What is it about this that makes white women so angry?

What is it about this that makes white women so angry?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Prime breeding material

They want to have no responsibilities and constantly lower the bar of expectations upon them, so they don't like competition

They instinctively know they can't compete with that.

Asians smell weird

american born asian women are pretty liberal in my experience, pretty much as bad as white women once they assimilate. guess that shows how trashy our culture has become

Nothing. either get an Asian gf or don't. White women don't care stop shilling them.

>white women don't care
nothing trigger them more. nothing.

>all that muscle

Eww no.

Post the tits.

What's the matter incel, can't handle a stronk whamen?

Never been attracted to asian women. I don't really see asians as sexual beings lol. Which is weird because there's billions of them. They can be very pretty tho.


most white women are fat and feminist

Nippons touching nipples

really? no one really says anything about it where i live (northern virginia) which has all races. you'll get more looks if you are with a negro.

Is dating an asian the biggest redpill?

It pisses off cuckolds of all races, pisses off coalburner white trash, niggers, liberals, and kikes. I've never really been attracted to one, yet at my school they are always actively trying to flirt with me. I think I'm starting to fall.

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I've never even heard of this meme until just now

azns make my dick hard

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gay much?

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prostitutes make any woman of any race angery

If a war broke out in asia it wouldn't take a second for women to start demanding closed borders and chanting fuck refugees.

>not wanting your children to be spartans

they did not do so with vietnam nor afghanistan

who are these semen dragons?

can i get some names

Fap you fucking goy!

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Inferiority complexes.

Jow Forums girl here.
Answer me honestly without trolling, you guys can honestly tell these two are prostitutes can't you?
You can clearly see these girls sell themselves to the highest bidder and are peak narcissism, yes?


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Yeah it tends to piss off everyone from the left and right alike.

Just be aware that most Asian girls who chase after white guys are secretly crypto-SJWs, sluts, insecure about their race, or have other issues. You'll have to dig a little deeper to find a sweet, stable trad waifu.

Tits or gtfo.

all women do that

The controllers aren't even plugged in

oh I see, you can't tell the difference between a filthy whore and an average girl.


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I feel the same way too. I've even tried to masturbate to Asian porn and its harder to cum than watching porn of other races.

you just couldn't here it between the lines when they protested against the war. if you put on the sunglasses you would notice it.

>impling there's a difference

I guess it would be for the same reason you guys don't like seeing white women with black men.

I'll be honest I can't tell that from this picture.

Post tits now pls?

There's over 1 billion gook women on earth including traps and only about 4 of them look like that

The rest are pic related with a concave ass

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They are roasties, and not wife material. This is a psyop thread. You shouldn't be here. Or on Jow Forums


Honestly could believe the second one but how in the hell can you tell they are prostitutes??

Curious for further use


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It doesn't.

OP should fuck off and take the whores with you.

Here here, I second the motion

desu I respect prostitutes more than modern western wahmen. They're honest about their selfishness when dealing with men, don't carry an unearned sense of moral superiority, are roughly equally valuable as marriage partners, can't accuse you of rape after the fact because they're also guilty of a crime, and don't politically organize and advocate for the government to take away men's rights and destroy the nuclear family.


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The formula is really simple:


Then all the replies assume the thing in question, and validate it.

>fake goyard phone case
>being a slut
If an asian woman is born in the west, raised in the west, absorbs the culture of the west, and stays in the west, she is western.
This asian bitch is pretty much a white woman who all of you faggots apparently hate.
I understand none of you ever talk to girls in person, but once you do, and you talk to westernised foreigners and just plain westeners, you will understand.

Also, hottest/redpilled (in a sense, they were raised to know their place) are from Scandinavia/Eastern Europe. Prove me wrong virginfags.

Every slant eye is a prostitute to these roasties. They hate them more than white men.

Jungle asians are shit. East asians at least can be passable, like Nips with Jomon features.

The only women who get triggered are right-wing women. The people you are trying to piss off don't care about you and the ones who care about you hate your guts.


I want to piss off all roasties

do you expect to be taken out, dined and wooed off your feet?
well ama keep real with you chief. You are a whore.

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Basically bait and attack. Generally they are enraged because the consumer get the quality product for better price and without bullshit advertising promises. Just make sure you check all the spesifications are not faked one and product is in pristine conditions. In the end it is all up to your preferences on the product variations. Want shining white, black hole, creme yellow, your choice. Pick carefully.

that pic is from weibo, retard. thats a mainland girl.

good keep those fat lards on their toes

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You and coal burning roasties have something in common, both of you are degenerate race mixing trash.

Vietnamese women are amazing in bed

Because to a White woman, Asian girls aren't regular girls.


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Maybe if the right wing ones get pissed off enough, they'll stop with the crypto feminism and actually take some cues from Asian girls on how to behave.

It's actually pretty funny how beta the WNs are when it comes to women. They want to boost the fertility rate but they can't make the connection between traditional gender roles and fertility.


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getting schooled by anglo pedo diver

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This chick is like a living work of art.

Asian she-male on female pRon?

virginity ends when nationalism ends

t. chad white


I've seen millions of "sexy selfies" and this looks no different from your average selfie, except that the girls arent obese, and their bathroom isn't a warzone.

Is that all it takes to be a prostitute? Be fit and dont photograph your laundry all over the room?

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Ok, if she is a mainland chinese girl, then through music/movies/social media/internet she has become westernised.
Tats, taking photos of yourself naked, expensive brands popularised by rappers doesn't scream "Mainland China" does it, virgin?

Yeah this Is true. An Asian couple runs a small shop I have been going to for over a year. See the couple and their young son all the time when I stop in. Last month I fucked the wife in the stock room cause she started flirting a little when the family isn’t around. Think I’ll stop in tomorrow to pick up some milk. If she is alone, I’ll fuck her again.

Probably OP gonna take a shit, soon will be back


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not when its this common
>create thread on propaganda for dumb goys
>reaches 400 posts

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