Predictions for European revolution

Post your predictions for when and why

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Islamic revolution by way of democracy
Institutionalized sharia by 2022

Never, because cucks.

>soros invests billions to shill for his political causes in Europe
that's a good thing
>baon invests to shill for his political causes in Europe
that's a bad thing

why left be like this

imagine the smell

these all look like adult men, have we been lied to guys ???

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Not one woman among them.

That is an army being led into Europe if I've ever seen one.

Bait post by meme flag. SAGE

the big cities will be lost quite soon, the state wont be able to enter most of the areas, the mudslims will demand sharia law, town folk wont be able to do anything about it. White people will be still a minority on the countryside and try to fight back. But when i see countries like germany and how cucked they are i fear that wont really happen

Seemingly nothing at first.
Politically conservatism will see a resurgence, but not enough to sway multi-party politics (unlike it did the two party system in the US).
Right-leaning political parties, even with majority, will experience difficulty as centrist and leftist parties consolidate and veto efforts at migration management.
We will see token gestures from our governments to appease the displeased population, this could be public shows of deportation and reining in of multicultural elements.
But for the most part nothing will change.

There will be a significant terror attack, but this time a media blackout will be put in place in the name of 'keeping the peace' but in actuality to keep the public uninformed. The spread of its related content on social media will be criminalised as 'spreading materials that promote unrest'.
The media will be in accordance with this to preserve their communication channels with the ever-increasing authoritarian government.

Sections of the younger population form reactionary groups but are quashed by the government and by majority of the population unfamiliar with covert information channels.
These people will be labelled terrorists, in like with the islamic perpetrators of the ever-increasing terror attacks.

Would you like to know more?

majority not minority

>Would you like to know more?
Clearly not, but yes.

My prediction is that Europeans are retarded and their race will be obliterated.


Here is what will happen: bannon will make his own propaganda machine and soros will fight bannons propaganda machine and once again Europe will run red with blood of a hundred million souls because two kikes can't stay the fuck out of anybody's business.

It has to be stopped or we are all fucked. Again.

Bannon is not Jewish. Suprisingly

What is better? Conflict that may be violent, but could result in a win for actual Europeans OR a slow and pathetic decline into extinction as people applaud and celebrate the death of white people? You tell me

Bannon is an alcoholic boomer. Anyone who thinks he is going to start a revolution is retarded.

Reminder that anyone who says that western civilization is judeo-christian is our enemy and should be destroyed.

Pretty sure there will be gradual change but nothing like a revolution. And whatever happens, Bannon will be just a side note.

believe me, a massive conflict would be better than the bevölkerungsaustausch we are going through right now

By this point much of Europe has met or exceeded the levels of authoritarianism than we see in the current UK.
In light of this and the foreseeable winding down of NATO, the EU Project has given rise to a european-wide military, under a common jurisdiction. The military operates firstly under the law and control of the EU Governorate and secondarily the country the forces hail from.
Numerous instances of conflict between eastern european police forces and EU Military have occured, as they resist the overuling control of the military.

It was revealed in a leaked cable that the Brexit referendum was rigged in favour of Leave. The government, under direction of the monarchy and a quiet agreement with the opposition, entertained the public with a false referendum. It was discovered that the EU was planning to subjugate the UK through currency manipulation in an attempt to draw industry out and distribute through the union.

The EU needs to go. At least in its current form. Its gonna happen, people don't want more people coming to our tiny countries. We can't take it, financially and geographically. If current population growth continues to 2050 we will have 3 billion, possibly 4, in the African continent,
More people equals more warfare, pestilence and famine, therefore a massive exodus will happen from Africa to Europe. We are not prepared

I figured he was. Its a little better but its still someone who isn't elected by anybody trying to do "big things" I know there is plenty of that going on and always is but dude when is enough enough. What can bannon do that Trump and our foreign policy can't be doing better and in an official capacity.

If the Europeans stand to win then who are they going to fight? Other Europeans I assume since soros has his dick stuck so far in there already. There's something about it I dont like and it seems like trouble.

>Anyone who thinks he is going to start a revolution is retarded.
>but we gotta do whatever we can to stop him!

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absolutely cucked

In national politics, numerous islamo-political parties have emerged and gained impressive influence.
The now alienated Turkey, after a seconded attempted military coup and the killing of hundreds in a 'Tiananmen Square' like attack, is now isolated with trade tariffs.
Consequently, Turkey is funding both Sunni and Shia parties in Europe in attempt to put in place a government willing to negotiate a more favourable trading situation.

It will be a revolution over a decade.



