Man, you guys are so hungry to wreck comedians and celebs that are fairly shit-tier... you should aim a little higher...

Man, you guys are so hungry to wreck comedians and celebs that are fairly shit-tier... you should aim a little higher, just sayin

Attached: sacha-baron-cohen.jpg (605x452, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't worry memeflag. The rising tide of antisemitism will drown all Jews.

uneducated yokel retards hate seeing their republishit masters get exposed by an educated intellectual, so of course they're going to bitch and whine.

it's totally okay for their ball sac faced, orange retard to make shitty jokes, but when high functioning comedy comes there way, durrr nope, someone needs to stop all that there fancy joking stuff as it's mean uh hyuk hyuk.

Attached: [sees trump approval polls].jpg (474x266, 15K)

Fair enough - but this motherfucker needs to burn. I really wish we could pick him apart and find something worthwhile. The problem is he openly embraces degeneracy in the name of 'satire' which makes him a difficult case.

>high functioning comedy
>meatspinning on camera

Just because its your degenerate fetish doesn't make it clever.

>"high functioning comedy"

Attached: 251876_3.jpg (190x237, 10K)

i already struck a nerve with one hick retard. let's see how many more of you dumb fucks show up to bitch and make no arguments.

Shareblue pls go

Borat was pretty funny. That type of style of comedy got old to me. Bad Grampa and all that shit.

if it gets rid of cess like this then comedy on op

>Uses face makeup and pretends to be Israeli
>Proves that Cuckservatives will do literally anything to appease God's Chosen People

Sacha is unintentionally redpilling the masses on Jewish puppetry

he's uberjew


Cohen is one of the exhaulted hes untouchable

He looks like Adom Corolla and Jimmy Kimmel combined.

He already took a hit last week when a gun store owner reported he tried to come in his store and buy guns dressed like a "Hungarian"

he's their love child.. secret is out now.

Brothers Grimsby was trash, this shit show on Showtime is trash as well and will be cancelled


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i remember watching borat as a kid with my parents, we were scandalized at the scene he's fighting nude with the fat fuck, but still laughed. Then we thought about watching another movie of his, and we heard about this movie called Bruno that had just come out. My parents put the dvd on and the first scene is faggots fucking, we get really mad and turn it off, return the movie the next day. It was then I thought "why would he do that?" and I found out he was jewish when I googled him. That was 5 years ago, I was 10, and I haven't forgotten it since

He’ll never be touched for the same reason Dan Blizerian won’t be #metoo’d

i don't think there is anything on him
he is only a bad taste comedian. not even elite or anything as such not even close

go for seinfeld.. that motherfucker got some skeletons in the closet 100%

he's wirth 900 mil USD.. you don't get that kind of money without getting yourself into some dirty ass shit

as a matter of a fact i can bet that anyone who is worth over 100 mil USD is 100% has skeletons in the closet and i mean not just career ruining but like life sentence without parole types

Have to way up pretty early on the Sabbat for that one goy.

Attached: virginstaterep.png (1280x837, 805K)

ohh shit this faggot is wirth 130 mil USD.. how in the fuck is this possible... WTF

well then there should be something on him 100%

ffs i can't believe this shit this faggot got 130 mil USD... unbelievable shit..

Lol great job

as in, do the work the government should be?

>Being this brainwashed you can't tell zionist propaganda designed to fuck with your country's politics before mid-term elections

Attached: usefulidiots.jpg (694x535, 42K)

He's an elite Israeli.

>Man, you guys are so hungry to wreck comedians and celebs that are fairly shit-tier... you should aim a little higher, just sayin
>this post was written by Hogg
You guys can't even make good posts. Wise herb in options

Perpetual genetalia jokes aren't funny or clever.

>he's wirth 900 mil USD.. you don't get that kind of money without getting yourself into some dirty ass shit

fucking communist

more sheep fucking mongrel retards showing up to make 0 arguments i see.

is THIS the power of trumpanzee cuckolds?

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This guy wrecked his career with Bruno. He's already dead.

Oh look, it's a kike hiding behind a memeflag, again

just wait, we save the best for last.

oh look, it's another gas huffing retard who projects his cringe inducing obsession with jewish people onto others. 100% insecurity, 0% arguments. well done, cletus.

Oh look, more Jewish ad hominem insults because he got called out
>the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

>i have no argument and am in fact willing to further prove your point, sir

i accept your admission of defeat. go obsess over jewish people somewhere else, insecure, racist retard. no more (you)s from me, your superior. you've conceded defeat, now cope.

Attached: 1523346098098.jpg (660x440, 267K)

Stop promoting your movie or whatever, kike. Half of the board is your promo threads. Choke on it your movie will flop just like the three before.

>admit defeat
Holy shit your pilpul sucks
You've done nothing but after home attacks, present an argument to even argue

The thing is though, the Alt-Lite love Shlomo and they're growing massively and the Left isn't anti-Jew they're just anti-Israel so Shlomo isn't in trouble in that regard. His biggest threat right now is Mestizos voting his people out of power and replacing them with actual Socialists.


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We are destroying one Pedo at a time. We will move on to the bigger fish. Rest assured..


>pol larping as sjw's

what timeline is this? fuck cern.

t. Rural retard

Attached: 1FA21D38-5CC2-413F-B9C7-F63D86162C24.jpg (1280x960, 92K)

lol you're pathetic

Fuck you Pedo...

Let's be honest, this is god-tier trolling -

The way he made fun of Republicans at who's America. Holy fuck, it shows you that they've a three thousand years solid frozen dog shit for brains.


remember that time he dated a girl in high school when he was 39

Attached: c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636[1].jpg (636x869, 73K)

Don't act like you wouldn't fuck her if you could.

be /pol. Think racists aren't retarded. Watch this. Scream about a comedy writer humping a plastic doll 10 years ago.

>r anything as such not even close
>go for seinfeld.. that motherfucker got some skeletons in the closet 100%
>he's wirth 900 mil USD.. you don't get that kind of money without getting yourself into some dirty ass shit
>as a matter of a fact i can bet that anyone who is worth over 100 mil USD is 100% has skeletons in the closet and i mean not just

hey bro are you trying to say that he is a pedo for dating that chick? because lel

The Rich and Morty Guy is the living embodiment of Reddit. Taking that show off the air would be a massive victory.

Shut up dan the pedo man

SBC is an old, unfunny mene, nobody will give a shit if he gets crucified.
Not even liberasts watched his latest show.

This. Roiland is a cuck, but that's the worst that can be said about him. Harmon is not only a cuck, not only a fat sperg, not only reddit-tire, he is an unlikeable snarking cunt who has never made a funny joke in his entire life.
Like the Jew at Calvary, I scream - 'Crucify him! Crucify him! Give us Bar Abbas, but crucify him!'

Let's be honest here for a minute tho, that scene where he trolled the typical Le 56% low IQ prick into saying the N word and making him butt naked while yelling "America motherfucker" was a fucking comedy gold