Hannity: The similarities between Reagan and Trump

Sean Hannity, the smartest man in America thinks Trump is a modern day Reagan, is he right?

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Fuck off (((FOX))) marketing team

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I guess tick tock is over

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Toss up between reagan and ross perot

best of both great men

I miss Perot...he always sparked my interest.

No, Reagan was a cuck. Kennedy started the downfall of America in 1965 and Reagan made sure it stuck with is retarded amnesty.

Get Lincoln out of there.


kys jew

Just a bit before his time
Deep state had to become in public conscious first

Trump is more the new Ross Perot. Perot was ahead of his time. The people weren't ready for his message.

Reform party!

Member tic toc and nothing happened? Kek he’s such a faggot

I member. Member Uranium One?

Does he me Trump is going to give amnesty to millions of illegals like Reagan? I sure hope not

Clinton made sure he didnt win, perot knew what was good for him. See this mueller shit? Would have happened to perot

Considering Reagan destroyed the American family and helped usher in Estados Unidos? I certainly hope not.

Ronald Reagan was an awful President and our country is worse off for his entry into politics. Conservatives need to stop pretending he's the patron saint of the Republican Party.

The uniparty made sure perot didn't win

Naw...ya'll need to stop revisionist history

in some ways yes and in some ways no.
>enter anons posting about how awful Reagan was
Trump's style is different ofc. He's more of a street fighter mentality (which is kinda ironic considering his background) and Reagan was better at acting a role. Pretty sure Trump tries to style himself Reagan but ends up being more like Perot. Each man was/is great not only because of who they were/are but also because of the times they find themselves in. Trump is smart enough to have learned from the mistakes both Perot and Reagan made. My only hope is that Pence will also be a student of history and not pull an HW Bush when he become president.

>Sean Hannity, the smartest man in America
Sean needs to have Pat on more often to educate him oh the ways of the jew (ignore the faggot at the beginning of the clip)

So far trump is better than Reagan

Hannity is a fucking retard, anybody that think he has something interesting to say is also a retard

He was popular for the same reasons Trump is. Tells it like it is, business acumen instead of government stupidity

My parents (boomers) both voted for Perot and love Trump. Mom went with me to a Trump rally actually

jfk reagon patton

My dad supported Perot for a while, but ended up voting Bush. He thinks that Perot may have been a Clinton plant because of how hard he tanked in the weeks leading up to the election.

the current republican platform is more right-wing than reagan was

>Hannity is a fucking retard, anybody that think
>he has something interesting to say is also a retard

You just wait. He's going to say something really really interesting soon. Tick tock!

Shut the fuck up, nigger/southerner.
>Revisionist History
Reagan popularized "No Fault divorce" while Governor of California, once he passed it, it caught on. Divorce has been the biggest legislative blow to the stability of the American family in this country's history.

With regard to Mexicans, he granted amnesty to 3 Million of them. Full citizenship, because of Reagan, we now have to pretend these foreigners are as American as apple pie? Why? Because the moron wanted to compromise with bad faith opposition on border security, and thought ONE amnesty wouldn't be a big deal. What happened? California went from a swing state to eternally blue, and we didn't get that border security.

Reagan was an awful President and anyone that even has a remotely positive opinion of him deserves to be mocked.

better clip:

Hannity is a fucking idiot

What are the similarities between Hannity and your run-of-the-mill neocon , boomer, kike shill?

After i enlisted under the carter administration in jan 1979 and was sent to carrier forrestal...
we went on a cruose to the meditteranean sea

The only person who made Bush lose was Bush. He let Democrats cuck him into breaking his "no new taxes" pledge

Hannity is a prostitute. He has no core, he'll suck up to anyone on the right with power.

We actually got into a gang fight with the french foreign legion in athens ...because they call ed the united states a bunch of pussies
because of the iranian hostage crisis

would sean hanity lick trump’s butthole?

Even predating trump hes been a fucking retard

It's just some guy talking for hours with no nuance

What does your senile rant have to do with the other poster's points about amnesty and no-fault divorce?