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Italy to temporarily allow migrant arrivals pending EU talks
The EU's naval rescue operation Sophia had been paused over Italian threats not to allow migrant disembarkation at its ports. Rome is now giving the EU five weeks to find a solution to share the migration burden

you guys might have guns but i havent seen you doing anything against the current situation

because trump's actually doing good for out country, we are in a bull economy with restrictions being repealed constantly and tax cut's, he's getting the jews to kvetch over and over, so you must be retarded to deflect this hard when I never even mentioned gun's, I just mentioned how you pussies will never revolt no matter how shitty your government get's

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women can't be doctors or engineers

Trump lets Israel collapse and the United States storms Europe and eradicates all muslims.

but we want war


Based, or will he fuck it up?

>but this time a media blackout will be put in place in the name of 'keeping the peace' but in actuality to keep the public uninformed.

this already happens

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>Trump lets Israel collapse

Meanwhile in reality:

>REEEEE what did you say to Israel?? stop offending my master you evil Iran!

This is assuming the EU will survive for another 10 years, and i see many catastrophes happening in 2-5 years that will break it.

>another financial crisis this fall
>accelerationism caused by migrants in no go zones
>pension crisis
>grand solar minimum driving up the price of food and wrecking infrastructure, thus raising consumer prices

Can Visegrad emerge as an alternative to EU cuckery or are they too dependent on gibs from Brussels?

he fails in the usa so now he tries in europe, what makes him think he will be successful here? i dont think anyone wants him here.


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He's going to fail dramatically. If his own countrymen don't want him, a continent of 700 million people and around 40 different languages aren't going to take kindly to him, or even be able to understand him at that.


There will be no European Revolution.
The EU superstate will continue to grow and subsume the identities of all European peoples and nations. The UK will not be in a position to do anything for years, and in that time, the European Union will reduce it to a vassal state and make an example of it. The UK will not be allowed to exit at all, not even on paper.
Millions upon millions of migrants from North Africa and the Middle East will continue to pour in and breed rapidly with each other and with European women. European men will be displaced any bred out altogether in a generation or two. The EU will begin enacting harsher and harsher laws against native populaces as the migrants pour in and are themselves subject to no laws.
There will be "right-wing" and "liberal" groups, but they will be made into examples. False flags will be employed. The Kalergi plan will go forward as planned.
The United States will not intervene, since it will be occupied with its own problems.
In a hundred years' time, Europe will be a caliphate where the white man is extinct, and this will spell his extinction globally.

>fuck you russia dont mess with our politics that's illegal
>what do you mean soros and bannon, they good boys they dindu nuffin

Might aswell just kill myself, now, huh? Fuck off, Shlomo.

blackpill fags go first btw

Why in fucking god do headlines get dragged out till they’re on life support these days?


Say goodbye to Europe. I'll miss it.

we know you won't rabbi

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It happens really slowly then really fast.

this is true
Just lmao at all the faggots who thinks something will happen. We already are past the critical point, even if all the white men woke up now, it's already to late

the demographics are against us, we dont have the birthrates to bring about a revolution.

thank fuck for the electoral college. No matter how hard you spic and nog cali you can't make america vote democrat, even if you flip texas we'll be at such a stage all the white majority deep south and midwest will flip red.

When the Jew count is a lot fucking higher in all discussions

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This is why your women won't breed with you.

The common thread for almost all civil strife in history was starvation. It doesn't happen in societies where people have access to food, clean water, shelter and employment. You're asking people to theoretically give up their comfortable lives and to risk everything they've ever known, not least of all their own lives, when the alternative to not doing that is to live comfortably with everything you need.

Eastern Europe will be the only part of Europe left with white people.
They will bunker down in Eastern Europe having kids to prepare to take back the rest of Europe.
But the rest of Europe will become a race of stupid half negro / quarter shitskin / quarter white people living in failed socialist hellholes so the Visegrad Empire will just enslave all of them and they will gladly accept.

You do know the same could be used as an argument against the right as well, right?

The Solar Min will lead to a new ice age and all the muslims will be encased in a new ice shelf like that acorn in the Disney movie. We will go on because we were born of that harsh weather and eventually retake the area when shit thraws out in 5000 years.

As if we hadn't enough of the kike-loving, nigger-worshipping US influence in Europe already.
I want that liberal nigger-shithole to finally fuck off of Europe.

KEK LEVEL INFINITE................confirmed

The EU is just a massive suicide pact at this point

just how cucked are brits

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Well, black pills for dinner then

you mean (((war)))?

I see 2 women and they are cute women can't be doctors or engineers

september 23 because I said so.

Lets do it bois. Nationalist leaders for every single european country. We'll follow Israel and officially declare ourselves Ethnostates within 6 years. Follow the light brothers.

Screenshot this.