What we are. Am I white? I have a small amount of Jew blood. Having a life crisis here, pol.
My twin brother just got his dna results back and this is
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its fine 23andme puts that small percent shit in to fuck with whites they even admitted it.
They actually just completely fabricate these reports, then give your DNA to insurance and the government
This was actually why he did it, he saw the news about it and thought it would be cool to find out someone in our family had some secret criminal life. He's a dumbfuck but now that I have the results I'm amazed. I had no idea I was Czech
What's your haplgroup OP?
They put the small percentages sometimes because of haplogroups they guess randomly depending on where it originated
This was all our mom texted me tonight. I'm sure there's more but this is all I've seen so far. She was actually adopted so she is excited to know more. My dad is German and French
>Ashkenazi Jew
Semite confirmed.
>there is literally nothing wrong with being 0.3% jewish.
your name probably sounds too white or your address is in a white area. they likely added it.
Am I white?