No I do not mean dancing naked around a fire. I mean living in a community where you are an integral individual living with only people you want to live with.
It is doable. We actually can accomplish this: The Jews are living in racially, religiously segregated, family-values centered communities that contain about 200 individuals and can generate $850 million a year.
WHAT is stopping us? >inb4 das jooish so is banking, physics and bagels >inb4 das communism communism is the insane idea that HOW GOD INTENDED FOR US TO LIVE (for each other, our tribe) can be extrapolated to work at the size of a great nation.
This is rather, communalism, the idea of federated communities, all populated by people who have chosen to live together.
If this entered the consciousness of the masses, there is not a single group or community that could say it is bad. Natsoc would love it, commies would love it, Christians would love it, Jews are already doing it. City people can keep living their buglife
>((physics)) No shlomo, we're not becoming Israelis
Jason Moore
>Damn, sucks that Russia went to space first! Now we will never even launch our own satellite! shucks Rather, we are commandeering their tactics and using it for our benefit.
This is a better and more realistic step towards preserving white identity and culture than almost anything else I've seen on this board. >Wholesome all white community >Everybody knows the neighbors and looks out for each other >Naturally filters out bugmen and numales >Degenerates get exiled >Subversives get exiled I don't see many downsides to this honestly.
people get boring and annoying. deciding to spend your life with the same group of people forever is retarded
Gavin Diaz
checked >meme flag has entered the thread also checked. i imagine there would be rigorous applications to join a community, so people like you could be weeded out. obviously this is only for people who care about community, non-degeneracy, and the future of their people. of course there would be some inter-commune action.