When reagan took office
those hostages were released
and the "hangar queen " airplanes that we were being cannibalized were there again
we got a 12% raise almost immediately
and the brand new equipment rolled on board on conveyor belts
we went to top dhelf ports and got mucho respect everywhere we went

you should look into kissinger's negotiations with iran to not release the hostages until reagan replaced carter

I was there
i don't need to read shit from some person that wasn't

Wow, Reagan handled a Regional Power from the desk of a World Power! That truly takes courage and political cunning, and totally invalidates the consequences of his policies elsewhere.

You're literally excusing horrendous policy that might very well be the thing that tipped this country over the edge, just because you're asspained about being insulted by frogs. Jesus Christ Americans really can't handle banter.


This far into Reagans term how did it measure up?

Reagan was a pussy. he knew how to stand up against leftist in America but didn't have the balls to stand up to leftists in Congress which lead to him compromising with the Dems on shit policies and appointing shit people.

>we're already talking about being "this far" into Trump's presidency
I feel luck such a boomer anons.

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Numbers confirm, everyone ITT is a 30 year old boomer.

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I'll be 60 the day before midterms

i think you should if you want to know more about how raegan's presidency operated.

kissinger did the exact same thing negotiating with the viet kong 8 years earlier, made LBJ look incompetent than suddenly north vietnam agreed to peace once nixon got elected

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Hannity is not the smartest man in America

>Man responsible for the corporate oligarchies and the latest GFC with help from Thatcher
>Greatest cancer to the economy since the Federal reserve bank



Trumps gotta bump up those rookie numbers if he wants to be as cancerous as Reagan

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you're the one that risked your life for the country. its only fair you get a chance to learn how its leaders operate. but of course ignorance is bliss as they say

Well congresscucks called Reagan a Russian puppet at the time too, so I guess it fits

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no, hannity is retarded. trump is more like nixon if you had to make a comparison


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Uh.. that's definitely not a compliment.

>Sean Hannity, the smartest man in America

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Lincoln marked the death of this country. He may have saved the Union, but not in spirit.

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>Sean Hannity, the smartest man in America
Gud laugh m8
>Trump is a modern day Reagan
Time will tell eh?

It's borderline insulting that Trump should stand next to those heroes. You magapedes are the fucking worst.

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Are you fucking shill cunts claiming digits in advance to try to add validity to your eternally garbage comments?

No one fucking cares about you fucking shill cunts. No one cares about your minds being outright infested with black cock fantasies and cuck fantasies. Kill yourselves, unironically.

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>modern day reagan

abandon ship

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lmao dixiecvcks conserved nothing

I hope not
Reagan was garbage

Attempting to compare God Emperor Of The Free World to a mortal man
literally shacking right now
Reagan is no God

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>Sean Hannity
>the smartest man in America
Not only no, but fuck no!

>thinks Trump is a modern day Reagan, is he right?
Fuck no, again! Trump is a nationalist, Reagan was a globalist

>Fox news
Get the fuck outta here that gay shit, you cocksucking, cuckservative, neo-con, zionist faggot! The world will be a better place when you worthless cucks Follow the baby boomers into their grave and never come back

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I think Trump has done more to cut government regulations, spark the economy, and shake up the Washington power base that Reagan did.

Truth is you won't see a president like this for decades to come.

He may not drain the swamp as much as he hoped, but he has exposed the deep state for what it is, and that damage will last a long time. You can say Trump has sewn distrust of the government in the minds of citizens as a bad thing -and maybe it is in a way. But I for one think it was about time to see the seedy inner workings of the alphabet soup agencies.

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Sure, in the sense that he's only serving the Powers that Be and not the American people like he fucking promised.

This country needed to Balkanize then, and still needs to now.

I made these for you.

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

(((honest abe))) should not be there

i fixed it

They both have Alzheimers but there are no more similarities because Trump is too obese.

Trump hated Reagan, and Reagan would've hated Trump, just like his son and the Bushes do.

You'd be wrong. Donald and Fred hosted a Reagan campaign headquarters during one of his presidential runs.

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rupert murdoch needs to die a slow painful death he is the enemy of america and democracy

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more gays for trump, closeted tho

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I recall Trump buying entire pages of the NYT to blast Reagan on his trade/diplomacy policies and using every opportunity to shit on him in the Republican primary debates against Jeb.

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Trump is a super Reagan.

It's better than all the other faggot shit on TV.

Who cares?
He is going to be impeached, forced to leave office and face charges.


Reagan was modern too