinas, make it safe for the women, make it safe for our children and urban shield prevents that."

How the fuck can we even fathom electing these kinds of morons? Apparently we would be safer if the police, who are almost always the first to respond, to not have SWAT training and actually have to wait for SWAT teams to arrive to any situation. And of course, preventing police from participating in training is going to help save so many Black, Latino, and LGBT lives. UNBELIEVABLE.

At one point, Cheryl Davila asks why police officers would need to participate in this training. IDK why would doctors have to go through rectification tests? It is fucking ridiculous and an embarrassment to the rest of the country. Nuking California when?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I have a good friend who works in the Sheriff's Department, he has 2 more years to retirement and he's not sure if he'll make it.

The rules are getting stupider by the minute. Now when they pull someone over, before they get out of the car they have to fill out a little form on what race they think the drive might be. He says it's gotten so bad everyone is looking for a way out.

Maybe California is going to try out what it's like to not have any cops.

Meanwhile, California has a surplus.

A surplus of spics

A surplus of AIDS

A surplus of niggers

>we need to make it safe by implementing mob rule and ineffectual police

I hope I live to see great destruction in CA

Libertarian dream coming soon.

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An cap** holy fuck am I retarded

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Yeah, I'm getting my CCW.